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The Items Setup selection list is divided into a Tree & Branches layout.
Enable a sales item's root to open up the item's main setup.
Enable a sales item's branch to open up the item's configuration by revenue center & mode.
You can sort sales items based on the Item Description, PLU, Division or Function columns.
You can search for sales items by Item Description, PLU, Division, Function, Revenue Center and Mode.
NOTE: As you type, the search engine only displays items that contain the string, within the set filters. For example, if you perform a search with the string "Shrimp" the system will show all items with that word.
Group By
You can group the display of sales items, so that they are easier to locate, based on the Items Description, Division or Function
You can filter the display of sales items to only a portion of all available items, based on the Revenue Center, Division and/or Function.
This button allows to modify information on a Sales Item's record. Select a sales item's Root and click on the MODIFY button to modify an item's main setup. Select a sales item's Branch and click on the MODIFY button to modify an item's configuration by revenue center & mode. The record will display and you will be allowed to change any field.
This button allows to setup a new Sales Item.
This button allows to delete a Sales Item's record. Select a sales item's Root and click on the REMOVE button to remove the whole item. Select a sales item's Branch and click on the REMOVE button to remove this item's configuration by revenue center & mode. A warning message will prompt you for a confirmation to delete that record. Click on YES to delete this record.
This button allows to duplicate an Item's record. Select a sales item's Root and click on the DUPLICATE button to create a copy of that source item to a new sales item. The resulting item will have the same prices in all existing revenue centers and modes, and the same name, except for the characters _2 added at the end. You can then rename that new item, and adjust its prices if need be. This is useful, for example, to create all appetizers one after the other, after setting up your first appetizer.
Type in a description (up to 20 characters) of the actual menu item, such as cheeseburger or chocolate shake. The workstation prints the item description on guest checks, shared printers and displays on the order screen.
Type an alternate description (up to 20 characters), perhaps abbreviated for the menu item you entered in the previous " Regular " field. For example, cheeseburger could be abbreviated to ChzBurg. The abbreviated description may be displayed on the order screen, and may print on checks or remote printouts. These options are enabled in the POS Control/Menu/Options section.
Left click the Drop-down arrow to view a list of functions. Select the appropriate function. A description of each function follows
Sales item with no price. This item is not printed on the guest check. Example: Included items such as a free beverage.
Same as a Free item but printed on the guest check.
Set an item as a modifier and/or condiment. The system prints a modifier on the kitchen coupon preceded by the revenue item, which it is modifying. The system does not print the modifier on the guest check unless there is a charge associated with it. Modifiers are usually free but may be priced. The most common modifier items describe how a customer wants an item cooked such as a rare or medium rare or to specify an accompanying vegetable or dressing.
Free frequent diner Points Item, available when the Points Mode option is enabled in Server Control / View / Options / Frequent Diner.
NOTE: Enter the number of points earned required to get this item for free in the Point Value field of this item's Configuration / Price and Cost branch.
Use to set an item as a priced modifier. On the guest check the price of this item is automatically included in the price of the main item.
Example: Whisky with soda. If you apply Price Rolled Up function to soda, its price will be included in the price of whisky.
Sales item which generates cash flow.
Set an item to scale if you are using the scale option. This tells the workstation to wait for a weight and the price of the item will be calculated according to the weight of the item.
Sales item sold by the minute.
Press Drop-down to select the appropriate division.
CVM Color:
Enable the item color for kitchen video monitor (KVM). For standard color, select Use Default, otherwise select another color (Color #8 Color #12 always for special use).
Item Class:
Press Drop-down to select the appropriate item class.
NOTE: If an Item Class is already defined within a Variable List or a Screen, when you link a new Sales Item to that Item Class, this Sales Item is automatically included in the Variable List or Screen.
Main combo item:
Enable this option to make this sales item available to the Combo Meal's Item drop-down list.
Open Description:
Enable this option define a sales item as an Open Description item. The employees must type in a description every time they select that item. This description will show on the Order Screen when you order and when you come back to the table later, as well as when performing a Check Inquiry.
Open Price:
Enable this option define a sales item as an Open Price item. The employees must key in a price every time they select that item.
NOTE: The Miscellaneous and Price Override options must also both be enabled in Point of Sale Control / Employees / Configuration / Functions / CMD.
In Report
If you enable this option, the Back-Office compiles sales statistics for this item and it will be included in the " Sales Item Report ". Otherwise, the Back-Office does not compile sales statistics for this item.
