Mobile POS Application - Initial Configuration

Before starting the Maitre'D MPOS application, make sure that:

  1. Start the application using the MPOS icon on your Android or iOS device.

  1. The first time the application is started, it will ask for the Maitre'D Back-Office DNS Name or IP address and the POS Number.

MPOS Configuration - BLANK

Maitre'D Back-Office DNS or IP

Type the DNS name of the PC where the Maitre'D Back-Office is installed, or its IP address.

POS Number

Type the POS number you wish to use for this device. The corresponding POS must be configured as a mobile device in the Maitre'D Back-Office, under Point of Sale Control > Workstation > Options... > [POS #] > Advanced > Operating System.

  1. Once the information is filled in, press the Enter button.

MPOS Configuration - FILLED
  1. The application will connect to the Maitre'D Back-Office.

MPOS Connection Progress
  1. Once connected to the Maitre'D Back-Office, the POS Login screen will appear.

MPOS Running

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