Cost for Setting
This field represents the overhead cost per inventory item that includes the cost of selling each item. You may calculate this cost by adding together the cost per inventory item for laundering napkins, cleaning silverware, and other related tasks. Enter the average setting amount for the majority of your inventory items. When you setup inventory items, the system prompts to choose whether you wish to use the cost entered in this field. There may be a cost of $1.00 associated with each entree served, so you would enter $1.00 in this field. As an example of how you can modify the setting cost, you can configure all entree inventory items to use the cost in this field, but set up drinks and dessert items to ignore it.
Vegetable Cost
This field is similar to the Cost for Setting field because it is an extra cost associated with an inventory item. It adds the cost of vegetable to an entree when the vegetable automatically comes with the meal. You might set the Vegetable cost at $0.30 because that is the lowest cost of a vegetable that you serve with an entree.
Number of Locations
The Number of locations is used only for the inventory worksheet and when the Multi-Location option is not installed. There will be as many lines per item that they are locations defined here. The default value for this field is 1.
Keep Production Schedule For
Enter in this field the number of weeks to keep tracking information for the production schedule
This field notes how often you would like for the Back-Office to update the inventory stock. Select from the list the appropriate setting.
Real Time
The inventory is updated every time an item is ordered at the workstation. (Default setting for most system).
Not Used
The inventory is never updated.
This field allows to control the availability of food items at the touchscreen according to inventory stock. For example, if the inventory shows that there are no more steaks, then the Back-Office makes steaks unavailable at the workstation. The Back-Office would make the steaks available again after you add steaks to the inventory through a purchase or inventory adjustment. Below are the choices for the Availability field.
Real Ingredient
If one of the ingredients of an inventory item becomes out of stock, then that item is unavailable. For example, suppose a hamburger recipe contains meat and a bun. If only the bun is out of stock, the item becomes unavailable even if the hamburger item shows that there is remaining stock.
Main item
The item becomes unavailable only when the main item is depleted from the inventory. For example, suppose that once again a hamburger recipe contains meat and a bun. If the bun is depleted from the inventory, but the hamburger item still shows some inventory, the item is still available.
Not used
The Back-Office will not automatically adjust the availability based on inventory stock.
Check when Removing
If this option is enabled during an inventory item deletion the system will check for available stock. If the item is in the requisition or purchase list, the deletion will fail. If this option is disabled, the system will only check whether the item belongs to a recipe or not. During the inventory item deletion, the Back-Office will remove this item from the history file, requisition and purchases files.
Use Product Code
If you enable this option, the items, in the drop down menus, will be presented by product code. If you leave it disabled, they will be presented by items description.
Use Supplier Product Code
If you enable this option, when generating a purchase order, the supplier product code will be used.
Remote Inventory Adjustment
Enable this option to allow inventory adjustment from a remote handheld device.
Disable Item Code Modification
Enable this option to disable the edition of the Inventory item code.
Disable Recipe Modification
Enable this option to restrict access to the recipe of sales items and inventory product items to only the Distributor and F9 access levels.
Remote PO Reception
Enable this option to allow Purchase Order Reception from a Remote workstation, handheld for example.
NOTE: To allow this, also enable the Merchandise Reception option in Point of Sale Control / Employee / Configuration / Functions of at least one Configuration.
Extended Format Description
Enable this option to display the Purchase format of inventory items followed by the inventory quantity and format (in parenthesis) on the Purchase Order and Merchandise Reception screens.
Example: Vodka 10 bottles (40 ounces). This is helpful is the actual received product is in 26 ounces bottles.
Fiscal date only on Remote
Enable this option to limit merchandise receptions to the current fiscal day only when performed from a POS workstation.
The Inventory Management module allows to adjust your inventory in order to match the theoretical quantity with the real quantity in stock. Any difference will be recorded as an inventory variance and will be differentiated from a lost. A variance is missing stock that you do not know the origin instead of a lost, which has a known origin. The Maitre'D software offers you many different ways to adjust your inventory: you can make adjustment for now, for this morning, for the current or last week, for the current or last period, for the current or last month. These options allow you for example, to enter a physical inventory taken at the end of the last month, or on any day of the current month. You also have the possibility to use this function in conjunction with an inventory worksheet that is printed using the report generator. When you are entering the adjustments, the system will show you the theoretical quantity in stock for each item requested according to the period requested.
Enable here the period that you will be able to use in Action / Adjustment.
This Morning
Enable this option to allow updates of the inventory for the same morning. This morning means just after the last closing of the day before any sales.
Enable this option to allow updates of the inventory after sales have been registered.
Current Week
Enable this option to allow updates of the inventory for the first day of the current week (same as the last day of the previous week).