If you enable this option, the item is available for ordering. Otherwise, the item is not available for ordering. If disabled, an item is temporarily out of stock.
NOTE: Disabling this option overrides the availability option of each Revenue Center and Mode in P.O.S. Control / Revenue Center / Item Setup / Configuration / Option
Evaluation Sheet
This field is used to overwrite the Evaluation Sheet. If this option is enabled, an evaluation sheet will be print each time this item is ordered no matter which percentage is set up in the Configuration Evaluation Sheet. This can be useful when you want to get some feedback on a new product. Otherwise, the percentage programmed will prevail.
Tare / Volume Modifier
Tare: Enter the weight of the container that will be deducted from the scale item.
Volume Modifier: Enter the ratio used to modify the main item's price when setting the item's Function as Price Rolled Up, for liquor control. That value can be smaller or greater than 100%.
NOTE: to enable the replacement of the Tare option by the Volume Modifier option, select the Use Volume Modifier option in Point of Sale Control / View / Options / Configuration / POS.
CVM Item Count
Enter the Item Count to be sent to a Posera CVM TCP/IP or TCP/IP CE kitchen monitor.
NOTE: you must also enable the Send Item Count option in System Configuration / View / Options / Devices / Options.
No. Meals
Type in how many meals this item represents to count the number of meals sold. Each time a customer orders the item, the Back-Office increases the number of meals. For example, 0 for a coffee, 1 for a steak, or 2 for a large pizza.
Display Priority
This field is used if you choose By Priority in the Sort Type field of P.O.S. Control / Screens / Variable List Setup and/or P.O.S. Control / Revenue Center / Item Class. This is useful to group similar items within a broader list. For example, in a dessert list, you can group pies, cakes, donuts, ice cream and others by assigning different priorities to these items according to the different dessert types.
NOTE: Items with the same value in this field will be sequenced alphabetically within their section of the list. Also, if you include an Item Class within a Variable List, the Variable List Sort Type has precedence. Enable the Sorted option in the Variable List or Item Class button in Point of Sale Control / Screens / Command Setup.
Portion Count
Enter the number of portions yielded by an item that can be ordered either as a whole or by portions, such as a bottle of wine which can be ordered whole or by the glass.
NOTE: The portion count needs to be configured on the modifier that will be attached to the partitioned item. For example, to sell a wine bottle by the glass, a modifier called "By the Glass" needs to be created, and the portion count needs to be configured in that modifier.
This option is used in family dining establishments where buffets are common. Servers whose function is Hostess control the buffets. That function allows the hostess, at any time, to view the number of buffets served, currently being served, etc. The financial report of the waiter will also indicate the number of buffets assigned by the hostess, the number of buffets ordered, and the difference if there is any. The buffet names are defined in the P.O.S. Control / Revenue Center / Buffets section and you are allowed to have up to 10 different buffets. If you are not using the buffet option, select Undefined.
PLU Number
The PLU (Price Look Up) number in the sales items file can have two different functions.
It can be used to associate a different number from the one given by the system automatically (that's the ITEM # that you see in the top left corner of your screen when you program the item). This PLU number will appear in the ASCII export file that could be sent to a corporate office to match their existing PLU's. To use this option the "Use PLU number" field in System Configuration / View / Options must be enabled.
You can use the PLU number to track certain sales items across different revenue centers. For example, you might sell coffee in three different revenue centers but at the end of the week, you might want to know your total sales for this item. You will need to create a PLU for your coffee and attach it to the different coffee sales item. PLU numbers are defined under the P.O.S. Control / Revenue Center / PLU section. If you are not using this option, select Undefined.
Bar Code Id
Enter the bar code value that corresponds to this item. A workstation equipped with a bar code reader will be able to take orders using the bar code.
External Code
This code is used to keep the item match constant between the Maitre'D database and an external application, such as a kiosk or web ordering system, after the Main ID is changed by a Broadcast from the Corporate Office.
#1 to #10
Click the ID line of the Upsize button that will replace this base sales item by another individual Items or a choice from a Variable List.
Click this button to configure this item's upsize items or variable lists.
Select an upsize and click the Remove button to delete it.
Enable this option to set this button as an individual item.
Choose in the drop-down menu the Item to display when the Substitution or Upsize button are touched on the Point Of Sales.
Variable List
Enable this option to offer a Variable List as Upsizes.
