Interface branch
This option allows to configure specific settings for your EFT installation.
Select the interface to be used from the drop-down list. The table below lists available options:
The E.F.T. module will not be used to process card payments
Emulation / Demonstration
The Back-Office will emulate card payment processing for demonstration purposes ONLY.
WARNING! : Never use Emulation / Demonstration in a live environment, for any reason. All transactions will be accepted, but the customer cards will never be charged. Also, card data from transactions done in Emulation / Demonstration mode cannot be retrieved in any report of any kind. This will result in a loss of revenue for the merchant.
Card payments are processed by an internet-based provider through Datacap's DSI Client X interface, with or without Datacap's NETePay software.
Card payments are processed by an internet-based provider through Datacap's DSI EMV Client X interface using an EMV-Compliant PIN Pad device. (Canada only, EMV compliant)
Card payments are processed by an internet-based provider through Datacap's DSIEMVUS Client interface using an EMV-Compliant PIN Pad device. (USA only, EMV compliant)
Card payments are processed by Shift4 "Dollars on the Net", an internet-based provider through their Universal Terminal Gateway (UTG2) software, using an EMV-Compliant PIN Pad device. (USA and Canada, EMV compliant)
Card payments are processed by 3rd party E.F.T. processing software.
Card payments are processed by the MoneyLine network. (France only)
Card payments are processed by the PC-EFTPOS network. (Australia only)
Tender Retail
Card payments are processed by an internet-based provider through Tender Retail's Merchant Connect Multi application. (Canada only, NON-EMV)
Tender Retail EMV
Card payments are processed by an internet-based provider through Tender Retail's Merchant Connect Multi application using an EMV-Compliant PIN Pad device. (Canada only, EMV compliant)
Card payments are processed by the Desjardins network through a special application installed in proprietary EMV-Compliant PIN Pad devices. (Canada only, EMV compliant)
Card payments are processed by the YesPay network. (UK and Europe only)
Card payments are processed by the TSYS-Genius EMV payment devices.
Enable this option to use the MONERIS payment channel in Canada with Datacap's DSIClientX interface and the NETePay software.
NOTE: Do NOT enable this option if you are using Moneris with the EMV Canada - DATACAP interface or Tender Retail EMV.
Select the protocol to be used with the selected interface. See the table below for detailed description of each protocol.
The E.F.T. module will not process any credit cards.
Credit cards processing Emulation (All transactions will be accepted)
The Back-Office will emulate card payment processing for demonstration purposes. All transactions will be accepted and no error message will be displayed.
Generic (USA and Canada)
Card payments are processed by an internet-based provider through Datacap's dsiClientX interface. This protocol can use either a direct Internet connection or use Datacap's NETePay software. (US and Canada)
Generic (US)
Card payments are processed by an internet-based provider through Datacap's DSIEMVUS interface. This protocol can use either a direct Internet connection or use Datacap's NETePay software. (US only)
Generic (France)
Your credit cards are processed by the MoneyLine network, with the MoneyLine software running on the Main Back-Office Server (France only).
Euro (connected)
Your credit cards are processed by the MoneyLine network, with the MoneyLine software running on each Workstation, and Maitre'D waits for Remote Validation from MoneyLine software before exiting payment screen (France only).
Euro (connected) - Automatic Validation
Your credit cards are processed by the MoneyLine network, with the MoneyLine software running on each Workstation, but Maitre'D exits payment screen as soon as MoneyLine software acknowledges EFT request (France only).
Your credit cards are processed by the PC-EFTPOS network (Australia only).
UK & Europe
This protocol is used with the YesPay interface only, for the UK and Europe.
TD / Chase / Global / Moneris
Your credit cards are processed by the Merchant Connect Multi software from Tender Retail, and the clearing house is either TD Bank, Chase-Paymentech, Global Payments or Moneris. (Canada only, EMV compliant)
Your credit cards are processed by the Merchant Connect Multi software from Tender Retail, and the clearing house is Desjardins. (Canada only, EMV compliant)
Tender Retail
Your credit cards are processed by the Merchant Connect Multi software from Tender Retail. (Canada only, NON-EMV).
