Price Change
Price Change
This report will show you the percentage of increase of the buying cost by item for every item affected by a price change for a period of time. This will help to find out the reason for an operating cost increase by spotting the variation of the buying price.
This report may also be useful when you are buying stock at a guaranteed price from a supplier and you want to verify no price changes were maid.
Supplier Code
Select a supplier code from the list
Product Code
Select a product code from the list.
Inventory Category
If you have selected all the products, you can specify an inventory category.
Inventory Group
If you have selected all the categories, you can specify an inventory group.
Select a date range by entering the beginning and ending date.
Sort Order
Select the field you want the information to be sorted on. There are six different sorts available: The Description The Category
Time period The Group The Supplier
The %
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