Frequent Diner Tracking

Frequent Diner


The Frequent Diner Tracking function allows to reward your frequent customers with "Buy 10 get 1 Free" type promotions.

Tracking Type

Select the type of tracking from the drop-down list.


Enable this option to apply this promotion on an individual sales item.


Enable the sales item on which to apply the promotion.


Enter the quantity of that sales item to buy before getting a free sales item.


Enable this option to apply this promotion on all sales items of a division.


Enable a division on which to apply the promotion.


Enter the quantity of sales item from that division to buy before getting a free sales item.

NOTE: You have to create the actual equivalent promotions in Point of Sale Control / Payments / Promotions, or Free items in Point of Sale Control / Revenue Center / Items Setup.

Swipe And Win

Enable this option to track the number of times a frequent diner card is swiped in the restaurant, and give away a free item after a fixed number of swipes.

NOTE: You can have many concurrent swipe and win promotions going, such as a free coffee every 20 swiped, and a free dessert every 50 swipes.

Free Item

Select the item to give out with this promotion.

Number of Swipes

Enter the number of card swipes to count between free items.

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