Current Period
Enable this option to allow updates of the inventory for the first day of the current period (same as the last day of the previous period).
Current Month
Enable this option to allow updates of the inventory for the first day of the current month (same as the last day of the previous month).
Last Week
Enable this option to allow updates of the inventory for the first day of the previous week. This option should be used with caution and only to make major corrections for the past week.
Last Period
Enable this option to allow updates of the inventory for the first day of the previous period. This option should be used with caution and only to make major corrections for the past period.
Last Month
Enable this option to allow updates of the inventory for the first day of the previous month. This option should be used with caution and only to make major corrections for the past month.
Hide Theoretical Quantity
Enable this option to hide the theoretical quantity of items when entering inventory adjustments in the Back-Office from access levels other then System Owner or Distributor.
If you select this option, the Maitre'D default home page for the Inventory Management module will be used.
Enter the URL of your head-office's intranet or your complete URL on the Maitre'D Databoard server that will be used instead of the default local home page for the Inventory Management module.
User name
Enter the user name to access the Maitre'D Databoard server.
Enter the password to access the Maitre'D Databoard server.
Confirm Password
Confirm the password to access the Maitre'D Databoard server.
Received PO Automatic Export
Enable this option to automatically create the XML export file when entering a merchandise reception.
Current Supplier by Default
Enable this option so that the Current Supplier Item List option is automatically enabled when adding items while receiving merchandise.
Use Highest PO Number Value
Enable this option to generate the next Purchase Order number from the "highest" PO number, instead of the "latest" PO number.
Disable PO Number modification
Enable this option to prevent the PO number from being modified while using a Purchase Order Expert tool.
Include Restaurant Code in PO number
Enable this option to automatically include the Restaurant Code in the PO number.
NOTE: The Restaurant Code is configured in System Configuration / View / Options / Restaurant / Code.
Disable Item Price Modification
Activate this option to forbid users other then the system owner and distributor to change the price of inventory items when creating a purchase order or receiving merchandise in the Back-Office, or on the workstation.
Import / Export
Type in the path used for importing and exporting purchase orders in XML format. Use the folder icon to browse to your shared directory. The exported file name is Poxxxx.xml, where xxxx is the purchase order sequential number.
NOTE: If a supplier's SYSCO Number was entered in Inventory Management / File / Suppliers, the exported file name is xxxxx.POE, where xxxxx is the supplier's SYSCO Number. A background application monitors this folder to send files saved by Maitre'D to the SYSCO Food Services of Los Angeles supplier server. Once that server has treated these Purchase Order files, it returns Answer Files of it's own in the same directory.
Use Food Service Price Catalogue
Enable this option to automatically update the prices from a SYSCO Food Services supplier catalogue file every time the Inventory Management module is started.
NOTE: If a Purchase Order was generated before a new price catalogue was imported, the former price is still used for the Merchandise Reception of that PO. POs generated after the catalogue import will use the new price.
Manual Update
Click this button to request a price catalogue from the food service supplier server. The supplier's server must upload this file in the Directory specified above.
NOTE: If more then one supplier is setup with a SYSCO Number, you must specify the server to interrogate. A Windows Scheduler can also be used with a batch file to get the price catalogue files periodically.
The inventory management module can help you in planning your cooking schedule. This feature is especially helpful for items that require a longer cooking time by letting you prepare these items in advance. The system looks at your sales for such items on the same day a week ago, and assumes that you will sell approximately the same number of items at approximately the same time that day. The system also takes into account the number of these items actually sold today, so it does not have you pre-cook too many of them. Prior to setting up the cooking schedule, it is important to have setup the inventory items, as well as all other settings and necessary components essential to the creation of inventory items.
Tracked Item
This column displays the names of tracked items.
Projection time in hours
This column displays the projection time in hours of each tracked item.
Click the Add button to select a new item to be tracked by the cooking schedule.
Select a tracked item and click the Modify button to change its projection time.
Select a tracked item and click the Remove button to take it out of the cooking schedule.
Click the Refresh Data button to either re-create or refresh the XML reference data used to generate the cooking schedule. This should be done after any changes to tracked items.
Extended Projection
Enable this option to use the average of the last 6 weeks instead of the sales from last week.
Display setup
Start Display Hour
Select from the list the first hour you want displayed on your cooking schedule.
End Display Hour
Select from the list the last hour you want displayed on your cooking schedule.
Tracked Item
Select from the drop-down list the inventory item to be tracked.
Projection time in hours
Select from the drop-down list the projection time, in hours, for that tracked item. For example, if you need 3 hours to thaw, marinate and cook an item, you will select a time projection of 3 hours, so that if the sales curve of the current day matches the sales curve of 7 days before, you will have plenty of time to prepare the number of items that you will likely need today.