In Report
If you enable this option, the Back-Office compiles sales statistics for this item and it will be included in the " Sales Item Report ". Otherwise, the Back-Office does not compile sales statistics for this item.
If you enable this option, the item is available for ordering. Otherwise, the item is not available for ordering. If disabled, an item is temporarily out of stock.
NOTE: Disabling this option overrides the availability option of each Revenue Center and Mode in P.O.S. Control / Revenue Center / Item Setup / Configuration / Option
Evaluation Sheet
This field is used to overwrite the Evaluation Sheet. If this option is enabled, an evaluation sheet will be print each time this item is ordered no matter which percentage is set up in the Configuration Evaluation Sheet. This can be useful when you want to get some feedback on a new product. Otherwise, the percentage programmed will prevail.
Tare / Volume Modifier
Tare: Enter the weight of the container that will be deducted from the scale item.
Volume Modifier: Enter the ratio used to modify the main item's price when setting the item's Function as Price Rolled Up, for liquor control. That value can be smaller or greater than 100%.
NOTE: to enable the replacement of the Tare option by the Volume Modifier option, select the Use Volume Modifier option in Point of Sale Control / View / Options / Configuration / POS.
CVM Item Count
Enter the Item Count to be sent to a Posera CVM TCP/IP or TCP/IP CE kitchen monitor.
NOTE: you must also enable the Send Item Count option in System Configuration / View / Options / Devices / Options.
No. Meals
Type in how many meals this item represents to count the number of meals sold. Each time a customer orders the item, the Back-Office increases the number of meals. For example, 0 for a coffee, 1 for a steak, or 2 for a large pizza.
Display Priority
This field is used if you choose By Priority in the Sort Type field of P.O.S. Control / Screens / Variable List Setup and/or P.O.S. Control / Revenue Center / Item Class. This is useful to group similar items within a broader list. For example, in a dessert list, you can group pies, cakes, donuts, ice cream and others by assigning different priorities to these items according to the different dessert types.
NOTE: Items with the same value in this field will be sequenced alphabetically within their section of the list. Also, if you include an Item Class within a Variable List, the Variable List Sort Type has precedence. Enable the Sorted option in the Variable List or Item Class button in Point of Sale Control / Screens / Command Setup.
Portion Count
Enter the number of portions yielded by an item that can be ordered either as a whole or by portions, such as a bottle of wine which can be ordered whole or by the glass.
NOTE: The portion count needs to be configured on the modifier that will be attached to the partitioned item. For example, to sell a wine bottle by the glass, a modifier called "By the Glass" needs to be created, and the portion count needs to be configured in that modifier
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