
This module allows to set up different employee functions in the restaurant. You can create up to 30 different tasks. Some examples of tasks are SERVER, COOK, MANAGER and DISHWASHER



Enter the name of the job function in this field (15 characters maximum). This name may be the same as a P.O.S. Control function name. You may use this module to add job functions that are not involved in P.O.S. activities and do not need a P.O.S. number. Some examples of this are COOK and DISHWASHER. These employees only use the touch screen for punching in and punching out.


When creating a new record, the next available number will be assigned by default as the ID, but the system will let you change it if the new number is not already assigned to another record in the same database table.


Select the department, which this task belongs to. This assignment is helpful when sorting Time and Attendance reports.

Not Cumulated

If you enable this option, hours worked under this task will not be included in Overtime Calculation. Furthermore, these hours will not be calculated in the Labor Report. They will only appear on it for information purposes. This option is useful to count hours that are not to be paid to the employee (Example: non-attendance). Otherwise, hours will be calculated normally.

NOTE: This field is usually not used.



Enter the minimum rate per hour that you want to pay to any employee using this function. If you enter an amount lower than this amount when entering new employee information, Maitre'D rejects the number and displays the minimum income.


Enter the maximum rate per hour that you want to pay to any employee using this function. If you enter an amount higher than this amount when entering new employee information, Maitre'D rejects the number and displays the maximum income.

Paid Coffee Breaks

Enable this option to show any coffee break on the workstation.

NOTE: If this option is disabled, only coffee breaks with the Paid option disabled in Time & Attendance / View / Options / Coffee Break are available, unless there is no unpaid break defined. In such a case, paid breaks will be displayed.


To use this group of options, you must check the "CHECK SERVER'S FUNCTIONS" field in Time & Attendance/ View/ Options. Furthermore, for this to take effect, the "PUNCH" option must be enabled in the employee's setup, in P.O.S. Control.

This function is useful if you have employees who have more then one function in P.O.S. Control and you do not want certain functions to be available when the employee punches in under one task. Enabling options of this group allows to select which functions will be active for that particular task. For example, the employee is sometimes a server and sometimes a cashier, but never at the same time. You have the policy that servers cannot close their own checks. If Maitre'D did not verify the employee's functions, this server would be able to close checks while punched in as a server. If Maitre'D does verify the employee functions, then the server would have to switch skills to cashier in order to use the cashier functions. Since switching skills appears on the Back-Office reporting, you will be able to control your policy more efficiently.

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