ADP Interface
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The ADP interface tab allows to setup the file structure that will be generated for ADP payroll Application. For each code column, you must define a description and a code. To remove an accumulator column, enter the minus sign "-" as the Accumulator Code.
Specify the restaurant code that will be recognize as the first field of the exported file. Also this code will be part of the file name.
Double Pay Code
Specify the Double Pay code that will be used in ADP program. Field size = 2 character
File ID Code
For ADP version 2.5, enter your 2 character ID code. Use numbers and letters only.
Check on to create a log of ADP file exportation.
Check on to create a log of ADP file exportation. Use the View key to access to log file. The file name is ADPexport.txt and is located under C:\POSERA\MaitreD\DATA\LOG directory.
ADP Version
Select the version of ADP you wish to interface with.
Cumulate Punch by Task
Enable this option to cumulate all the punches of an employee for a given period by task in the PRxxxEPI.CSV file.
NOTE: The employee task will be stored in the shift field instead of the department field.
Sales, Tips
Code description (column)
Define under the Code description column each code used for sales and tips entries.
Code (column)
Define under the Code column each code used for sales and tips accumulator.
Amount description (column)
Define under the Amount description column each accumulator description for sales and tips.
Total (line)
Define under this line information on totals for sales and tips.
Charge (line)
Define under this line information on Charges for sales and tips.
Cash (line)
Define under this line information on Cash for sales and tips.