
Restaurant Branch


Type in the restaurant name that you want to display in the header of the customer invoice and all of your reports. You are not allowed to modify this information after the activation of the software.


Define here the restaurant code; this code will be used in the ASCII transfer and the CCM Module.

Extended Code:

Type in the name you want to use for exportation file.


Define here a restaurant type (one character) for the restaurant unit selected. This field could be used to group different store such as type A, B, C (A=Fast-Food, B=Fine Dining).

Fix Cost

Enter here a daily fixed cost for the restaurant unit selected.

Royalty (%)

Define here the royalty percentage that should be use for the reports in the CCM module for the Head Office.

With Royalties

Enable this option if this entry from the database should be included in the royalty count.

Address 1-2-3

Type in the address of your restaurant, this information will be used in the Account Receivable statement.


Type in the city name.


Type in the country name


Type in the SIRET code for NF525 compliance.

NOTE: France NF525 Only.

Code NAF

Type in the NAF code for NF525 compliance.

NOTE: France NF525 Only.


Type in your Code TVA for NF525 compliance.

NOTE: France NF525 Only.

Payment Proof Label

Type in the label that will appear on proof of purchase (receipts) for NF525 compliance.

NOTE: France NF525 Only.

Regional Settings Branch

Monetary Format

Currency Sign

Enter the characters representing the currency sign followed by the decimal separator character. The currency sign will appear in front of all currency amounts printed or displayed and the separator will be used as a demarcation for the decimals. If you put the minus (-) sing in front of the currency sing, it will be printed at the end of the currency amount. The separator must be present even if not used.

Decimal No.

Enter the number of decimals to appear in the currency amounts displayed or printed. If there are no decimals but instead there is a number of mandatory zeroes to appear, then enter the number of mandatory zeroes as a negative value in this field.

Example: USA 2 decimals $9.95

Other LL9950 decimals = -1

Secondary Monetary Format

Currency Sign

Enter the characters representing the currency sign followed by the decimal separator character. The currency sign will appear in front of all currency amounts printed or displayed and the separator will be used as a demarcation for the decimals. If you put the minus (-) sing in front of the currency sing, it will be printed at the end of the currency amount. The separator must be present even if not used.

Decimal No.

Enter the number of decimals to appear in the currency amounts displayed or printed. If there are no decimals but instead there is a number of mandatory zeroes to appear, then enter the number of mandatory zeroes as a negative value in this field.

Example: USA 2 decimals $9.95

Other LL9950 decimals = -1

Currency Setup

Enter the exchange rate to convert the normal currency in the alternate currency. You must take into account the difference in the number of decimals between the two currencies.

To convert $27.91 into LL44660 enter a rate of 1.6 with -1 as decimals and " LL , " as currency sign. Note the use of a mandatory zero specified by using -1 as the numbers of decimals.

NOTE: If this rate is not zero, there will be a new total line on the check using the alternate currency.

Use Euro

Leave disabled unless you're part of the countries that will use Euro as their currency. If it is the case, then you must check this option to make the correct Euro monetary conversion.

Date Format

Date Selector

Enable the output format of the date.

Report Branch

Use PLU Number

Enable this option to includes PLU (Price Look Up) numbers in the ASCII file for the Daily Sales Report. Otherwise, the system includes the record numbers of the sales items in the ASCII file.

Financial Report

Enable this option to use a different format for the server financial report. Not all the information is available while using this report. This option is disabled by default.

Service Speed Report

Enable this option to store the data for the speed of service report.

NOTE: To improve transaction processing time, this option should be disabled if you do not use that report.

Standard ASCII Transfer File

If this option is enabled, and if your report is set to generate a transfer file, the format of the file will be in ASCII format, comma delimited (File extension .TXT). Otherwise, the format of the transfer file will be in fixed ASCII format (File extension .ASC).

Blank records Included

Enable this option to include blank records in the Standard ASCII transfer file.

Automatic Export Purchase

Enable this option to export the purchases automatically at the End Of Day. The STOCK.ASC file will be created in the data directory.

Automatic Print Reports

Enable this option to automatically send the Reports List chosen below to the printer during the End Of Day process.

End Of Day Reports List

When the End Of Day is performed, the system can automatically generate a list of reports in the report center. Select from the drop-down menu the list of reports previously created in the report center. This option automatically generates the reports in the chosen list, ready for reading.

Devices Branch

Card Writer Port

Select the COM port to which the card writer is connected.

