The Reward Coupons allows to reward all customers with "Buy $10.00 get a Free Item Next Visit" type promotions to encourage guests to return.
NOTE: This reward can apply to any check, and is not associated with Frequent Diners.
Click this button to access the Reward coupons options.
Invoice Info on Footer
Enable this option to print the Date and Check Number at the bottom of the Reward Coupon.
NOTE: This also triggers the use of an alternate logo on the reward coupon if the Alternate Page Setup field contains the appropriate hexadecimal code in P.O.S. Control / Workstation / Printer Type / Codes
Enter a name for the reward coupon.
Enter the precedence level to choose between Reward Coupons if the conditions from different ones are met.
NOTE: The highest Priority has a value of 1. Increasing values represent lower priorities. To have the system pick from different rewards at random, give them the same priority value.
Enter the condition(s) to be met in order to print an associated coupon. Available conditions to meet to print an associated coupon are;
Total, for the check's total,
Division, for a division's total,
Discount, for a discount total,
Item (Quantity), for the quantity of a particular item,
Item (Value), for the value of a particular item,
Media, for a payment type,
Number of Customers, or
Number of Items, for the quantity of all items.
The Schedule functionality allows printing different Rewards Coupons depending of the day of the week and hour of the day. For example, you could have a Free Beverage Reward Coupon that can only be generated in the morning, and a Free Salad Reward Coupon that can only be generated in the evening.
Use Schedule
Select from the drop-down list wether to use the schedule;
Always: Available according to the weekly schedule,
Never: Not available, or
Within Range: Available according to the weekly schedule, but between the Start and End dates fields.
Select the date when the reward coupon becomes available, if the Use Schedule field above is set to Within Range.
Select the date when the reward coupon becomes unavailable, if the Use Schedule field above is set to Within Range.
You can associate more then one reward coupon for each Reward Coupon condition set. For example, a Free Salad reward could generate a Free Caesar or a Free Chef Salad coupon.
Enter a short description of the reward coupon.
Coupon Overview
Enter the exact text to print on the reward coupon.
NOTE: You have to create the actual equivalent promotions items in Point of Sale Control / Payments / Promotions, or Free items in Point of Sale Control / Revenue Center / Items Setup, and enable the Coupon Rewards option in Point of Sale Control / Employees / Configuration / Invoice.
The Frequent Diner Tracking function allows to reward your frequent customers with "Buy 10 get 1 Free" type promotions.
Tracking Type
Select the type of tracking from the drop-down list.
Enable this option to apply this promotion on an individual sales item.
Enable the sales item on which to apply the promotion.
Enter the quantity of that sales item to buy before getting a free sales item.
Enable this option to apply this promotion on all sales items of a division.
Enable a division on which to apply the promotion.
Enter the quantity of sales item from that division to buy before getting a free sales item.
NOTE: You have to create the actual equivalent promotions in Point of Sale Control / Payments / Promotions, or Free items in Point of Sale Control / Revenue Center / Items Setup.
Swipe And Win
Enable this option to track the number of times a frequent diner card is swiped in the restaurant, and give away a free item after a fixed number of swipes.
NOTE: You can have many concurrent swipe and win promotions going, such as a free coffee every 20 swiped, and a free dessert every 50 swipes.
Free Item
Select the item to give out with this promotion.
Number of Swipes
Enter the number of card swipes to count between free items.
The Frequent Diner Promotions option allows to reward your frequent customers with points applicable as credits on future purchases.
Enter a unique numeric code for this conversion calculation.
NOTE: This code is only used by the external frequent diner interface.
Enter the Frequent Diner Promotion description.
Money to Points
Enter the slice of money used as the base for the calculation of points applicable as credits on future purchases.
Convert To
Enter the number of points to be given as credit on future purchases for each slice of the amount entered in the Every field above.
The Schedule functionality controls the application of money-to-points conversions depending of the day of the week and hour of the day.
NOTE: For example, you could have a promotion that generates points on Alcohol sales, but only from Monday to Friday between 17:00 to 19:00, during Happy Hour.
Maitre'D allows for loyalty program information to be collected for all guest checks. This section allows for the various supported loyalty programs to be configured for tracking.
NOTE: In order to be able to assign loyalty program information to guest checks, employees need to have the Loyalty Program option enabled in their respective configurations. The Loyalty Program option is found in Point of Sale Control / Employees / Configuration / [your config] / Invoice.