Variable List
Choose in the drop-down menu the Variable List to display when the Substitution or Upsize button are touched on the Point Of Sales.
NOTE: With the Substitution button, the Variable List is displayed as a single button, in addition to individual items associated with other Upsizes. For example, you can include all possibilities in the Variable List, and the most popular items as individual Upsizes. However, if the only Upsize linked to this item is the Variable List, the Substitution button will display the list right away.
Enable this option to link the quantity entered in the Value field below to the availability of each sales item.
NOTE: This avoids the use of Sales Units to countdown sales items, thus keeping Sales Units for Keeping Count of Items Used or Permanent Meters.
Enter the quantity of this item currently available. This value shows besides the item description on the Order Screen, just as the decreasing permanent meter used to.
NOTE: The Countdown option above must also be enabled.
Reset At End Of Day
Enable this field to reset the quantity entered in the Value field above to zero (0) for this sales item during the End Of Day process.
Sales Unit 1 to Sales Unit 10
The Sales Units can have 2 different functions in the Maitre'D system. They can be used to:
1. Keep count of items used. (Ex: number of pieces of chicken in a bucket)
2. Be compared to an electronic bar system meter (for bar employees)
In both cases, you will need to program your sales unit first (refer to the Sales Units section). Select the appropriate sales unit to be linked to this sales item. You can program up to ten different sales unit counters per sales item.
You can use a multiplier for your sales unit counter. For example, if you want to track the pieces sold in a bucket of chicken that contains 9 pieces (such as 3 breasts, 3 legs and 3 wings), you will have to create 3 sales units called breast, leg and wing. Each one of those 3 counters will get a value of 3 in the multiplier field.
The Items Setup Configuration is divided into a selection list.
Enable a sales item's revenue center and mode to open up the item's configuration.
Revenue Center
This column shows the item's existing revenue centers.
This column shows the item's existing modes.
This column shows the item's sales price in all existing revenue centers and modes.
This button allows to setup a new Sales Item's revenue center and mode.
This button allows to modify information on a Sales Item's revenue center and mode. Select a sales item's existing revenue center and mode and click on the MODIFY button to modify an item's configuration. The record will display and you will be allowed to change any field.
This button allows to remove a Sales Item's record. Select a sales item's revenue center and mode, and then click on the DELETE button to remove this item's configuration. A warning message will prompt you for a confirmation to remove that record. Click on YES to delete this record.
Copy Fields
This button allows to access the "Copy Fields" screen. Select a sales item's existing revenue center and mode configuration and click on the COPY FIELDS button to copy an item's Text Recipe without affecting all other fields. You will be allowed to copy that Text Recipe to any other configuration.
Select the existing configurations where data will be copied.
Enable this option to automatically select all available configurations.
Text Recipe
Enable this option to copy the text recipe from the source configuration to all selected configurations.
Enable this option to copy the Sales Item Price from the source configuration to all selected configurations.
Special Mode
Enable this option to copy the Special Mode Ratio from the source configuration to all selected configurations.
Enable this option to copy the Surcharge from the source configuration to all selected configurations.
Point Value
Enable this option to copy the Point Value from the source configuration to all selected configurations.
Enable this option to automatically select all available fields.
Click the OK button to copy selected fields from the source configuration to the selected configurations.
This button allows to access the "Copy To" screen. Select a sales item's existing revenue center and mode and click on the COPY button to copy all fields of an item's configuration. You will be allowed to copy that configuration to any other revenue center and mode.
Revenue Centers
Choose the revenue center(s) where you want the previously selected configuration to be copied.
Enable this option to copy the previously selected configuration to all revenue centers.
Choose the mode(s) where you want the previously selected configuration to be copied.
Enable this option to copy the previously selected configuration to all modes.
NOTE: If you choose a mode that does not exist in a revenue center, the existing mode(s) will be copied to, but no new mode will be added to that revenue center.
Replace Existing
Enable this option to overwrite any existing revenue center(s) and mode(s) with the previously selected configuration in addition to creating new configurations for empty revenue center(s) and mode(s).
Click the OK button to start the copy of the selected configuration towards the chosen revenue center(s) and mode(s).
Price and Cost
You can check your selling price or costing for each mode of your revenue center. If you enter a selling price in the format XX.XX in the "Price" field, the computer will update automatically the "% Cost" field. If you enter a two digits number in the "% Cost" field, the computer will calculate a selling price so that your cost is the percentage that you want.
