Broadpos Transit Payment Application (Us Only)
Broadpos Transit Payment Application
On the main screen, touch CREDIT or DEBIT.
Touch SALE.
Using the number pad, enter the amount and touch CONFIRM.
Hand over terminal to client.
If tips are enabled, customer selects (or manually inputs) a tip amount and confirms the total sale amount.
Client inserts/swipes/taps their card and enters their PIN (if required); if using e-Signature, the terminal prompts customer to sign on the touchscreen. The printer prints the merchant copy.
Take the transaction receipt and ask the customer to sign the merchant copy (if using paper signature). To print customer copy, touch OK and hand to client.
On the main screen, touch EBT.
Touch SALE.
Using the number pad, enter the amount and touch CONFIRM.
Swipe the client card.
Select EBT Type: Food Stamp or Cash Benefit and touch OK.
If prompted to enter the invoice number, use the number pad to enter it and touch CONFIRM.
Hand over terminal to client to enter their PIN. The printer prints the merchant copy.
Take the merchant copy of the transaction receipt. To print customer copy, touch OK and hand to client.
On the main screen, touch CREDIT or DEBIT.
If returns are password protected, enter the password and touch Enter.
Using the number pad, enter the amount and touch CONFIRM.
Client inserts/swipes/taps their card and enters their PIN (if required); if using e-Signature, the terminal prompts customer to sign on the touchscreen. The printer prints the merchant copy.
Take the transaction receipt and ask the customer to sign the merchant copy (if using paper signature). To print customer copy, touch OK and hand to client.
On the main screen, touch CREDIT or DEBIT.
Using the number pad, enter the amount and touch CONFIRM.
Swipe the client card.
If prompted to enter the invoice number, use the number pad to enter it and touch CONFIRM.
Hand over terminal to client to enter their PIN. The printer prints the merchant copy.
Take the merchant copy of the transaction receipt. To print customer copy, touch OK and hand to client.
NOTE: Void is only for sales in the current batch (not closed).
On the main screen, touch CREDIT, DEBIT, or EBT.
Touch V/SALE.
If voids are password protected, enter the password and touch Enter.
When prompted, use the number pad to enter the original transaction number and touch CONFIRM.
Hand over terminal to client.
The terminal displays the original transaction details, the customer touches CONFIRM. The printer prints the merchant copy.
Take the merchant copy of the transaction receipt. To print customer copy, touch OK and hand to client.
On the main screen, touch CREDIT.
Touch AUTH.
Using the number pad, enter the amount and touch CONFIRM.
Hand over terminal to client.
Client inserts/swipes/taps their card and enters their PIN (if required); if using e-Signature, the terminal prompts customer to sign on the touchscreen. The printer prints the merchant copy.
Take the transaction receipt and ask the customer to sign the merchant copy (if using paper signature). To print customer copy, touch OK and hand to client.
On the main screen, touch CREDIT.
When prompted, use the number pad to enter the original transaction number and touch CONFIRM.
The terminal displays the original authorization details, touch CONFIRM.
Enter the final purchase amount and touch CONFIRM. The printer prints the merchant copy.
Take the transaction receipt and ask the customer to sign the merchant copy (if using paper signature). To print customer copy, touch OK and hand to client.
NOTE: You can only reprint receipts on terminals with a built-in printer for transactions in the current batch (not closed).
On the main screen, touch FUNC.
Touch Re-Print.
Select what to reprint: • Print Last: Reprints the receipt for the last transaction. • Print Detail: Prints the transaction details for the current batch. • Print Any: Reprints a transaction using the transaction number. To reprint a specific receipt using the transaction number:
Touch Print Any.
Touch EDC Type to select Credit as the transaction type if it is not already selected.
Use the number pad to enter the original transaction number.
Touch Receipt Type to select which receipt to print: Customer or Merchant.
Touch Printing.
If equipped with a printer, the terminal reprints the receipt.
On the main screen, touch FUNC.
Touch Batch.
From the Batch Menu, touch Batch Close.
If equipped with a printer, the Batch Report prints.
NOTE: Reports can consume a large amount of paper and prevent you from processing any transaction on the terminal while the report prints on terminals with a built-in printer.
On the main screen, touch FUNC.
Touch Reports.
Enter the password and touch Enter.
Select the desired report:
• Default Report: Prints the Condensed Report which is a summary of the transaction on the current batch.
• Current Report: Prints a report based on Report Type, Payment Type, Card Type, and Transaction Type, and by sorting order (Sorted).
• History Report: Prints a report of transactions for a specific date range (Report From and Report To dates; default value is the current day), by Payment Type, Card Type, and Transaction Type. • Tip Report: Prints a report based on Server/Clerk number, Payment Type, and Card Type filters.
Configure the report’s filters (if required) and touch Printing. If equipped with a printer, the selected report prints.
On the main screen, touch FUNC.
Touch Operator.
Enter the password and touch Enter.
To view a list of operators on the terminal, touch View Operators.
To add one or more operators, touch Add Operator.
Use the virtual keyboard to enter the Operator Name.
Use the virtual keyboard to enter the Operator ID.
Touch Confirm. The terminal confirms the operation. Touch OK to add another operator (repeat steps 5 and 6) or Cancel if you are finished.
To delete one or more operators, touch Delete Operator. The terminal displays a list of current operators.
Select the operator(s) to delete.
Touch Confirm.
NOTE: You can configure the terminal to acquire the customer signature electronically or on paper. With e-Signature, the client signature is printed on the merchant copy of the receipt.
On the main screen, touch FUNC.
Touch Settings.
Enter the password and touch Enter.
Touch Operation Settings.
In the Signature Type section, touch Signature Type.
Touch e-Signature to enable on-screen signature or touch On Paper to enable signature on the merchant copy receipt.
NOTE: To help ensure the security of your transactions, you can enable password protection for selected transactions before the operation can proceed.
On the main screen, touch FUNC.
Touch Settings.
Enter the password and touch Enter.
Touch Merchant Settings.
In the Transaction Types section, touch CREDIT.
Locate and touch the desired transaction type.
Touch Password Protected to enable password protection for the selected transaction.
Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each additional transaction you want to password protect.
To remove password protection for a transaction, touch the desired transaction type and then touch Always Enabled.
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