

Cost for Setting

This field represents the overhead cost per inventory item that includes the cost of selling each item. You may calculate this cost by adding together the cost per inventory item for laundering napkins, cleaning silverware, and other related tasks. Enter the average setting amount for the majority of your inventory items. When you setup inventory items, the system prompts to choose whether you wish to use the cost entered in this field. There may be a cost of $1.00 associated with each entree served, so you would enter $1.00 in this field. As an example of how you can modify the setting cost, you can configure all entree inventory items to use the cost in this field, but set up drinks and dessert items to ignore it.

Vegetable Cost

This field is similar to the Cost for Setting field because it is an extra cost associated with an inventory item. It adds the cost of vegetable to an entree when the vegetable automatically comes with the meal. You might set the Vegetable cost at $0.30 because that is the lowest cost of a vegetable that you serve with an entree.

Number of Locations

The Number of locations is used only for the inventory worksheet and when the Multi-Location option is not installed. There will be as many lines per item that they are locations defined here. The default value for this field is 1.

Keep Production Schedule For

Enter in this field the number of weeks to keep tracking information for the production schedule


This field notes how often you would like for the Back-Office to update the inventory stock. Select from the list the appropriate setting.

Real Time

The inventory is updated every time an item is ordered at the workstation. (Default setting for most system).

Not Used

The inventory is never updated.


This field allows to control the availability of food items at the touchscreen according to inventory stock. For example, if the inventory shows that there are no more steaks, then the Back-Office makes steaks unavailable at the workstation. The Back-Office would make the steaks available again after you add steaks to the inventory through a purchase or inventory adjustment. Below are the choices for the Availability field.

Real Ingredient

If one of the ingredients of an inventory item becomes out of stock, then that item is unavailable. For example, suppose a hamburger recipe contains meat and a bun. If only the bun is out of stock, the item becomes unavailable even if the hamburger item shows that there is remaining stock.

Main item

The item becomes unavailable only when the main item is depleted from the inventory. For example, suppose that once again a hamburger recipe contains meat and a bun. If the bun is depleted from the inventory, but the hamburger item still shows some inventory, the item is still available.

Not used

The Back-Office will not automatically adjust the availability based on inventory stock.


Check when Removing

If this option is enabled during an inventory item deletion the system will check for available stock. If the item is in the requisition or purchase list, the deletion will fail. If this option is disabled, the system will only check whether the item belongs to a recipe or not. During the inventory item deletion, the Back-Office will remove this item from the history file, requisition and purchases files.

Use Product Code

If you enable this option, the items, in the drop down menus, will be presented by product code. If you leave it disabled, they will be presented by items description.

Use Supplier Product Code

If you enable this option, when generating a purchase order, the supplier product code will be used.

Remote Inventory Adjustment

Enable this option to allow inventory adjustment from a remote handheld device.

Disable Item Code Modification

Enable this option to disable the edition of the Inventory item code.

Disable Recipe Modification

Enable this option to restrict access to the recipe of sales items and inventory product items to only the Distributor and F9 access levels.

Remote PO Reception

Enable this option to allow Purchase Order Reception from a Remote workstation, handheld for example.

Extended Format Description

Enable this option to display the Purchase format of inventory items followed by the inventory quantity and format (in parenthesis) on the Purchase Order and Merchandise Reception screens.

Example: Vodka 10 bottles (40 ounces). This is helpful is the actual received product is in 26 ounces bottles.

Fiscal date only on Remote

Enable this option to limit merchandise receptions to the current fiscal day only when performed from a POS workstation.

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