
Interface branch

This option allows to configure specific settings for your EFT installation.


Select the interface to be used from the drop-down list. The table below lists available options:


The E.F.T. module will not be used to process card payments

Emulation / Demonstration

The Back-Office will emulate card payment processing for demonstration purposes ONLY.

WARNING! : Never use Emulation / Demonstration in a live environment, for any reason. All transactions will be accepted, but the customer cards will never be charged. Also, card data from transactions done in Emulation / Demonstration mode cannot be retrieved in any report of any kind. This will result in a loss of revenue for the merchant.


Card payments are processed by an internet-based provider through Datacap's DSI Client X interface, with or without Datacap's NETePay software.


Card payments are processed by an internet-based provider through Datacap's DSI EMV Client X interface using an EMV-Compliant PIN Pad device. (Canada only, EMV compliant)


Card payments are processed by an internet-based provider through Datacap's DSIEMVUS Client interface using an EMV-Compliant PIN Pad device. (USA only, EMV compliant)


Card payments are processed by Shift4 "Dollars on the Net", an internet-based provider through their Universal Terminal Gateway (UTG2) software, using an EMV-Compliant PIN Pad device. (USA and Canada, EMV compliant)


Card payments are processed by 3rd party E.F.T. processing software.


Card payments are processed by the MoneyLine network. (France only)


Card payments are processed by the PC-EFTPOS network. (Australia only)

Tender Retail

Card payments are processed by an internet-based provider through Tender Retail's Merchant Connect Multi application. (Canada only, NON-EMV)

Tender Retail EMV

Card payments are processed by an internet-based provider through Tender Retail's Merchant Connect Multi application using an EMV-Compliant PIN Pad device. (Canada only, EMV compliant)


Card payments are processed by the Desjardins network through a special application installed in proprietary EMV-Compliant PIN Pad devices. (Canada only, EMV compliant)


Card payments are processed by the YesPay network. (UK and Europe only)


Card payments are processed by the TSYS-Genius EMV payment devices.


Enable this option to use the MONERIS payment channel in Canada with Datacap's DSIClientX interface and the NETePay software.

NOTE: Do NOT enable this option if you are using Moneris with the EMV Canada - DATACAP interface or Tender Retail EMV.


Select the protocol to be used with the selected interface. See the table below for detailed description of each protocol.


The E.F.T. module will not process any credit cards.

Credit cards processing Emulation (All transactions will be accepted)

The Back-Office will emulate card payment processing for demonstration purposes. All transactions will be accepted and no error message will be displayed.

Generic (USA and Canada)

Card payments are processed by an internet-based provider through Datacap's dsiClientX interface. This protocol can use either a direct Internet connection or use Datacap's NETePay software. (US and Canada)

Generic (US)

Card payments are processed by an internet-based provider through Datacap's DSIEMVUS interface. This protocol can use either a direct Internet connection or use Datacap's NETePay software. (US only)

Generic (France)

Your credit cards are processed by the MoneyLine network, with the MoneyLine software running on the Main Back-Office Server (France only).

Euro (connected)

Your credit cards are processed by the MoneyLine network, with the MoneyLine software running on each Workstation, and Maitre'D waits for Remote Validation from MoneyLine software before exiting payment screen (France only).

Euro (connected) - Automatic Validation

Your credit cards are processed by the MoneyLine network, with the MoneyLine software running on each Workstation, but Maitre'D exits payment screen as soon as MoneyLine software acknowledges EFT request (France only).


Your credit cards are processed by the PC-EFTPOS network (Australia only).

UK & Europe

This protocol is used with the YesPay interface only, for the UK and Europe.

TD / Chase / Global / Moneris

Your credit cards are processed by the Merchant Connect Multi software from Tender Retail, and the clearing house is either TD Bank, Chase-Paymentech, Global Payments or Moneris. (Canada only, EMV compliant)


Your credit cards are processed by the Merchant Connect Multi software from Tender Retail, and the clearing house is Desjardins. (Canada only, EMV compliant)

Tender Retail

Your credit cards are processed by the Merchant Connect Multi software from Tender Retail. (Canada only, NON-EMV).

NOTE: In order to demonstrate the E.F.T. module with a demo system, the interface should be set to Emulation / Demonstration. Maitre'D will authorize and print a credit card vouchers. It does not actually charge cards or make any kind of actual processing with financial institutions. It prints vouchers as if the credit cards were approved. This demo/training feature can also be used to train servers for dealing with authorized and declined cards. Do not use the Emulation / Demonstration interface in a live sales environment, as cards will not actually be charged. To use this option, your Media Types must be already set up for E.F.T.

WARNING! : Never use Emulation / Demonstration in a live environment, for any reason. All transactions will be accepted, but the customer cards will never be charged. Also, card data from transactions done in Emulation / Demonstration mode cannot be retrieved in any report of any kind. This will result in a loss of revenue for the merchant.

Lane Identification

Enter a unique Lane Identification value that will be used when processing card transactions from the Maitre'D Back-Office. This value is used by the Datacap - DSIClientX interface.

NOTE: The Lane Identification value can use up to 8 alphanumerical characters. Special characters and spaces are not allowed. Each POS workstation where card payments are accepted and the Maitre'D Back-Office must each have a unique Lane Identification value. The Lane Identification for workstations is configured in Point of Sale Control / Workstation / Options / [pos #] / Workstation.

Meta Token

This option is available only with the Shift4 Interface. This option needs to be enabled to allow the Shift4 interface to use meta tokens.


Enter the time out value, in seconds, after which the Maitre'D POS will time out during payment processing.

NOTE: For most processors, the recommended value is 120 seconds. In any case, the time out value configured in Maitre'D should be higher than combined time out values configured in payment devices or third-party software. This is meant to avoid situations where Maitre'D could potentially time out before a payment gets approved, creating discrepancies between Maitre'D and the payment processor.

For example, if Maitre'D times out and the payment is approved by the payment device a few seconds later, you would end up with an open check in Maitre'D while the customer's credit card has already been charged.

Primary UTG Program

NOTE: This section will appear only of the Shift4 interface is selected


Enter the TCP port number through which the Shift4 UTG2 server can be accessed.

UTG Server

Enable this option with Shift4.


Enter the Password provided by the processor, service provider, clearing house or bank.


Enter the TCP port number through which the card processing server can be accessed.

IP Address

Enter the IP Address or URL of the card payment processing server. This information is normally provided by the processor, service provider, clearing house or bank.

  • With Shift4, enter the IP Address of the computer where the UTG2 server is running.

  • With Datacap protocols, (dsiClientX, dsiEMVUS, dsiEMVClientX) enter the IP address of the computer running the NETePay server, or the URL of the hosted NETePay server.

Process Control

Enable this option to allow the system to show the status window of the underlying communication object. This option is used with the Datacap – DSICLIENTX interface only.

NOTE: With high-end PC's and high-speed internet processing, the status window may appear and disappear so quickly that it may not even be visible.

TSYS Identification URL

This section contains options that are used only with the TSYS Genius interface. If any other interface is selected, these options will appear grayed-out.

Staging URL

Type in or paste the Staging URL provided by TSYS for your account.

Credit URL

Type in or paste the Credit URL provided by TSYS for your account.

Gift URL

Type in or paste the Gift URL provided by TSYS for your account.

Reporting URL

Type in or paste the Reporting URL provided by TSYS for your account.

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