Item Class

An Item Class allows to group sales items together on a same button of a preferential screen without necessarily having to use a variable list. Item Classes could correspond to subsections of your printed menu.


Enter the item class name. These descriptions should reflect your printed menu. For example: Pizza, Pasta, Grill and Seafood.

NOTE: Variable Lists can also include Item Classes.

Sort Type You can apply different Sort Types to group similar items within a broader list:

Alphabetical Order: uses the Regular Description field of Point of Sale Control / Revenue Center / Items Setup / Item.

By External Code: uses the External Code field of Point of Sale Control / Revenue Center / Items Setup / Links.

By Priority: uses the Display Priority field of Point of Sale Control / Revenue Center / Items Setup / Options.

For example, in a dessert list, you can group pies, cakes, donuts, ice cream and others by assigning different priorities to these items according to the different dessert types.

NOTE: If you sort by External Code or Priority, items with the same value in those fields will be sequenced alphabetically within their section of the list. Also, if you include an Item Class within a Variable List, the Variable List Sort Type has precedence. Enable the Sorted option in the Item Class button in Point of Sale Control / Screens / Command Setup.

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