Revenue Center
This field displays the revenue center's description.
This field displays the mode's description.
This field displays the price of the item for each mode.
This field displays, for each mode, the cost calculated based on the item recipe as well as on the inventory setting included in each sales item.
% Cost
This field displays the cost percentage calculated based on the item cost versus the item price for each mode.
This field displays the difference between the item cost and item price for each mode.
Special Mode
If you have a special mode, like Happy Hour, input the ratios so that the system knows by how much it will have to decrease the inventory.
Example: For regular portion, enter 1.
For half the normal portion, enter 0.5.
For twice the normal portion, enter 2.
Enter in this field the amount to add to a Combo price when upsizing a modifier component.
NOTE: If a surcharge is configured in any revenue item that is part of a combo, it will automatically apply when the combo is assembled. This kind of surcharge will always be applied, regardless of how any other combo meal options are setup.
Extra Points
Enter in this field bonus points to add to the Frequent Diner guest regardless of promotion rules.
Point Value
Enter the number of points earned required to get this frequent diner Points Item for free, if the Points Mode option is enabled in Server Control / View / Options / Frequent Diner.
NOTE: The Function field must be set to Points in the Item Function branch.
Enable this option to make this item available in that particular Revenue Center and Mode.
NOTE: Disabling the Available option in Point of Sale Control / Revenue Center / Item Setup / Options overrides the individual Revenue Centers and Modes availability. As well, the Availability option also has to be enabled in Point of Sale Control / Employees / Configuration / Functions to allow managers to toggle the availability of items from the workstation for each individual Revenue Center and Mode.
Temporary Withdrawal
Enable this option to make this item temporarily unavailable for sale from the External Order System (EOS) and the Points Of Sales. When the Temporary Withdrawal status of an item is modified, au update of the information on this item is sent to the EOS in real-time. All Temporary Withdrawal will be made available again for the next fiscal day if the Reactivate Temp. Withdrawn Items at the EOD option is enabled in P.O.S. Control / View / Option / Configuration / Option
NOTE: For an item to be accessible on the workstation, the Available option above must be enabled and the Temporary Withdrawal option must be disabled.
Remote Display Only
This option allows to display items to the Remote Order Confirmation Screen (AccuView) screen without having to print them to the KVM monitor.
Exclude From Savings
Enable this option to exclude this item configuration from the savings calculation that can be configured for each Revenue Center.
NOTE: For this option to have any effect, the Rate Adjustment option needs to be enabled and configured in Point of Sale Control / Revenue Center / Options / Options / Check.
Included Item
Enable from the list of free items the one that is included when this sales item is ordered.
Represents the maximum weight of the Weighted Modifier. If it is greater then the Free option set in the Screen/ Weighted modifier, the modifier's price will no longer be zero. The default value is 1.
Printout #1 to #9
Enable the shared printer where you want this item to print. You may send the order to five different printers at the same time.
NOTE: Modifiers always follow the main item. Printout settings #1 to #9 do not affect where the workstation prints the modifiers.
If this option is enabled, this item's description will be printed in bold character at the Printout#1 to Printout #9.
NOTE: If this record is a modifier and you want the print to be enlarged for each printout, enable the enlarge field of the first printout.
In Red
Enable this option in Printout#1 to Printout #9 to print items other then modifiers in red characters as well. For example, this is useful for items with the Free function, but used as modifiers.
This field is used to prioritize the order in which items print out, so that it follows the specific order in which the cooks prepare them. For example, even if a server enters the modifiers for a pizza as: Mushrooms, Cheese, Pepperoni and Light sauce, the system could print them as: Light sauce, Pepperoni, Mushrooms and Cheese. Items with 0 have the lowest priority, and will print after all other items.
Regular Modifier
Enable this to use regular modifiers to obtain the modifier lists for a given sales item. Use these fields to cause 1 or 2 specific modifiers screen to appear when a server orders a certain sales item. For example, if a server orders a steak, a screen will appear on the touchscreen offering the choice of temperature for the steak, followed by a second screen offering a choice for starches.
Modifier #1, Modifier #2
From the drop-down menu, select the variable list of modifiers you want to link to the sales item.
NOTE: A Modifier is a sales item that works as a Remark. There is a maximum of two modifiers per sales item, but since a modifier item can be linked to another one, you can actually link as many modifiers as you need.
