Duplicate Medias
Use the Duplicate Media report to trace efficiently duplicate of credit card used during a specific period of time. This report is a powerful tool to make sure that server did not use the same credit card for several check by mistake. Take note each media type must have the field "included in report" enabled to show up on the duplicate media report. From the report filter window, select the appropriate date and time range, Revenue Centers, media and employees to be included in the report. The following is a sample of the duplicate media report:
Media type name.
Credit card number.
NOTE: Card Numbers are masked.
Credit card expiration date.
Check number.
Total $ amount closed on the media.
Tip amount of the credit card transaction with payment surplus set as tip entry.
Tip fees:
Amount held back from the tip amount to help pay for the tip credit fees.
Employee name from P.O.S. Control.
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