Memoire File Analysis

Memoire Files Analysis

The Memoire Files Analysis option enables Payfacto programmers to locate any errors in case of Back-Office problems. This function is not meant to be used by end-users, and should only be performed under the supervision of a PayFacto Software Support Specialist.


Enable this field to select the MEMOIRE.DAT file from the DATA directory.


Enable this field to select the MEMOIRE.DAT file from the REBUILD directory.


Select this option to export the selected MEMOIRE.DAT file to a TXT file. The file generated is named MEMOIRE.TXT.


Enable this option to display the selected MEMOIRE.DAT file on the screen to be subsequently printed.


Enable this option to analyze the MEMOIRE.DAT file from current day.

Previous Days

Enable this option to analyze the MEMOIRE.DAT file from one of the last 31 days.

Date Selection

Enter here the month's day number of for which you want to analyze the MEMOIRE.DAT file.

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