Custom Reports

Maitre'D's custom reports option allows to setup an interface between the report center and a report you have created with Crystal Reports ©.

Add a new report to the report center.

Add a new section, or branch, to the report center.

Button - Modify

Modify a section description or a report of the report center.

Button - Remove

Remove an obsolete section or a report from the report center.

When adding or modifying a section, you need enter a description in all 3 possible languages.


English section, or branch, description.


French section, or branch, description.


Spanish section, or branch, description.

Report title

Description of the report.


Filters that can be applied to the report.

Configuration files

DBF configuration files needed to display the filters and generate the report.

Data files

DBF data files needed to generate the report.

Report name

Name of the Crystal Report template (RPT file)


Icon used within the branch to convey the style, or type, of the report.



If this is a built in report, this option is enabled. Original reports cannot be modified or removed.


If this original report has evolved over versions, this number indicates which instance of this particular report this actually is.


Enable this option if this report uses language specific prompts. Disable this option if the report only uses hard coded text.


Enable this option to generate this report from the data in SQL tables instead of the legacy DBF files.

NOTE: This option disables the Configuration Files and Data Files branches, as those refer to the DBF files.

When adding a report, you need enter a description in all 3 possible languages.


English report description.


French report description.


Spanish report description.

Enable from the list of available filters on the right, and click the Add button to move them to the list of applicable filters on the left.

Enable from the list of applicable filters on the left, and click the Remove button to move them back to the list of available filters on the right.

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