Activate the STPI Secure License

Purchasing a License

Before a license can be activated, it needs to be purchased and created for you. Please contact the PayFacto Boarding team or your local Sales Representative to purchase a STPISecure license.

STPISecure License File

After you have purchased a STPISecure license, the license file will be sent to you as a text file attachment via e-mail. The e-mail will come from the PayFacto Boarding Team or your local Sales Representative.

E-Mail with license attachment

Install the License File

  1. Save the file from the e-mail to your Windows Desktop. Typically, the file is named something like "Licdefault_12345.txt".

  2. Rename the file to "Lic.txt". To achieve this, you can right-click the file and select the Rename option, or select the file and press the F2 key on your keyboard.

License Icon
License Icon
  1. Move the file to the following folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\PayFacto\STPISecure\STPIClient\

License file path

The license activation process is now complete.


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