PAN Display locations

This section will list all locations where PANs can be displayed. Please note that file locations and logs are already listed in PA-DSS Requirement 2.1 above, so these will not be repeated here. Instead, this section will focus on printed receipts, POS screens and reports where PANs could be displayed.

Printed receipts and transaction records – Tableside service

Standard Guest Check
Transaction Record
Transaction Record

Customer Copy

Merchant Copy

Standard Guest Check

When the customer has finished ordering food items, a guest check is printed. The guest check does not bear any payment information. It lists all the items purchased, applicable taxes, discounts, gratuity and service charge.

Transaction Records

If the customer decided to pay using a payment card, the employee operating the POS will swipe the card at the POS, and a pre-authorization request will be sent to the card processor. If approved, the transaction record will be printed. There will be one copy for the customer and one copy for the merchant, which the customer has to sign. Both copies will bear the masked PAN and expiration date of the credit card being used.

In most tableside service establishments, the customer will enter a tip amount followed by a total amount before signing the merchant copy. In this scenario, the employee will need to finalize the transaction with the tip amount.

Optional documents

After finalization of the transaction and if requested by the customer, a transaction receipt can be printed. Transaction records can also be reprinted at will, in case the originals are lost or damaged, or simply requested by the customer. The receipt bears the masked PAN, while reprinted transaction records bear the masked PAN and expiration date.

Transaction Record
Transaction Record

(printed after finalization)

Customer Copy

Merchant Copy



Counter Service (Fast Food operations)

Standard Guest Check
Transaction Record
Transaction Record

(Fast Food)

Customer Copy

Merchant Copy

Standard Guest Check

Contrary to table side service, Guest Checks printed in Fast Food mode will be printed only after the payment has cleared. Therefore, the guest check will carry payment information, including the masked PAN in case of credit card payments.

Transaction Records

Like their table side service counterparts, transaction records produced in fast food mode will bear the masked PAN and expiration date. The main difference is that there is no tip and total lines, as the customer is not expected to leave tips.

Optional documents

After the transaction is completed and if requested by the customer, a transaction receipt can be printed. Transaction records can also be reprinted at will, in case the originals are lost or damaged, or simply requested by the customer. The receipt bears the masked PAN, while reprinted transaction records bear the masked PAN and expiration date. Note that reprinted transaction records are identical to the originals.

Customer Copy

Customer Copy



Declined transactions

In the event that a card gets declined, transaction records will be printed. Both the merchant and customer copies will bear the masked PAN and expiration date.

POS screens

Payment finalization

When finalizing a payment with tips, the masked PAN is displayed on screen. The full PAN can never be displayed

Reprint receipt

When recalling an earlier transaction in order to reprint receipts or transaction records, the masked PAN is displayed on screen. The full PAN can never be displayed.

Back-Office reports

The Maitre’D Back-Office suite comes with over 300 different reports that cover all aspects of restaurant operations. Out of these, only a handful will display masked PANs and expiration dates. As for full PANs and expiration dates, there is only one report that shows them, and this report is only available to System Owner or Distributor access levels

Here is the list of reports that displays masked PANs and expiration dates:

  • Medias

  • Medias by Employee

  • Medias by media

  • Medias by Revenue Center

  • Medias Summary (Folios)

  • Duplicate Credit Cards Report

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