NOTE: In order to demonstrate the E.F.T. module with a demo system, the interface should be set to Emulation / Demonstration. Maitre'D will authorize and print a credit card vouchers. It does not actually charge cards or make any kind of actual processing with financial institutions. It prints vouchers as if the credit cards were approved. This demo/training feature can also be used to train servers for dealing with authorized and declined cards. Do not use the Emulation / Demonstration interface in a live sales environment, as cards will not actually be charged. To use this option, your Media Types must be already set up for E.F.T.
WARNING! : Never use Emulation / Demonstration in a live environment, for any reason. All transactions will be accepted, but the customer cards will never be charged. Also, card data from transactions done in Emulation / Demonstration mode cannot be retrieved in any report of any kind. This will result in a loss of revenue for the merchant.
Lane Identification
Enter a unique Lane Identification value that will be used when processing card transactions from the Maitre'D Back-Office. This value is used by the Datacap - DSIClientX interface.
NOTE: The Lane Identification value can use up to 8 alphanumerical characters. Special characters and spaces are not allowed. Each POS workstation where card payments are accepted and the Maitre'D Back-Office must each have a unique Lane Identification value. The Lane Identification for workstations is configured in Point of Sale Control / Workstation / Options / [pos #] / Workstation.
Meta Token
This option is available only with the Shift4 Interface. This option needs to be enabled to allow the Shift4 interface to use meta tokens.
Enter the time out value, in seconds, after which the Maitre'D POS will time out during payment processing.
NOTE: For most processors, the recommended value is 120 seconds. In any case, the time out value configured in Maitre'D should be higher than combined time out values configured in payment devices or third-party software. This is meant to avoid situations where Maitre'D could potentially time out before a payment gets approved, creating discrepancies between Maitre'D and the payment processor.
For example, if Maitre'D times out and the payment is approved by the payment device a few seconds later, you would end up with an open check in Maitre'D while the customer's credit card has already been charged.
Primary UTG Program
NOTE: This section will appear only of the Shift4 interface is selected
Enter the TCP port number through which the Shift4 UTG2 server can be accessed.
UTG Server
Enable this option with Shift4.
Enter the Password provided by the processor, service provider, clearing house or bank.
Enter the TCP port number through which the card processing server can be accessed.
IP Address
Enter the IP Address or URL of the card payment processing server. This information is normally provided by the processor, service provider, clearing house or bank.
With Shift4, enter the IP Address of the computer where the UTG2 server is running.
With Datacap protocols, (dsiClientX, dsiEMVUS, dsiEMVClientX) enter the IP address of the computer running the NETePay server, or the URL of the hosted NETePay server.
Process Control
Enable this option to allow the system to show the status window of the underlying communication object. This option is used with the Datacap – DSICLIENTX interface only.
NOTE: With high-end PC's and high-speed internet processing, the status window may appear and disappear so quickly that it may not even be visible.
TSYS Identification URL
This section contains options that are used only with the TSYS Genius interface. If any other interface is selected, these options will appear grayed-out.
Staging URL
Type in or paste the Staging URL provided by TSYS for your account.
Credit URL
Type in or paste the Credit URL provided by TSYS for your account.
Gift URL
Type in or paste the Gift URL provided by TSYS for your account.
Reporting URL
Type in or paste the Reporting URL provided by TSYS for your account.
Identification branch
This section contains settings that are specific to each installation
Store Number
Enter the store number provided by the card processing service provider.
NOTE: Some card processing service providers don't use Store Numbers. If this is the case, leave this field blank.
Merchant Name
Some providers use a Merchant Name that may be different than the actual business name. If your processor provides such a Merchant Name, enter it here.
Merchant Number
Enter the Merchant Number provided by the card processing service provider.
