Activate the STPI Secure License

Activate the STPI Secure License

Purchasing a License

Before a license can be activated, it needs to be purchased and created for you. Please contact the PayFacto Boarding team or your local Sales Representative to purchase a STPISecure license.

STPISecure License File

After you have purchased a STPISecure license, the license file will be sent to you as a text file attachment via e-mail. The e-mail will come from the PayFacto Boarding Team or your local Sales Representative.

Install the License File

  1. Save the file from the e-mail to your Windows Desktop. Typically, the file is named something like "Licdefault_12345.txt".

  2. Rename the file to "Lic.txt". To achieve this, you can right-click the file and select the Rename option, or select the file and press the F2 key on your keyboard.

  1. Move the file to the following folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\PayFacto\STPISecure\STPIClient\

The license activation process is now complete.

Last updated


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