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Recipe on Terminal
Should this option be enabled, Maitre'D will be able to display the sales item recipe on the touch screen whenever a server requires it. If a bar recipe (text recipe) is linked to the item, then that recipe will be used, otherwise, it is the inventory system recipe will be used instead (however, the Inventory Management module must be installed). This option is useful when teaching employees to prepare certain sales items, like cocktails. By enabling this option, you can access the Recipe editor.
Text Recipe
This option allows to link a text recipe to a sales item. From the drop down menu, select the text recipe that you want to link to the sale item.
Use this icon to create or modify text recipes displayed on the workstation.
Recipe To Use
Enable to use an Item Recipe or an Inventory Recipe.
This field displays the total cost of the ingredients included in the item recipe branch.
With Settings
Enable this to include the cost of a setting associated with an item (butter, bread, napkins, etc.). To program the price using this option, go to the Maitre'D Inventory module in the View/Option section.
With Vegetable
Enable this option if the meal comes with vegetables that are not included in the recipe. To program the price using this option, go to the Maitre'D Inventory module in the View/Option section.
If you do not want to enter every item in a recipe, use this option to enter an approximate cost for minor items. They can be left out of the recipe programming.
This field displays the total calories of a given item based on the ingredients included in the item recipe branch.
The Recipe sub-branch only becomes available only if the Inventory Management Module is available and that the Recipe to Use field is set to either Item Recipe or Inventory Recipe.
Inventory Recipe
Enable the inventory recipe that belongs to this sales item.
The quantity of inventory items used in a recipe.
The inventory items used in a recipe in an inventory usage format.
The inventory item description of the ingredients used in a recipe.
Unit Cost
The inventory item cost per usage format.
The ingredient cost (quantity multiplied by unit cost).
The total calories of an inventory item used in a recipe.
This field is only used by the Automatic Conversion option, and show the percentage of the buying cost applied to this item.
Enable the inventory item that belongs to this sales item.
Type in the quantity of the inventory item that is used in your recipe.
Quantity Modifier
At each level, type in the quantity of the inventory item that is used in your recipe. The item has to be a MODIFIER. The higher the level (the more modifiers chosen) the smaller the quantity. If the quantity is more than zero, then the quantity above will be ignored.
Level 1/Quantity = 10 g
If 1 modifier is chosen then the quantity of this modifier will be 10 g.
Level 2/Quantity = 9 g
If 2 modifiers are chosen then the quantity of this modifier will be 9 g.
Level 10/Quantity = 1g
If 10 modifiers are chosen then the quantity of this modifier will be 1g.