Weight Modifier
Enable this to use the weight modifier to obtain the modifier lists for a sales item. Use the Weighted Modifier option instead of Regular Modifier for advanced flexibility. Here is an example of how you might use the weighted modifier. Suppose that there is a choice of 2 free condiments out of 3 available with a Pizza:
Pepperoni, worth $1.00, has a weight of 1.
Green pepper, worth $1.00, has a weight of 1.
Shrimp, worth $2.00, has a weight of 2 because it is worth twice as much as the other two condiments.
In this situation, 1 shrimp has the same value as 1 pepperoni + 1 green pepper, therefore, the customer has a choice between pepperoni and green pepper or shrimp only. If he wants more, he has to pay extra. As you can see, the weighted modifier allows to compare food items that have different values and to mix and match them accordingly.
Weight. Mod.
Click on the drop-down arrow to select the weighted modifier if you want it to be linked to this sales item.
Level Modifiers
Level Mod
Enable the level modifier you want to use. A level modifier is used for example when you are creating sales items such as pizzas, and the items that you will select could have different prices depending on the quantity selected. EX: A basic pizza will go for 9.95 $ with a choice of 3 toppings. Toppings 4 and 5 will go for 2.00 $ whatever you select 4 or 5 toppings, and topping 6 and 7 will go for 1.50 $ each. 1) You will need to program your basic pizza 2) You will need to program a weight modifier for those toppings 3) You will need to create a Level modifier for this pizza. In your basic pizza item you will select your pizza weight modifier, and your pizza level modifier. The pizza level modifier will be programmed such as: Select the Use price fields 1 to 7 Price #1: 0.00 $ Price #2: 0.00 $ Price #3: 0.00 $ Price #4: 2.00 $ Price #5: 0.00 $ Price #6: 1.50 $ Price #7: 1.50 $
Recipe on Terminal
Should this option be enabled, Maitre'D will be able to display the sales item recipe on the touch screen whenever a server requires it. If a bar recipe (text recipe) is linked to the item, then that recipe will be used, otherwise, it is the inventory system recipe will be used instead (however, the Inventory Management module must be installed). This option is useful when teaching employees to prepare certain sales items, like cocktails. By enabling this option, you can access the Recipe editor.
Text Recipe
This option allows to link a text recipe to a sales item. From the drop down menu, select the text recipe that you want to link to the sale item.
Use this icon to create or modify text recipes displayed on the workstation.
Recipe To Use
Enable to use an Item Recipe or an Inventory Recipe.
This field displays the total cost of the ingredients included in the item recipe branch.
With Settings
Enable this to include the cost of a setting associated with an item (butter, bread, napkins, etc.). To program the price using this option, go to the Maitre'D Inventory module in the View/Option section.
With Vegetable
Enable this option if the meal comes with vegetables that are not included in the recipe. To program the price using this option, go to the Maitre'D Inventory module in the View/Option section.
If you do not want to enter every item in a recipe, use this option to enter an approximate cost for minor items. They can be left out of the recipe programming.
This field displays the total calories of a given item based on the ingredients included in the item recipe branch.
The Recipe sub-branch only becomes available only if the Inventory Management Module is available and that the Recipe to Use field is set to either Item Recipe or Inventory Recipe.
Inventory Recipe
Enable the inventory recipe that belongs to this sales item.
The quantity of inventory items used in a recipe.
The inventory items used in a recipe in an inventory usage format.
The inventory item description of the ingredients used in a recipe.
Unit Cost
The inventory item cost per usage format.
The ingredient cost (quantity multiplied by unit cost).
The total calories of an inventory item used in a recipe.
This field is only used by the Automatic Conversion option, and show the percentage of the buying cost applied to this item.
Enable the inventory item that belongs to this sales item.
Type in the quantity of the inventory item that is used in your recipe.
Quantity Modifier
At each level, type in the quantity of the inventory item that is used in your recipe. The item has to be a MODIFIER. The higher the level (the more modifiers chosen) the smaller the quantity. If the quantity is more than zero, then the quantity above will be ignored.
Level 1/Quantity = 10 g
If 1 modifier is chosen then the quantity of this modifier will be 10 g.
Level 2/Quantity = 9 g
If 2 modifiers are chosen then the quantity of this modifier will be 9 g.
Level 10/Quantity = 1g
If 10 modifiers are chosen then the quantity of this modifier will be 1g.