Inventory Recipe
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Inventory recipes are used to deplete multiple inventory items in one operation. For instance, an inventory recipe can be linked to a sales item, so that whenever that item is sold, all the ingredients used to make that sales item are depleted from the inventory in accurate quantities.
Inventory recipes can also be linked to inventory items. For instance, an inventory recipe can be linked to an inventory item called "Spaghetti Sauce", so that whenever a batch of spaghetti sauce is produced, all the necessary ingredients are automatically depleted from the inventory.
Recipes List
After selecting the Recipe... option from the File menu, the list of existing inventory recipes is displayed.
Select an existing inventory recipe and click Modify to change its properties.
Click Add to create a new inventory recipe from scratch.
Select an existing inventory recipe and click Remove to delete it.
Click Close to close this list and return to the Inventory Management Module.
Recipe Properties
Enter a name for this inventory recipe.
Quantity of this item used in this recipe.
Unit used for this item in this recipe.
Description of the Inventory Items used in this recipe.
Unit Cost
Unit cost for this item in this recipe.
Total cost of this item in this recipe.
Calories of this item in this recipe.
This field is only used by the Automatic Conversion option, and show the percentage of the buying cost applied to this item.
An "X" in this column indicates the main ingredient of the inventory recipe.
Click the Add button to add an ingredient to the Recipe.
Select an existing ingredient and click the Modify button to change its properties.
Select an existing ingredient and click the Delete button to remove it from the recipe.
Click the Add Text button to associate a text recipe to this inventory recipe.
NOTE: Text Recipe are created from Inventory Management / File / Text Recipes. Text Recipes can be displayed at the POS screen and are typically used to remind them of preparation steps of certain items like cocktails or specialty dishes.
Click OK to save changes and exit.
Click Cancel to exit without saving changes.
Ingredient Properties
Enable an item from the list to include in your recipe.
Enter the quantity used in this recipe.
The Ratio field is used only with the Automatic conversion option. Enter in this field the percentage of the buying cost that you want to apply to this item.
Main Ingredient
Enable this option to make this inventory item crucial to the recipe preparation. A sales item containing this recipe becomes unavailable if the main ingredient's quantity is down to zero in the inventory.
NOTE: The Availability option must be set to Main Item in Inventory Management / View / Options
Quantity Modifier
If this inventory recipe is used as a Modifier, you can setup a different Quantity for each Level. The higher the level (the more modifiers chosen) the smaller the quantity. If the quantity is more than zero, then the quantity above will be ignored.
Number of modifiers.
Enter the quantity used in this Level.
Level 1/Quantity = 10 g
If 1 modifier is chosen then the quantity of this modifier will be 10 g.
Level 2/Quantity = 9 g
If 2 modifiers are chosen then the quantity of this modifier will be 9 g.
Level 10/Quantity = 1g
If 10 modifiers are chosen then the quantity of this modifier will be 1g.