The Invoice option from the Workstation menu allows to display messages on the guest check. There are 6 lines of 30 characters each for a guest check and an additional 5 lines of 30 characters each to get the customer information needed for room charge entry. You must type the authorization message separately for each workstation. This option gives you more flexibility since you can change the messages for the different locations of your workstation. For the room charge message, instead of typing the same text on every workstation, you can link every workstation room charge message to another one with the appropriate text.
Line 1 to Line 6
Type in these fields the lines of the message. This message appears on every guest check, following the total of the check.
Room charge
Line 1 To Line 5
Type in these fields the lines of the message to print on the room charge guest check.
Same As
Instead of typing the same text on every workstation setup screen, use this field to link this workstation setup screen to another one that already has the appropriate
The Mode option from the Workstation menu allows to program the hours for each mode. Use military time to program the hours and minutes for each mode. If you do not use the workstation after certain hours, enter the time in the 'closed' option. If a day does not have programmed modes, the workstation stays in the last mode of the previous day. If you do not program any modes, you must change the modes manually. You may program the modes for each workstation.
Type in the hour for each day of the week when that mode's menu displays at the workstation. Use military time, and use decimals to separate hours and minutes. If you type 8.00 for mode 1 and 11.00 for mode 2, the mode 1 menu first displays at the workstation at 8:00, but is replaced by the mode 2 menu at 11:00. Program 0.00 if the workstation is to stay in the previous mode.
Choose the revenue centers available on this workstation.
Enable this option to make this revenue center the default for this workstation.
Highlight a revenue center and click the Modify button to modify it's Default setting for this workstation.
Click the Add button to make another revenue center available on this workstation.
Highlight a revenue center and click the Remove button to make it unavailable on this workstation.
The Options/Workstation option from the Workstation menu allows to set up specific functions for each workstation.
Enter a name of up to 20 characters for the workstation. This description will appear on the workstation's main Login screen.
Default Mode
Enable a default mode for the revenue centers.
Floor Plan
Enable the default floor plan for this workstation's screen saver.
Lane Identification
Enter the lane identification number for non-EMV EFT protocols such as Datacap dsiClientX. This value has to be unique for each POS workstation.
Creation Date
This field displays the creation date of the most recent workstation data.
IP Address
This field displays the workstation's IP Address.
Check 1
Enable the printer location used to print the first copy of the guest check. This field is usually set to Receipt.
Check 2
Enable the printer location used to print a second copy of the guest check if necessary. This field is usually set to Null or Receipt.
Enable the printer to which the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) credit card voucher is printed. This field is usually set to Receipt.
NOTE: You will only see this field if you are using the Electronic Funds Transfer module.
Delivery 1 Delivery 2
Enable the printer location for the main delivery check and the secondary delivery check. The main delivery check usually goes to the customer and will have the restaurant name and address and the customer name and address print at the top. The secondary delivery check will only have the customer name and address only printed at the top of the check and usually goes to the delivery driver. These fields are usually set to Receipt or Null.
NOTE: You will see these fields only if you are using the Delivery module.
Select the printer which will be printing delivery pickup checks.
You can select on which printer will be printed the SOS message. The whole message is a coupon with a big SOS plus the workstation number from which the message was issued. If you select a printer, a SOS button will appear on the workstation server screen. This field is usually set to Null or Receipt.
Kitchen Admin.
Enable the printer where the kitchen chit will print to notify the food runners of a table number change. In an environment where the Hostess can order, there is a Table Transfer function on her screen to easily manage table transfer when the customers decide to change table just after she assigns them to a table. This field is usually set to Null or the main kitchen printer.
Select the local port # or logical printer where the receipt will print for this workstation. If it is a local parallel printer, set this field to Receipt.
Select the local port # or logical printer where the receipt should print for this workstation if the default Printout printer does not answer.
The Option/Messages option from the Workstation menu allows to display messages at the server # screen. This message appears in a blue box on the left-hand side on the screen below the upper white box. Even though you define these messages separately for each touchscreen, you can copy them from one workstation to another.
Line 1 To 5
Enter your message here
Same As
Instead of typing the same text on every workstation setup screen, use this field to link this workstation setup screen to another one that already has the appropriate text.
Windows Port mapping
Port #1 to 4
It is possible to define a different name to be used by the serial manager device for each COM port.
Logical Printer:
A Logical printer is the destination for a subset of like sales items for remote printing. The Back-Office uses the information in these fields to redirect the logical printers to an actual shared printer. For example: If you want all salad items and all dessert items to be printed separately so individual chits go to the salad chef and the dessert chef, designate the logical printer as Salad or as Dessert. These items actually print in the kitchen, but on different chits.
Shared Printer:
Select a shared printer from the list of available printers.
Select the inventory location from which you are depleting inventory.
NOTE: The Location field will only show if you are using the Inventory Module.
Remove an obsolete device.
Modify the properties of an existing device.
Bar Dispenser #1
Enable the type of the bar dispenser.
Enable the serial port of the bar dispenser. This choice is enabled only when the selected type above is serial.
NOTE: The bar dispenser cannot share this serial port with another device.
Enter the section of the bar dispenser.
Bar Dispenser #2
Maitre'D supports 2 Berg bar dispenser devices on the same workstation.
Enable the type of the second bar dispenser.
Enable the serial port of the second bar dispenser. This choice is enabled only when the selected type above is serial.
NOTE: The bar dispenser cannot share this serial port with another device.
Enter the same section as the bar dispenser #1.