Card Writer Model

Select the card writer model. Supported options are Panacord and Magtek MT-80.

Scale Type

This field allows to select the type of scale the system uses to interface with the workstations.

Kitchen Monitor

Select the kitchen monitor type that is connected to your system.

Remote Display

Select the remote display type that is connected to your system.

Biometric Reader

Select the biometric reader type that is connected to your system.

Sales Recording Module

Select the type of sales recording module used in your area. Select None if sales recording modules are not used in your area.

Option Branch

Kitchen Monitor

Send Modifier Count

Enable this option to display the quantity of modifiers specified through the Fast Order numeric keyboard on the QSR device through the KDS interface.

Send Item Priority

Enable this option to allow the QSR to compile the Modifiers of sales items together, indented with a Plus (+) symbol.

NOTE: You also need to set the Priority field to 255 in the Modifiers in Point of Sale Control / Revenue Center / Items Setup / Configuration / Printing, which switches those items to Condiments for the QSR, and allows them to follow their main item. Contact KDS for instructions on how the configure the QSR application.

Bump On Complete Payment

Enable this option to send the Bump transaction to the CVM only when a Fast-Food check is completely paid. NOTE: This option disables the Add On Printed Check option in Point of Sale Control / Employee / Configuration / Invoice

Send Item Count

Enable this option to send the CVM Item Count entered in Point of Sale Control / Revenue Center / Item Setup / Options to a TCP/IP kitchen monitor. NOTE: You must also select Posera CVM - TCP/IP or TCP/IP CE in the Kitchen Monitor field of the Devices branch.

Use External Code:

Enable this option to send to the Kitchen Monitor the constant External Code entered in Point of Sale Control / Revenue Center / Items Setup / Links after the Main ID is modified by a Broadcast from the Corporate Office.

NOTE: The Kitchen Monitor field must be set to External in System Configuration / View / Options / Devices

Extended Sequence

Use protocol version

Enable this option to allow newer protocol version to be used with the PayFacto KDS.


Select the protocol version to be used.

NOTE: Refer to your KDS documewntation to know which protocol version to use.

Shipping Branch


Type in the address of the restaurant's receiving dock, which will be used in the Ship To box of the report center's inventory purchase order. If these fields are left blank, the address found on the Restaurant branch will be used for the Ship To frame.


Button - Modify

Use the Modify button to specify the locations of these directories.

WARNING: Specifying a directory without the required files will disrupt the system!

Data Path

Specify the location of the Maitre'D Database.

Programs Path

Specify the location of the Maitre'D Back-Office application.

Backup Path

Specify the location of the daily Backup of the Maitre'D Database copied during the End Of Day Process.

Archive Path

Specify the location of the daily compressed Archive of Maitre'D Checks copied during the End Of Day Process.

Spooler Path

Specify a central location for the shared print Spooler.

XML Export Path

Specify a location for the Export of XML files.


Specify the location for the processing of credit cards by the COMMIDEA network (UK only).

External Sale Import Path

Specify a location from where to import the web sales information in an XML formatted file.

External Sale Configuration Path

Specify a location from where to import the web sales configuration in an XML formatted file.

GHClient Outgoing Path

Specify a location where the export files will be stored.

GHClient Incoming Path

Specify a location where the import files will be stored.

CCM Data Path

Specify the location of the Maitre'D Corporate Communication data.

CCM Programs Path

Specify the location of the Maitre'D Corporate Communication application.

CCM DBF Files Path

Specify the location of the Maitre'D Corporate Communication DBF Files.

CCM LOG Files Path

Specify the location of the Maitre'D Corporate Communication Log Files.

POS Electronic Journal Path

Specify a central location for the Electronic Journal of each workstation.

NOTE: If this path is not set, the workstation saves its Electronic Journal on its own Hard Disk Drive. To make this journal available, you also need to enable the Electronic Journal option in Point of Sale Control / Workstation / Options / Advanced.

Security Files Path:

Specify the location of the Security Algorithm Files required for fiscal verification in Belgium.

NOTE: To create a security file, the Use Security Algorithm option must be enabled in Point of Sale Control / Workstation / Options / Security, and you must click on the Generate Text File button next to it.

Import/Export Frequent Diner Customer Path:

Specify the location for the exchange of the FD Customers file in XML format.

Floor Management Interface Path

Specify the location for exporting the table status data in XML format.

Fixed Expenses

Enter Yearly expenses to be divided over the year for reporting purposes.

NOTE: This is used in a Custom report only.

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