Select an existing loyalty program and click the modify button to change its properties.
Click the Add button to create a new loyalty program tracking entry.
Click close to exit.
Loyalty Program setup
Type in the description of the loyalty program as it will appear on guest checks and in reports.
External Code
Type in the external code for the loyalty program
Enable this option to deactivate this loyalty program without deleting it.
Enable this option to allow multiple loyalty programs to be recorded on the same transaction.
Print on check
Enable this option to have the loyalty program description and loyalty card number printed on the check.
Mask Card Number
Enable this option to mask the loyalty card number on the guest check.
Click OK to save changes and exit.
Click Delete to permanently remove this loyalty program information.
Click Cancel to exit without saving changes.
Loyalty program export
During the End of Day process, the loyalty program information collected during the day is exported to a CSV file.
The CSV file is named LoyaltyPrograms_YYYYMMDD.csv,where YYYYMMDD is the fiscal date being closed in Year/Month/Day format. The file is stored in C:\POSERA\MaitreD\DATA.
Prevent Loyalty Program Export
It is possible to prevent the automatic export of loyalty program information by adding the following keys and values under the [Miscellaneous] section of the BO.INI file, located in C:\POSERA\MaitreD\DATA:
The Frequent Diner Customer option allows to store information on Frequent Diner Customers, as well as reward your frequent customers with special promotions. This information is used to generate Frequent Diner Customer reports. Use this option to Add, Modify or Remove customer records.
This button allows to modify information on Frequent Diner Customer records. Select the record to modify and click on the MODIFY button. The customer's record will display and you will be allowed to change any field.
This button allows to add a new customer record to the Frequent Diner Customer database
This button allows to delete a customer record from the Frequent Diner Customer database. Select the record to delete and click on the REMOVE button. A warning message will prompt you for a confirmation to delete that record. Click on OK to delete this record.
Enter the Frequent Diner Customer code that will be used at the workstation when closing a check. This code can be alphanumeric.
NOTE: This code cannot be change after record creation. Local frequent diner can use magnetic cards. For example, the Frequent Diner customer number 10001's magnetic card's track 2 would read ;10001? , with a maximum of 16 characters. If Custom Cards are used for Frequent Diner cards and Account Receivables cards, the custom card definition has to be setup in the A/R media type # 49 only, and the Frequent Diner numbers have to include all digits of the cards, even if some leading characters are the same on all cards. The employee have to touch the Frequent Diner button and only then swipe the card.
Last Name
Enter the customer last name. This name will be display with the code on the customer list at the POS.
First name
Enter the customer first name. This name is use when you generate reports in the Report Center.
Enter the customer birthday.
Select the sex of this customer.
Marital Status
Enable the marital status of this customer.
Special Anniversary
Enter the date of another anniversary for this customer, such as the founding anniversary of a company, or the wedding anniversary of a couple.
Address 1, and 2
Enter the complete customer address in the two available lines.
Enter the city name for this account.
Enter the State / Province name for this account.
Postal Code
Enter the zip code for the address.
Enter the phone number of the customer.
Enter the customer's email address.
First order
This field displays the date of the first transaction assigned to this customer account.
Last order
This field displays the date of the last transaction assigned to this customer account.
Number of orders
This field displays the total number of order assigned to this customer account.
Total amount
This field displays a running total of all orders assigned to this customer account.
This column displays the Frequent Diner Tracking setup to reward your frequent customers with "Buy 10 get 1 Free" type promotions.
This column shows whether this promotion applies to an individual sales item or to all sales items of a division.
Cust. Qty
Number of sales item bought by this customer.
Number of sales item to buy before getting a free sales item.
This field displays the number of points currently waiting to be converted into credits for this customer.
This field displays the credit available for future purchases by this customer.
Last Ordered Items
This field displays a list of up to 10 of the last ordered item in this restaurant
Main Account
Main Account
This drop-down list allows to associate other members of a company or family with a main frequent diner customer.
Switch to Main Account
Click this button to go directly to the main frequent diner customer.
The Notes screen allows to store additional information on the frequent diner customer, such as seating or menu preferences.
Frequent Diner Customer
Frequent Diner Promotions
Frequend Diner Tracking
Frequent Diner Rewards Coupongs
Loyalty Program