Merchandise Reception

Merchandise Reception

With this option you can enter your received merchandise with or without a previously created purchase order.

Receive Merchandise without Purchase Order…

With this option you can enter your received merchandise without a previously created purchase order.


Enable this option to delete a purchase order as soon as the buttons Receive or Close are clicked.

PO #

Enable the sequential number of a previously created purchase order to receive the associated merchandise. If a purchase order was created by the order expert and was not edited since its creation, this number is preceded by an icon.


Supplier name of previously created purchase order.

Order Date

Date the previously created purchase order was created.

Button - Received

Select a PO# or "Receive Merchandise without Purchase Order" on the left and click the Received button to start entering a received order.

Button - Delete

Select a PO# on the left and click the Delete button to remove an obsolete purchase order.

Button - Export

Select a PO# on the left and click the Export button to create an export file in XML format to be sent to a 3rd party software.

Button - Close

Click the close button to commit changes and exit this list and return to the Inventory Management module main screen.

Merchandise Reception Information

Purchase Order sequential number.


Enable from the list the supplier from whom you made a purchase.

Reception Date

Enter the date when you received the merchandise.

Due Date

If indicated on the supplier invoice, enter the Date due.


Enable the appropriate currency.

Invoice #

Type in the invoice number you want to enter in the Back-Office. If the invoice already exists, the Back-Office finds it and brings the invoice on the screen.


Enable the appropriate location.

User ID

Enter the name of the person who physically received and counted the merchandise during the reception.

Merchandise Reception Detail

Purchase order sequential number.


Supplier from whom you made the purchase.


Merchandise reception date.

Invoice #

Invoice number entered in the previous window.


Product code.


Item description.

Qty Ordered

Quantity of items ordered.

Qty Received

Quantity of items received.


Purchase format.


Price paid by purchase format.


Total $ amount of this received item.


Enabled when quantity received equals quantity ordered.


Explanation of backorder.

Button - Add

Add an item to the purchase order.

Button - Modify

Modify an item on the purchase order.

Button - Remove

Remove an item from the purchase order.

Button - Fast

Use the fast entry mode to add items to the purchase order.

Button - Accept All

Makes quantity received equal to quantity ordered for all items entered in the purchase order.


Button - Scan

Use this button to scan the invoice during merchandise reception and save it in the folder C:\Posera\MaitreD\Data\Scan.


If an invoice has been scanned, use this button to view the saved file.


Total $ amount of all items entered in the purchase order.


Enable from the list the inventory item to add to your purchase order.

Current supplier item list

Enable this option to limit the code list to items whose current supplier is the selected supplier.

Show Inactive

Enable this option to also display purchase inventory items with the Inactive option enabled.


Quantity received for this item.


Price paid by purchase format.

Button - Add

Add this item to the purchase order.

Button - Close

Exit fast entry mode.

Merchandise Reception item Detail


Enable this option to add an inventory item to your purchase order.


Enable from the list the inventory item to add to your purchase order.

Current supplier item list

Enable this option to limit the code list to items whose current supplier is the selected supplier.

Show Inactive

Enable this option to also display purchase inventory items with the Inactive option enabled.


Quantity received for this item.


Price paid by purchase format.


Checked when quantity received equals quantity ordered.

Undelivered Reason

Explanation of backorder.


Enable this option to add a general ledger account to your purchase order.


General ledger account to be added to.


Amount to add to the general ledger account.

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