Increment a Bar Tab
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To increment a Bar Tab is the process of increasing the Pre-Authorization amount to cover more items purchased by the customer.
IMPORTANT! Incrementing a bar tab is only possible if the Single pre-auth option is DISABLED in EFT / View / Options / Identification. See Electronic Funds Transfer Setup
Order items as you normally would, until the pre-authorized amount is reached.
As the pre-authorized amount is reached, the POS will automatically request the amount to be increased. By default, the POS will suggest the next increment of the amount configured in the Default Amount field, under EFT / View / Options / Identification.
The Default Amount is $25.00, so the POS suggests $50.00 for the next increment.
If needed, the employee may enter a different amount using the provided keypad.
After pressing ENTER on the keypad, the POS will process the external payment using the connected payment terminal.
The payment terminal will activate and start making sounds. This process is entirely automated. The customer's credit card is not required.
If the increment is approved, you may resume ordering items as usual.
IMPORTANT! Items should always be ordered at the POS before being served or poured. That way, if the increment is declined, you will be able to quickly cancel the last ordered item(s), which will bring the total below the original pre-authorized amount. Then, you should close the bar tab and inform the customer that the increment was declined.
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