Maitre'D Sales comparison by Revenue Centers report compares net sales, promotions (discounts), taxes, service, the quantity of meals sold, the amount of clients served and the quantity of tables served between 2 specific dates or 2 specific period of time for each Revenue Center. From a report filter window, you select the appropriate dates or date range, Revenue Center and mode you need information on. The following is a sample of the Sales comparison by Revenue Centers report:
For each Revenue Center you have a graphic with columns to help you visualize the information between the 2 dates or the 2 period of time. Also, for each Revenue Center you get a detailed list of all the information shown on the graphic for the 2 dates or the 2 period of time. The first column shows the fiscal date and the second column shows the comparison date.
Net sales
Totals discounted $ amount
Total taxes
Total service
The amount of meal served
Total amount of clients served
Total amount of tables served
Comparison date $ amount LESS the fiscal date $ amount
Variation %:
Variation divided by the $ amount (from the fiscal date) multiply by 100