NOTE: The Merchant Number is sometimes referred to as "Merchant ID" or "Account Number" by different card processing service providers.
Auth Token
NOTE: This field is only visible with the Shift4 interface.
Type in or paste the Auth Token provided by Shift4. This will be used to generate the Access Token below.
Generate Access Token
NOTE: This button is used only with the Shift4 interface.
After configuring the UTG2 software, setting up the Interface tab and filling in your Auth Token, click this button to obtain the Shift4 access token.
This option only becomes available for external protocols. Enable this option with EMV-compliant external protocols.
Use Pre-Authorization
Enable this option to use the pre-authorization functionality. Pre-authorization is typically used in table service environments where the credit card is first pre-authorized for the amount of the check, and later finalized with a higher amount that includes tip for the server. This is also used in bar environments to manage running tabs. In fast food, drive-through or counter service environments, this option is typically disabled.
NOTE: Some merchants may have a requirement to use both the pre-authorization and non-pre-authorization functionalities. This would be the case, for instance, in a restaurant that has a full service dining room and a takeout counter. It is possible to take advantage of the pre-authorization functionality for some employees while favoring speed of service and disabling pre-authorization for others. To do so:
Enable the Use Pre-Authorization option above.
For dining room employees, enable the Print tip on EFT Receipt option, located in Point of Sale Control / Employees / Configuration / [Choose Config] / Invoice / Tax/Service. This will allow them to use the pre-authorization feature and finalize their credit card transactions to add tip.
For fast food and pickup counter employees, disable the Print tip on EFT Receipt option, located in Point of Sale Control / Employees / Configuration / [Choose Config] / Invoice / Tax/Service. This means that these employees will not be able to use pre-authorization and will no longer need to finalize their credit card transactions.
Error Message Language
Enable the French option to display error messages in French where available.
NOTE: The availability of error messages in French or other languages is entirely dependant on the card processing service provider as well as the location of the merchant.
Pre-Authorization %
This field can be used to pre-authorize an amount greater than the check total. This is useful to make sure that a credit card has enough credit to cover for the value of a check + tips. For example, if the percentage is set to 15% and the check total is $100.00, Maitre’D would request a pre-authorization for $115.00.
NOTE: This can cause gift cards issued by credit card companies (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, etc.) to be declined. Keeping with the example above, if the value of the gift card is $100.00, the transaction would be declined because Maitre’D tried to pre-authorize it for $115.00.
NOTE2: Pre-authorizing an amount higher than the check total may incur higher interchange costs and processing fees. It may also not be allowed in some jurisdictions. Please check with your local authorities and card processing service provider before using this feature.
Maximum Overflow %
Use the Maximum Overflow percentage to verify that the finalization amount entered by employees cannot surpass a certain percentage of the total check value. For example, if this percentage is set to 20% and the check total is $100.00, Maitre’D will not let the employees finalize this transaction with an amount greater than $120.00.
NOTE: Setting this percentage to 0.00% disables the verification and any amount will be accepted by Maitre’D.
Bar tab pre-auth
Enable this option to allow bartenders to pre-authorize an amount on a credit card in order to cover running bill bar tabs.
NOTE: The Bar tab pre-auth option also needs to be enabled for bartenders using this feature in Point of Sale Control / Employees / Configuration / [Choose Config] / Invoice / Payment.
Default amount
Enter the default amount to be used for authorization when opening a bar tab with a credit card. This amount is also used as a default increment value if the total of items already ordered surpasses the starting amount. For example, if the default amount is $25.00, Maitre'D will increment the suggested amount in $25.00 slices, going from $25.00 to $50.00 and then to $75.00 and so on, as needed to cover the current amount of the running tab.
NOTE: Employees can always enter a different amount than the default when opening a new bar tab or when prompted to increment a bar tab that has reached its initial authorized amount.
