This option allows to view the path where the exported files will be stored. It also allows to select the DBF files you wish to create, and finally give you access to activate the converter process.
General Branch
This option allows to view the paths used by the Converter Module. It also allows to select the DBF files you wish to create, and finally receive access to activate the converter process
Input Path
Display the path where the import files will be stored. The default path is C:\POSERA\CCM\CLIENT\INCOMING.
Output Path
Display the path where the export files will be stored. The default path is C:\POSERA\CCM\CLIENT\OUTGOING.
Restaurant ID
Display the Restaurant ID that will be used to identify the files sent to the Communication Server application. Make sure the Restaurant ID field is unique for each location.
NOTE: To change any path you must access the Communication Client Application.
Enable this option if you wish to export a DBF file that includes the sales amount by divisions, revenue centers, modes and hours.
Enable this option to export a DBF file that includes the taxes by hours and revenue centers.
Enable this option to export a DBF file that includes the promotions by hours and revenue centers.
Enable this option to export a DBF file that includes the transaction summary by hours.
Enable this option to export a DBF file that includes the detail of sales payment media.
Total sales
Enable this option to export a DBF file that includes the permanent totals recorded by the system.
Enable this option to export a DBF file including the summary of invoices.
Invoice details
Enable this option to export three DBF files including invoice details.
Enable this option to export a DBF file that includes the sales statistics, and cost by hours.
Enable this option to export a DBF file that includes the sales statistics by hours and revenue centers.
Enable this option to export a DBF file that includes the detail of punches by employee.
Enable this option to export a DBF file that includes the total hours, salary by hours and department.
Enable this option to export a DBF file that includes the stock status, at the beginning of the day (after End of Day).
Enable this option to export a DBF file that includes the detail of inventory purchases (for new purchases only).
Enable this option to export the DBF file, concerning inventory cost.
Enable this option to export a DBF file that includes the real and theoretical cost and inventory value by inventory categories.
Data Export
Full Data Export
Enable this option to export an Encrypted file that includes the full system backup to the Corporate Office.
Configuration Data Export
Enable this option to export an Encrypted file that includes the revenue centers configuration to a third party External Sales System after a Broadcast.
Log File
Enable Export Log File
Enable this field to start a log of every transaction regarding the conversion of Maitre'D files in DBF format.
Enable Import Log File
Enable this option to record the events happening during Broadcast file importation.
View Export Log File,View Import Log File
Click on this button to display the import or export log file.
Disable Export
Select the Disable Export field to disable the file exportation of the DBF files. If so, the conversion of the files for the current day will not be done. After the End of Day process, you will not be able to go back and export the files for that day.
Disable Import
Select the Disable Import field to disable the file importation of the Corporate Broadcaster revenue center changes. If so, even if a revenue center broadcast file is ready to activate, the revenue center update won't execute.
NOTE: A bold red warning message is displayed in all modules if a broadcast could not be activated in 24 hours operations because there were opened checks and/or tables during the previous End Of Day.
This field will increment at each End of Day.
This option allows to choose whether to display or not to display the toolbar (all the icons at the top of your screen). This selection toggles from enable to disable. When there is a check mark beside the option, the option is enabled and you will see the toolbar.
This option allows to choose whether or not to display the status bar (the line located at the bottom of your screen). This selection toggles from enable to disable. When there is a check mark beside the option, the option is enabled and you will see the status bar.