NOTE: The North American Protocol does not support separated sections. Maitre'D counts all poured liquids in the section of the first dispenser.
Biometric Reader
Enable the type of the fingerprint biometric device.
Card Reader
Enable the type of the card reader.
Enable the serial port of the card reader. This choice is enabled only when the selected type above is serial.
NOTE: The card reader cannot share this serial port with another device.
Enable the driver of the card reader.
Cash Card Reader
Enable the type of the cash card reader.
Enable the serial port of the cash card reader. This choice is enabled only when the selected type above is serial.
NOTE: The cash card reader cannot share this serial port with another device.
Enable the driver of the cash card reader.
Cash Drawer #1 & #2
Enable the type of this cash-drawer.
Enable the serial port of this cash-drawer. This choice is enabled only when the selected type above is serial. This selection will be valid only if a serial printer is defined on the same serial port.
NOTE: A cash drawer cannot share this serial port with another device, except if it is connected to a serial printer.
Enable the driver of this cash-drawer.
Coin Dispenser
Enable the type of the coin dispenser.
Enable the serial port of the coin dispenser. This choice is enabled only when the selected type above is Serial.
NOTE: The coin dispenser cannot share this serial port with another device.
Enable the driver of the coin dispenser.
Enable the type of the CVM monitor.
Enable the serial port of the CVM monitor.
NOTE: The CVM monitor cannot share this serial port with another device.
Enable the driver of the CVM monitor.
Fiscal Printer
Enable the type of the fiscal printer.
Enable the serial port of the fiscal printer.
NOTE: A fiscal printer cannot share this serial port with another device, except if a cash drawer is connected to it.
Enable the driver of the fiscal printer.
Digital Video Recorder
IP Address
Enter the IP Address of the DVR.
NOTE: The same DVR can be defined in more then one workstation.
Camera Number
Enter the DVR camera number.
Enable the driver of the DVR.
Line Display
Enable the type of the line display.
Enable the serial port of the line display. This choice is enabled only when the selected type above is serial.
NOTE: The line display cannot share this serial port with another device.
Port Number
Enter the TCP/IP Port of the DVR.
Select the driver of the DVR.
Exclude Command Field
Enable this option Not to send the Command field in the text message sent to the DVR.
Exclude Camera Number
Enable this option Not to send the Camera number in the text message sent to the DVR.
Network Printer
IP Address
Enter the IP Address of the network printer.
NOTE: The same network printer can be defined in more than one workstation.
Port Number
Enable the port number of the network printer.
Printer Type
Enable the driver of the network printer.
Select the type of the PIN pad.
Select the serial port of the PIN pad.
NOTE: The PIN pad cannot share this serial port with another device.
Select the driver of the PIN pad.
Enter the identification number of the PIN pad.
NOTE: This information is provided by the payment processor or by the gateway provider.
Idle Message
Enter an idle message to be displayed on the PIN pad between transactions.
NOTE: This field is only available when the driver selected above is Verifone. Also, this only works for non-EMV protocols. With EMV protocols, the PIN Pad idle message is controlled by the third-party application driving the PIN Pad.
Type in the device name as required by the payment processor or gateway provider. This is sometimes referred to as "Secure Device ID".
Prompt for Tip
Enable this option for the pin pad device to quote the customer for a Tip entry.
Print tip line
Enable this option to print a tip and total line on transaction records for card payments.
Enable the type of the printer.
NOTE: For a USB printer, map it to a COM port, and configure it as a Serial printer.
Enable the port of the printer.
NOTE: A printer cannot share this port with another device, except if a cash drawer is connected to it.
Enable the driver of the printer.
Enable the type of the scale.
Enable the serial port of the scale. This choice is enabled only when the selected type above is serial.
NOTE: The scale cannot share this serial port with another device.
Enable the driver of the scale.
Enable the type of the scanner.
Enable the serial port of the scanner. This choice is enabled only when the selected type above is serial.
NOTE: The scanner cannot share this serial port with another device.
Enable the driver of the scann
Operating System
Enable the Operating System of your workstation.
Workstation Type
Enable your workstation's type from the drop-down. The choices of the local workstation are different from the others workstation's.
Enable the communication type Network or Serial.
Electronic Journal
Enable this option to create a text file containing a chronological list of all transactions done on a fixed workstation. This feature is not available on handheld workstations.
NOTE: By default, each workstation saves the resulting JournalXX.Log file in the C:\WS folder of its own hard drive , where XX is the workstation number. You can specify a path to save the electronic journals off all workstations in a central location by going to System Configuration / View / Options / Directories, and entering a path in the POS Electronic Journal Path field.
Small Device
Enable this option if the terminal runs on a hand-held device.
Use Folder Share for Printing:
Enable this option to use a shared folder on the server as a print buffer this workstation. If this option is disabled, the workstation will have its own local folder as its print buffer.
Click this button to create data for the workstation.
If the Operating System of your workstation is Windows or Windows CE, select a screen style for it.
Enable this option to allow resizing of the workstation application screen.
NOTE: When you restart the workstation, it will resize to the same position and size as when you closed it.
Show Mouse Cursor
Enable this option if the Operating System of your workstation is Windows and you want to use a mouse instead of a touch screen.
Floor plan status
Enable this option to use the floor plan as a screen saver on the workstation.
MSR Compatibility Mode
Enable this option to synchronize with the Magnetic Card Reader of a Posiflex J2 workstation running CE.NET.
Workstation Setup
Revenue Center