Single pre-auth
Enable this option to force the bar tab to be closed when the authorized amount of the bar tab is reached. If the customer wishes to purchase more items, a new bar tab will need to be started and the customer's credit card will need to be physically inserted at the payment terminal again. While this involves more work on the POS and additional handling of the customer's credit card, this method ensures that there is always credit available to cover the customer's purchases.
If this option is left disabled, an incremented pre-authorization will be made once the set amount is reached, without requiring the customer's credit card to be physically inserted at the payment terminal. While this avoids having to close the bar tab and opening a new one, this method introduces the possibility of getting a decline if there is not enough credit available to cover the additional amount.
Operation branch
This section contains options that will affect the general behaviour of E.F.T. processing.
POS Refresh
Enter the number of seconds the workstation will wait before making the first inquiry to the Back-Office to find out if a request has been answered. The default value is 5. With high-speed Internet connections, this value can be set as low as 3, but this will generate more network traffic as more requests will be sent from the POS workstations towards the Back-Office Server.
NOTE: If the first request is negative, the POS will wait half the time set in POS Refresh before making a second request. For example, if the POS Refresh is set at 5 seconds, the POS will wait 5 seconds before making a first check with the back-office server. If there is no answer at that point, the POS will wait 2.5 seconds before making a second request. If there is still no answer, the POS will wait 1.25 seconds before making a third request and so on until an answer is received.
Number of Terminals
Enter the number of simultaneous transactions that can be handled by the Maitre’D Back-Office server.
NOTE: This value is not related to the actual number of POS workstations in the restaurant. Please contact your card processing service provider and enquire about how many concurrent transactions can be handled by your account. This is sometimes referred to as "Lanes" by some processors.
End of Day
Enable this option to allow the End of Day even if the credit cards batch is still open. Otherwise, you will need to close the open batch before you can run the End of Day process
Operation Trace
This field is usually disabled. It is used for system debugging. If you enable this option, the Back-Office will create an EFT.LOG file in the DATA directory that will contain a trace of the transactions, sent to the modem. In addition, the modem will no longer be silent and you can hear it dial up and connect.
Name on EFT Receipt
Enable this option to print the cardholder name on the EFT transaction records.
NOTE: This option has no effect with EMV protocols such as DSIEMVClientX, Tender-Retail EMV or DSIEMVUS.
Fast Food Wait for Confirmation
Enable this option to have employees with the Fast-Food function wait on the media type screen for the EFT response using the Datacap – DSIClientX protocol. If the transaction is declined, they can choose another form of payment without having to recall the transaction.
NOTE: This option limits the possibilities of having a declined transaction after the customer has already left the store.
Order Wait for Confirmation
Enable this option to have employees with the Order function wait on the media type screen for the EFT response using Datacap – DSIClientX protocol. If the transaction is declined, they can choose another form of payment without having to recall the transaction.
NOTE: This option limits the possibilities of having a declined transaction after the customer has already left the store.
Alternate Card Masking
Enable this option to partially hide the debit card number to show only the first 10 digits and mask the last 4 digits on the EFT voucher in Canada. The rest of the card account number will be replaced by 'xxxx'. This option does not affect credit cards processed with the Datacap – DSIClientX protocol.
NOTE: This option has no effect with EMV protocols such as DSIEMVClientX, Tender-Retail EMV or DSIEMVUS.
Partial Authorization
Enable this option to facilitate the acceptance of gift cards sold by credit card issuers like Visa and MasterCard. With this option enabled, Maitre’D will first query the processor/acquirer with the card number. If the card is found to be a Visa or MasterCard gift card, the processor will return the balance left on the card. If the balance amount can’t cover the full value of the check, Maitre’D will apply that amount towards the check and request another form of payment to cover the remaining amount.
Wait for EFT Finalization
Enable this option to force workstations to wait until the response from the processor is received before processing another card on the same check.
Gratuity on EFT Receipt
Enable this option to print the total gratuity amount that was added to the check through over-tendering or gratuity options on the EFT transaction records.
