Being specifically designed with the Hospitality industry in mind, tip management is an integral part of SecurePay. This section focuses on the various options available in SecurePay to facilitate tip management.
Tip options are found in SecurePay's advanced settings. Here is a summary of available tip options:
Tip processing
Enable this option to have the SecurePay application prompt for tip entry. Disable this option to prevent tip entry. Disabling this option will also hide all the tip-related options below.
Percentage presets
Configure preset tip percentages that the customer will see when prompted for tip. 3 presets can be configured. If you do not wish to use all of them, you can configure a preset to 0% which will hide that button from the customer.
Tip presets text size
Select the text size used to display preset tip percentages. Available choices are Normal, Large, and Very Large.
Tip Threshold
Enter the maximum allowed tip percentage. Any tip amount that exceeds this percentage will require the settings password to be entered. Setting the percentage to 0% disables the tip threshold validation.
Manual percentage input
Enable this option to have the SecurePay module add a button allowing the customer to enter a tip percentage manually.
Tip presets are used to simplify and speed up the tipping process by allowing customers to select between pre-configured tip percentages that are commonly used. Any percentage can be configured, but they need to be realistic for the market in which the terminal is used.
Up to 3 tip presets can be configured
Presets configured at 0% are not displayed
The space used by each preset button is automatically adjusted to fit the width of the screen, as demonstrated in screenshots below
One tip preset
Tip Preset Config - One Preset
Screenshot - One tip preset
Two tip presets
Tip Preset Config - two Presets
Screenshot - Two tip presets
Three tip presets
No tip presets
Tip Preset Config - No Presets
Screenshot - Zero tip presets
The Tip Preset Text Size drop-down allows you to change the font size used to display percentages and amounts in each tip preset. The screenshots below illustrate each available size.
The Tip Threshold is a control measure to prevent accidental over-tipping. If the tip amount exceeds the set threshold, SecurePay will request the administrator password before applying the tip.
IMPORTANT! Be sure to carefully evaluate how tips work in the establishment before setting this value. With low value items, the threshold percentage can be exceeded very quickly. For example, buying a water bottle for $2.00 and leaving $1.00 as a tip is already 50% in tip value.
If your business uses gift cards as a payment option, your terminal includes an application to process gift card transactions. When working with Secure Payment, gift card transactions are supported when you identify that the payment method is a gift card or the terminal detects that the card used is not a credit or debit card.
For more information on working with gift cards in the Secure Payment application, please refer to the following topics:
The Secure Payment application currently supports two types of gift card transactions: purchases and refunds. When making a purchase with a gift card, the Secure Payment application launches the appropriate gift card application (DataCandy of Freebees) to redeem the amount of the sale from the gift card's balance. When issuing a refund, the Secure Payment application launches the gift card application and increments the amount to be refunded onto the gift card's balance. Please refer to the following topics for how to process the supported gift card transactions:
Any other gift card transaction (activation, empty card, or checkign the balance) must be performed in the appropriate gift card application, according to the gift card application's user guide. For additional information on gift card transactions, please refer to the appropriate brand's documentation:
DataCandy Gift Card User Guide (online version)
DataCandy Gift Card User Guide (PDF version)
Freebees Gift Card User Guide (online version)
Freebees Gift Card User Guide (PDF version)
When processing a transaction (sale or refund) using a gift card, the workflow a terminal operator will use depends on the Secure Payment module they are using.
If you are using Secure Payment's Gateway module, the gift card is recognized as soon as the operator swipes the card and the appropriate gift card application is launched (DataCandy or Freebees).
If you are using any other Secure Payment module (App to App, SecurePay, SecureTable, or Standalone Payment), the operator (or customer) must indicate that the card being used is a gift card by tapping the Gift card button.
If the terminal operator or customer do not tap the Gift card button before swiping the card, the terminal displays a screen asking if a gift card is being used.
When you tap the Gift card button or answer Yes to the gift card question, the Secure Payment application launches the appropriate gift card application (DataCandy or Freebees) to process the sale or refund. When the gift card transaction is complete, the terminal returns to the Secure Payment application.
A sales transaction paid for with a gift card is very similar to a regular sale paid for with a credit or debit card. The only difference is that you need to confirm that the card being used to pay is a gift card. The following procedure describes how to process a sale using a gift card.
Begin your sale as you would normally, based on the Secure Payment module you are using:
App to app: enter the sale amount on the 3rd party terminal application.
Gateway: enter the sale amount on the POS to initiate the Secure Payment application on the terminal.
SecurePay: enter the sale on the POS to initiate the payment on the terminal.
SecureTable: enter the sale on the POS and then retrieve the bill when you've arrived at the table with the payment terminal.
Standalone payment: enter the sale amount on the terminal and touch OK.
