Inventory Groups and Categories allow to organize inventory items in the inventory system. For example, you might have an inventory group called, "Liquor". Within the "Liquor" group, you might have categories called, "Beer", "Wines", or "Mixers". Within the "Beer" category, you might have the product names, "Budweiser", "Miller".
The Category function allows to select which product divisions or categories make up the individual inventory groups. For example, if the inventory group is Meat, then the inventory categories under this group could be Beef, Poultry, and Fish.
Enter the Category description.
Select the larger inventory group to which the smaller inventory category belongs.
Tax #1Tax #2
Each time an inventory item is sold using the Billing option, a tax can be added. These taxes rate will be applied to items belonging to this inventory category.
Ratio Report
Each Inventory category can be link to a specific Ratio. This allows to get your food or beverage cost in %. It also gives you the difference between the theoretical cost and the real cost. The Ratio report links the Inventory category and the sales Divisions. For example, you could have sales Division name "Steaks" and an Inventory category name "Beef" they could both be linked to the "Food" ratio. The Ratios are setup in the POS Control under the Revenue Center/Ratio Report option.
Automatic Sales
This option allows to decide to use the Real cost as the Theoretical cost for a specific category. An example of use is the "Condiments" category. All your condiments can be setup under this category if you do not want to include all condiments in your recipe. In this example, you will enable this option and the Real cost for this category will be used in the Ratio Report as the Theoretical cost without giving you a variance. Usually, this option is disabled.
Export Category
If you enable this option, the converter program will use the sales and items related to this category.
NOTE: For the Databoard to display Food Cost amounts, enable this option for all categories.
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