Labor by Employee Name

Maitre'D labor by employee name report shows detailed information such as the regular hours, overtime, and double hours of the employees and the payable salary related to it. This report is sorted by T&A employee name. From the report filter window, select the appropriate week or custom date to be included in the report.

The following is a sample of the labor by employee Name report:

Each Time & Attendance employee shows up followed its time & attendance employee code and its POS Control server code if any.


Clock in date


Employee's clock in task


Employee's task rate


T&A department the task belongs to

Reg. Hours:

Regular worked hours

$ Reg.:

Payable salary for regular worked hours according to the employee's task rate

Over Hours:

Overtime worked hours

$ Over:

Payable salary for overtime worked hours according to the employee's task rate and overtime calculation setup

Double Hours:

Double time worked hours

$ Double:

Payable salary for double time worked hours according to the employee's task rate and overtime calculation setup

Other paid:

Other $ amount paid

Other code:

Reason code for other paid


Employee tip declaration

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