NOTE: This option does not prevent the customers from leaving additional tips should they wish.
Extended Void Return
Enable this option to support void return operations where the refunded card is no longer available, with select EMV processors. A "Void Return" operation consists of cancelling out a refund that was done by mistake.
NOTE: Currently, this is only supported by FirstData/RapidConnect using the Datacap dsiEMVUS protocol.
Close batch with pending transactions
Enable this option to allow batch closing even if there are pending transactions in the current batch.
Close Debit Batch
Enable this option to allow to close the debit batch by sending the ID of each PIN Pad when closing the credit card batch.
NOTE: This option is used with the Datacap DSIClientX interface for Global Payment System in Canada only, and the Merchant must contact Global to request that the automatic Debit Batch closing be disabled.
Close EMV PIN Pad batch at EOD
Enable this option to automatically close the batch for all EMV PIN Pads during the End of Day process.
Batch Report
Select between detailed or summary batch reports.
NOTE: This option is only available with the Desjardins FLEX interface.
External Close Batch
Enable this option to use an external application to close the EFT batch. For some host based protocol, the integrated close batch feature cannot be used. These batches must be closed by using an external application provided by the service provider.
Close Internal Batch Only
Enable this option to stop the Close Batch function from generating an error message when running the external program of some clearing houses, such as CONCORD, that do not need Maitre'D to close the batch.
NOTE: Also enable this option if the provider closes the batch automatically at a predetermined time without intervention from Maitre'D, such as Mercury/VANTIV/Worldpay.
IMPORTANT: With many EMV protocols, Maitre'D is required to save special token data to be used for voids or tip adjustments. after the End-of-Day process has completed, EFT transactions from the closed day can no longer be modified or voided. For this reason, both External Close Batch and Close Internal Batch Only options need to be enabled. This will clear the daily token data during the End-of-Day process, preventing unnecessary data clutter and associated loss of performance. Affected protocols are:
Datacap dsiEMVUS (EMV - US)
Datacap dsiEMVClientX (EMV - Canada)
TSYS - Genius (EMV - US)
YesPay (EMV - UK)
Type in or browse for the path and the application to be used to close the EFT batch. Use the folder icon to browse to the application folder and select the application executable.
Receipt branch
Print Merchant Copy Receipt
: This option is available with the TSYS-Genius and External interfaces.
Enable this option to print the merchant copy of the EFT receipt. If this option is left disabled, the merchant copy will never be printed.
Message #1 to #5
Enter up to 5 lines of message to be printed on the EFT voucher. These message lines will print just above the signature line. They can be used to print custom messages or to print the cardholder agreement that is required by some EFT processors in the U.S.
NOTE: Some protocols take full control over receipt printing, which will cause message lines not to print. Such protocols are:
Shift 4
Datacap - dsiEMVUS
Datacap - dsiEMVClient
Pay at the Table
Pay at the Table
Enable this option to activate Pay at the Table (PATT) functionality.
PATT Protocol
Select the Pay at the Table protocol to be used. Available choices are:
Select this option to use the Desjardins FLEX solution. Available in Canada only.
Select this option to use the generic XML PATT protocol, to be used with most third-party providers.
Select this option to use the YesPay Network solution. Available in UK and Europe only.
Select this option to use Posera's Secure Table Pay Network solution. Available in U.S. and Canada.
NOTE: FLEX and Secure Table Pay are only available with the purchase of the Enhanced EFT interface.
Log Level
Select the desired log level for the Pay at the Table interface. Available choices are:
No log file is created.
Standard log level. All operations are logged but in a summary format.
Detailed log level. All operations are logged with detailed information.
Detailed log level with extra information for troubleshooting and investigation purposes.
TCP Port
Enter the TCP Port number to be used by the selected PATT protocol. Acceptable values are from 1 to 65535.
Send Invoices
This option is required for the YesPay PATT protocol for UK and Europe. This options causes Maitre'D to send invoice status information to the YesPay third-party software to inform it that an invoice is printed and available to be paid via YesPay PATT.
