Cooking Schedule
The cooking schedule function can be used to plan the quantity of key items to cook throughout the day. This feature is especially helpful for items that require a longer cooking time by letting you prepare these items in advance. The system looks at your sales for such items on the same day a week ago, and assumes that you will sell approximately the same number of items at approximately the same time that day. The system also takes into account the number of these items actually sold today, so it does not have you pre-cook too many of them. Prior to using the cooking schedule, you have to set it up in View \ Options \ Cooking Schedule branch. This function does not do any inventory posting. It only helps you schedule your work.
Enable from the list the item to track. It must first have been configured in View \ Options \ Cooking Schedule.
Hour slice.
Quantity sold during that hour today.
Total quantity sold from midnight until that hour today.
Quantity sold during that same hour 7 days ago.
Total quantity sold from midnight until that hour 7 days ago.
Difference between quantities sold during that hour today and 7 days ago.
Difference between total quantities sold from midnight until that hour today and 7 days ago.
Projection (Xh)
Projected quantity needed in the next X hours, where X is the time projection selected for this item.
On Hand
Quantity of this item on hand.
Quantity of this item to cook during this hour to avoid running out according to the variation between today and 7 days ago..
Click this button to manually change the quantity on hand.
Click this button to print the cooking schedule.
New On Hand Quantity
Enter a manual adjustment of you on hand quantity, disabling the automatic calculation.
Enable this option for the system to revert back to automatic calculation of on hand quantity.
Last updated
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