Room Charge

Room Charge


Select the protocol to be used to communicate with the Hotel Property Management System.


This field applies to the NCR 2170®, NCR 2760®, Micros 4700® and Mariott® interface.

The format of this field, for NCR 2170® and NCR 2760®, is: XXXXYYYYZZAAAA where:

XXXX = System Identification

YYYY = Store Identification

ZZ = Hotel Identification


The format of this field for Micros 4700® is : XXX where ;

XXX = Payment number

The format of this field for Marriott® is : TTTTHHH where ;

TTTT = Tender key (numerical)

HH = Host number (numerical) [optional]

If the host number is not supplied in this field, then it will have to be prepended to the room number entered at the workstation.

Ex: Room number ? HHRRR where;

HH = Host number, must be two digits

RRR = Room or account, can be any number or digit

The format of this field, for IGS®, is : ABC where ;

A = Supervisor ID, 8 characters max

B = Access key for transaction # 20, 4 characters max.

C = Access key for transaction # 23, 4 characters max.

Commas are used for separators.

Name position

This field is used only with the NCR 2170® and NCR 2760® protocol. The name position is the position of the name inside the message field returned by the hotel system. These interfaces use the name in the posting transaction and need to extract the information from the inquiry message. If you do not have access to the information, you can try the values 1,2,... until the posting succeeds.

Framing character

This field is used only with the NCR 2170® and NCR 2760® protocol. The framing character is the first character of a valid transaction. It is used to identify the start of a transaction. You must enter it's value in hexadecimal. It's usual value is 0F.

First revenue center

Enter the number of the first revenue center to be used.


The format of this field, for IGS®, is : ABC where ;

A = Comp item ID code, 8 characters max

B = Comp type (PNTS or CVAL)

C = Workstation ID, 4 characters max.

Commas are used for separators.



Select the communication port used to send the transactions to the front desk system. If you are not using the Hotel Front Desk Interface but the Room Charge module, you can select here the shared printer where you want the transactions to be print.

Baud Rate, Data bits, Stop Bits, Parity

For establishing proper communication using RS232 the computer needs to know the Baud Rate (speed), Data Bits, Stop Bits, and Parity. The most common values are:

Baud Rate = 9600

Data Bits = 8

Stop Bits = 1

Parity = None

NOTE: Please refer to your Property Management System specifications to provide the proper parameters.


This is the delay in seconds the Maitre'D system will wait to get a response from the Hotel Property Management System. A good default value is 10 seconds.

Wait Answer

This option forbids other workstations from communicating with the host computer while it is waiting for an answer from the Hotel Property Management System. Otherwise, the workstations can operate while waiting for an answer from the Hotel Property Management System.


This option applies only to HMS-RMS, Holidex and Hotelsoft protocol. If set, a confirmation will be sent to the hotel interface to confirm the reception of the transaction.

IP Address

Enter the TCP/IP address of the Micros® server.

IP Port

Enter the TCP/IP port number you are allowed to connect through on the Micros® server.


Post other payments

Select this option to allow posting of other payment media to the hotel system. This process is executed during the End of Day operation. Any payment media that has room charge identification will be sent to the hotel system using this Identification as a room number.

Skip Guest Query

Select this option to disable the customer inquiry when posting another media to the Micros interface using the Guest Selection option, since it is not a room.

Real time posting

Maitre'D supports real time media type posting to Micros 4700 interface. Post Other Payments must be enabled. Then in POS Control under each media type in the identification field define the room number where this media type will be posted.

Guest selection, Folio selection

Depending on the protocol that you are using, you have to check/uncheck this option, if the Guest Selection and Folio Selection are available to be used when closing a Room Charge transaction. Here is a list of the options available:

Protocol Guest Folio


Gammix OFF OFF




Quantel ON ON

Holidex ON OFF

HotelSoft ON OFF


NCR 2170 OFF OFF (See note)

NOTE: NCR 2170

Use the following format to enter the room number : A57-MA-1 ; where A57 is the room, MA are the first two letters of the name of the client and 1 is the Folio if required. A period added at the end will override the credit limit.

Use Mode as Sub-Revenue Center

Enable this option to include the mode number in the "Serving Period/Cashier/Shift number" data block of the packet that is sent to the Micros® 4700 interface when posting the transaction.

Workstation Number

Enable this option to use the workstation number, instead of the revenue center number.

Detailed Sales

Enable this option to separate the sale amount by division category for the Micros® protocol. If this option is disabled, all sales are sent in the first sale field and the other fields will contain zeros.

NOTE: The Micros® protocol only allows for four (4) division categories.

Prorated Operation:

Enable this option to send only the proportionate amounts in the division categories sales and taxes fields of a room when sending the Detailed Sales through the Micros® interface towards a Property Management Systems, and splitting the check between different rooms, or between other payment types, according to the percentage of the total actually assigned to this room.

NOTE: The Detailed Sales option above must also be enabled.

Compatibility Mode

Enable this option so that the Micros® PMS interface can support postings that do not always respond to a post transaction with the required 18 characters packet but with only 17.

Send Value Added Tax

Send the Value Added Tax for all 4 totals to the Micros® server.

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