

The Customers option allows to enter information on all of your customers.

Suppliers option allows to enter information on all of your suppliers.

Button - Modify

Select an existing customer and click the Modify button to edit its properties.

Button - Add

Click the Add button to create a new customer record from scratch.

Button - Remove

Select an existing customer and click the Remove button to delete it from the list.


Enter the customer code that will be used when using the Billing option.


Enter the customer's full name.

Address #1 Address #2 Address #3

Enter the customer's full address.

Postal Code

Enter the customer's zip or postal code.


If this account is a company, enter the name of the contact person.


Enter the customer's Phone.

Discount Rate

Enter the Discount Rate that should be applied each time this customer buys from you.

% Privilege

This field is not used with the Inventory system.

Credit Limit

Enter the customer credit limit. This credit limit will be verified each time you make a transaction for that customer.

Amount Due

The Amount Due field shows the current balance for this customer since their last transaction.

Total Amount

The Total Amount shows the sum of all charges that this customer has incurred since their account was created.

Available Credit

This field shows the customer's available credit according to their Credit Limit and recent transactions.

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