End of Day
End of Day
Automatic End Of Day
Enable this option for the Back-Office to attempt closing the day at the time programmed in the Time For End Of Day option below. If no time is set, nothing will be done.
Display End Of Day Result
Enable this option to show a confirmation window after the End Of Day to confirm if it has completed successfully or not.
Time for End Of Day
This is the time when End Of Day is processed. If the system was not able to run the End Of Day, a warning message displays. If you enter 00:00, the system will not check for end of daytime. Time enter must be between midnight and noon.
POS Reboot Time
This is the time that the workstation will reboot automatically. If you enter 00:00, the system will not check to reboot workstations.
Days Kept Summary
This is the number of days that you want the computer to keep for the daily report. Enter your input in this field. The maximum is 9999 days.
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