Maitre'D POS Workstations
Maitre'D Point of Sale (POS) is an application that is used to place orders and can be installed on either a stand-alone or a network computer as well as Android or iOS tablets. A stand-alone configuration allows restaurants to run both the Maitre'D Back-Office and the Point of Sale application on a single computer. Restaurants can customize several features of the POS workstations to meet their specific needs.
Mode Configuration
Each POS workstation can run in up to 32 modes. Modes allow different screens to be displayed at different times of the day. The start time and the end time of each mode on each workstation can be configured independently. For example, the BREAKFAST mode can be configured to run from 6 AM till 11:30 AM on POS workstation 1. Between 6 AM to 11:30 AM, when employees log on to Maitre'D POS, they will only have access to the breakfast screen. At 11:30 AM, the mode will be LUNCH, and any employee logging in to that workstation will now be presented with the lunch screen.
Print Customizable Messages on Guest Checks
Customizable messages can be printed on guest checks. In the POS Workstation options, a message can be defined that will print on the guest check. Each workstation can print its own message, or all the workstations can be set to print the same message.
The Maitre'D Hotel Interface allows additional message lines to be added to a guest check. Hotels can use these lines to add information such as the room number, or print a line where guests can specify the tip and the total amount.
Customizable Messages on POS Workstations
Customizable messages can also be configured to appear on the POS workstation screen.
Select Output Printer for Each Workstation
Each workstation can have a separate output printer or can share the same printer with other workstations.
Add Devices to POS Workstation
POS workstations can support a large array of peripheral devices such as scales, magnetic card readers, bar code scanners and more. Many industry standard device drivers are installed with the Maitre'D installation. The Maitre'D website contains a list of certified devices.
Support for Several Operating Systems
Maitre'D can be installed on several different platforms such as Windows 10, 11, Windows IoT and Enterprise, Android and iOS. This allows Maitre'D to run on multiple types of devices such as Windows PC's, purpose-built workstations, Android or iOS-based tablets and payment terminals.
Support for Several Kinds of Workstations
Maitre'D has built-in support for several types of industry standard workstations which simplifies workstation installation and configuration.
Electronic Journal
Allows every transaction on the POS workstation to be recorded and saved in a text file as a journal. Managers and owners can use this journal to view all the transactions that have occurred and trace any discrepancies when they occur.
Small Device Support
Designed to run on operating systems such as Android and iOS, Maitre'D offers built in support for hand held devices.
Floor Plan Status
Each workstation can display the floor plan status on the terminal screen as a screen saver. This allows servers and managers to quickly view the status of the guests and pick up alerts as they are working.
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