Get Invoice Status
This option is required for the YesPay PATT protocol for UK and Europe. This option causes Maitre'D to retrieve the invoice status from the YesPay third-party software in order to avoid modifying an invoice that is in the process of being paid with YesPay PATT.
Partial Invoice Number
Enable this option to allow employees access to checks using the last 4 digits of the check on the PATT payment terminal. If this option is disabled, employees will have to enter the full check number instead of only the last 4 digits.
NOTE: With this option enabled, entering all 6 digits of the invoice number will cause an "Invoice not found" error message on PATT payment terminals.
Validate Employee
Enable this option to activate employee validation on the PIN Pad. With this option enabled, only the employee who opened the table or a manager will be able to close invoices associated with this table.
Locking Mode
To avoid accidentally having more than one PATT payment termional accessing the same check data, Maitre'D needs to "lock" either checks or tables. Select the locking mode that best suits your operations.
Table Locking
Select Table Locking mode to lock the entire table and all the checks associated with it. With this mode, as soon as a PATT device accesses a check, all other checks associated with the same table will be locked, preventing access from other POS workstations or PATT devices. This mode should be used in fine dining establishments where only one or two checks are printed per table.
Invoice Locking
Select this mode to prevent the table locking during the payment of an invoice with PATT. This allows multiple invoices on the same table to be paid simultaneously with multiple PATT devices. This is very useful to speed up the payment process using multiple PATT devices on tables with a large number of printed checks.
Shared Folder
This is the default folder used to manage drop-files. Click the Browse button to select a different folder. This option is only used with the YesPay PATT interface for UK and Europe.
Remote Payment Device
Remote payment devices are wireless EMV payment terminals that are equipped with a SIM card and which are able to communicate with the credit/debit acquirer via 3G/4G/LTE mobile communications networks. These devices are mostly used by delivery drivers to process card payments at the customer's doorstep. The payment is authorized "on the spot" via 3G/4G/LTE, and the information about the transaction is recorded by the payment terminal itself (Check number, purchase amount, tip amount, card brand used, etc.). Later, back at the restaurant, the information stored in the oayment terminal can be synchronized with Maitre'D so that appropriate payment information will be applied on appropriate orders.
NOTE: There is no connection to the Maitre'D Back-Office or POS workstations via 3G/4G/LTE mobile communications networks. The payment terminal only communicates with the acquirer that way. In order to synchronize its data with Maitre'D, the payment terminal needs to be physically connected to the POS by a special docking station that is used to do data transfer and also acts as a charging station. This is done when the delivery driver comes back from a delivery run.
Partial Invoice Number
Enable this option to allow employees access to checks using the last 4 digits of the check on the remote payment device. If this option is disabled, employees will have to enter the full check number instead of only the last 4 digits.
NOTE: With this option enabled, entering all 6 digits of the invoice number will cause an "Invoice not found" error message during the synchronization of the payment terminal. Because there is no connection to the Maitre'D system while the delivery driver is on a delivery run, there is no "live" validation of the invoice numbers. The payment terminal will accept anything and everything while the driver is away. Back at the restaurant, synchronization will fail if incorrect invoice numbers were entered by the driver.
Validate Employee
Enable this option to activate employee validation on the payment terminal. With this option enabled, only the employee who was assigned the delivery order or a manager will be able to close invoices associated with this order.
Home Page branch
Use Default
If this option is enabled, the Maitre'D default home page for the Electronic Funds Transfer module will be used.
Enter the URL of your head-office's intranet or your complete URL on the Maitre'D Databoard server that will be used instead of the default local home page for the Electronic Funds Transfer module.
Maitre'D Databoard Identification
User name
Enter the user name to access the Maitre'D Databoard server.
Enter the password to access the Maitre'D Databoard server.
Confirm Password
Confirm the password to access the Maitre'D Databoard server
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