On the Total Sale screen, touch the Gift card button; if the payment process includes a tip, select the tip and then touch the Gift card button on the Total Sale screen.
Sale without tip
Sale with tip
If neither the operator nor customer touch the Gift card button before swiping the card, the terminal will present the following screen:
NOTE: If you are using the Gateway module, the gift card is recognized without requiring user input and the Secure Payment application automatically launches the appropriate gift card application.
The Secure Payment application then launches the required gift card processing application (DataCandy or Freebees) to complete the transaction and print the transaction receipt.
When the gift card sale is complete, the terminal leaves the gift card application and returns to the main Secure Payment application screen.
A refund for a transaction originally paid for with a gift card is very similar to a regular credit or debit card refund. The only difference is that you need to confirm that the card being used to pay is a gift card. The following procedure describes how to process a refund using a gift card.
Begin your refund as you would normally, based on the Secure Payment module you are using:
App to app: select the refund transaction and enter the refund amount on the 3rd party terminal application.
Gateway: enter the refund amount on the POS to initiate the Secure Payment application on the terminal.
SecurePay: enter the refund on the POS to initiate the payment on the terminal.
SecureTable: enter the refund on the POS and then retrieve the bill when you've arrived at the table with the payment terminal.
Standalone payment: select the refund transaction from the Operations menu and enter the refund amount on the terminal and touch OK.
On the Refund screen, touch the Gift card button.
NOTE: If you are using the Gateway module, the gift card is recognized without requiring user input and the Secure Payment application automatically launches the appropriate gift card application.
The Secure Payment application then launches the required gift card processing application (DataCandy or Freebees) to refund (increment) the sale amount to the gift card balance and print the transaction receipt.
When the gift card refund is complete, the terminal leaves the gift card application and returns to the main Secure Payment application screen.
Tap Yes to continue the transaction using a gift card or No to return to the Total Sale screen to use a credit or debit card.
If neither the operator nor customer touch the Gift card button before swiping the card, the terminal will present the following screen:
Tap Yes to continue the refund transaction.
This section will cover the general workflow that users and customers will see when using the SecurePay module. The workflow will vary slightly based on the Secure Payment application's SecurePay module configuration.
With the SecurePay module, the payment process is always initiated by the POS system. The SecurePay module cannot be used to initiate a payment directly at the payment terminal.
If you need assistance with the functions of your POS system, please consult the documentation specific to the POS system you are using. Generally speaking, the following operations need to be carried out at the POS before a payment can be applied:
Ring / order sales items.
Print a check.
Select a payment type.
In most POS systems, selecting the payment type that is assigned to card payments will initiate the transaction process on the payment terminal.
If the Tip option is enabled in the SecurePay application settings, the tip calculation screen will appear.
When the Tip calculation screen appears, the payment terminal needs to be turned towards the customer. The customer has the following options:
Select one of the pre-configured percentages
Enter a custom dollar amount
Enter a custom percentage
Leave no tip at all
Total sale
This section shows the total amount to be paid.
Add a Tip
In this section, the tip presets configured in the Tip Preset Percentages in SecurePay's settings appear. Each percentage box also indicates the corresponding dollar amount.
Touching a preset automatically adds the selected tip amount to the transaction.
Custom $
Touch the Custom $ button to enter a custom dollar amount as tip instead of using a preset.
Custom %
Touch the Custom % button to enter a custom percentage of tip instead of using a preset.
No tip
Touch this button to skip the tip entry process altogether and leave no tip.
The screen below only appears if the customer touches the $ button to enter a custom tip amount.
The customer uses the provided keypad to enter a tip amount, which will make the green CONFIRM button available.
The customer can use the backspace key to correct typing mistakes.
When ready, the customer presses the green CONFIRM button.
NOTE: On devices equipped with a physical keypad, the on-screen keypad will not be displayed. The physical keypad buttons will be used instead.
The screen below only appears if the customer touches the % button to enter a custom tip percentage.
The customer uses the provided keypad to enter a tip percentage, which will make the green CONFIRM button available.
Also note the Tip Amount value is updated in real-time as the customer types the percentage. This is provided so that the customer will immediately know exactly how much will be added to the check as tips, based on the percentage entered.
The customer can use the backspace key to correct typing mistakes.
When ready, the customer presses the green CONFIRM button.
NOTE: On devices equipped with a physical keypad, the on-screen keypad will not be displayed. The physical keypad buttons will be used instead.
At this point, SecurePay will call the payment application installed on the payment terminal. The prompts that the customer will see will depend on the payment application used and the card type used. For more information on this specific part of the workflow, please consult your payment application's documentation.
After the payment has been authorized by the payment application, the payment data will be sent to the POS system. Note that only non-sensitive data is exchanged between SecurePay and the POS system.
Once this is done, the application will return to its home screen.
The payment workflow with SecurePay is now complete, and the application is ready to process the next payment.