The PLU option found in the Revenue Center menu allows to group sales items together for reporting purposes. You can also use the PLU option to assign a number other than the sales item number used by Maitre'D. This option is useful when the head office system already uses PLU's for reporting and that those don't necessarily match your own database numbers.
Type in the code that will be used to access the PLU. There is no limit on the quantity of PLU's that you can create.
Enter a full description for the PLU. The description can have a maximum of 20 characters. Once your PLU's are created you will then need to link them to your sales items. To do so, select the Revenue Center / Items Setup / Links screen. In the PLU list, select PLU name for this sales item.
Used for Bar Interface
If your system is linked to a Berg Infinity ® or Azbar ® liquor control system, you must select this option and create PLU's that will match the PLU numbers of those systems.
Ignore Balance Bar Interface
Enable this option to exclude this PLU when balancing the bar interface.
Ignore North American Protocol
Enable this option to override the North American protocol for this PLU, allowing the related item to be poured from the bar dispenser without being ordered first.
Use PLU List
With the Berg interface, this option allows to include a recipe for this cocktail. The recipe is defined in Server Control / View / Option / Bar / Cocktail Recipe.
Default Price
If you are linked with an Azbar ® liquor control system, you can enter the default price of this PLU in order to get a variance report.
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