This option allows to choose whether to display or not display the toolbar (all the icons at the top of your screens). This selection toggles from enable and disable. When there is a check mark beside the option, the option is enabled and you will see the toolbar.
This option allows to choose whether to display or not display the status bar (the line located at the bottom of your screen) or not. This selection toggles from enable and disable. When there is a check mark beside the option, the option is enabled and you will see the status bar.
Select the appropriate accounting protocol.
Accounting: to use the accounting and accounts receivable interfaces.
Local: to use the accounts receivable module from Maitre'D.
Front Desk Interface: to manage the Receivables through a Room Charge system.
Print Balance
Enable this option to print the customer balance on a sale's receipt from the workstation.
NOTE: If you try to close a guest check to a receivable account and the amount exceeds the customer's limit, Maitre'D will show you the balance left in the customer's account.
Print tip and total
Enable this option to print tip, total and signature lines on receivable checks so that members can pen in a tip and total, like they would on a credit card transaction.
Display Balance
Enable this option to display the Accounts Receivable Balance with the account's number and name when selecting from an Accounts Receivable list on the workstation.
Automatic End Of Day
Enable this option for the Back-Office to attempt closing the day at the time programmed in the Time For End Of Day option below. If no time is set, nothing will be done.
Display End Of Day Result
Enable this option to show a confirmation window after the End Of Day to confirm if it has completed successfully or not.
Time for End Of Day
This is the time when End Of Day is processed. If the system was not able to run the End Of Day, a warning message displays. If you enter 00:00, the system will not check for end of daytime. Time enter must be between midnight and noon.
POS Reboot Time
This is the time that the workstation will reboot automatically. If you enter 00:00, the system will not check to reboot workstations.
Days Kept Summary
This is the number of days that you want the computer to keep for the daily report. Enter your input in this field. The maximum is 9999 days.
Select the Frequent Diner provider that is interfacing with Maitre'D.
Merchant number
Enter the merchant number provided by the Frequent Diner Company.
Accept Swiped Entries Only
Enable this option to only accept magnetic card identification, and disable manual entries.
NOTE: If Custom Cards are used for Frequent Diner cards and Account Receivables cards, the custom card definition has to be setup in the A/R media type # 49 only, and the Frequent Diner numbers have to include all digits of the cards, even if some leading characters are the same on all cards. The employee have to touch the Frequent Diner button and only then swipe the card.
Print Tracking Info on Receipt
Enable this option to print on the Frequent Diner receipt the current total of a tracked item defined in Point of Sale Control / Frequent Diner / Tracking
Accept Negative Transaction
Enable this option to deduct from the current total a voided tracked item defined in Point of Sale Control / Frequent Diner / Tracking.
Customer Name in Kitchen
Enable this option to allow Frequent Diner information to be printed on kitchen printers.
NOTE: The Frequent Diner customer needs to be selected before ordering items and sending the orders to the kitchen.
Points Mode
Enable this option to modify the way Frequent Diner Points are shown and redeemed. This redemption method can use free Points Items once the sufficient amount of points have been accumulated, in addition to using a discount. To use these points, first select the Frequent Diner when entering the table, and then choose Items with the Point function for which the frequent diner has enough points accumulated. You can not combine items with the Point function and other types of items on the same check.
NOTE: When this option is enabled, the Balance is shown in Points instead of Dollar value. Also the frequent diner coupons print Points Earned or Used, followed by Points Balance.
Display Information
Enable this option to show the point balance in addition to the name or folio number of a Frequent Diner on the Order screen.
Unique Swipe
Enable this option to restrict swipe and win promotions to a single swipe per transaction.
Invoice Detail on Redemption
Enable this option so that the full invoice details are sent through the external Frequent Diner interface on "Redeem" transactions.
NOTE: This option is only available if the External Frequent Diner interface is selected.
Division Total
Enable this option to calculate Frequent Diner points on the total of all division containing the same formula instead of on each item individually, to avoid truncation of the point total.
Check Total
Enable this option to calculate Frequent Diner points on the total of the check, including taxes.
No Points on Redeem Amount
Enable this option not to add points to the frequent diner's account for the portion of the transaction paid with redeemed frequent diner points. For example, if a check of $100.00 is paid with $20.00 or redeemed points and with $80.00 of another payment type, the frequent diner's account will receive new points based only on the $80.00.
NOTE: The Check Total option must also be enabled.
Select the promotion to apply on the Check Total from the drop-down list.
Print Receipt
You can select if the receipt is generated Always, On Demand or Never.
NOTE: If On Demand is chosen, for each frequent diner transaction, you can print the receipt by touching OK or Cancel.
Time Out
Delay in second before Maitre'D will assume that the provider does not respond. This setting will depend on the type of connection you have (Dialup, Intranet).
Retry Delay
Delay in second used by the POS workstation to poll the Back-Office application and check if there is an answer back from the provider. If you set this delay too short, you will generate a lot of traffic on the network.
IP Address
Enter the TCP/IP address or server name of Frequent Diner provider's server.
TCP Port
Enter the TCP/IP port number you are allowed to connect through on the Frequent Diner provider's server.
Enter the merchant password to access the frequent diner provider's server.
Enter the domain supplied by the Frequent Diner provider.
Seller Profile ID
Enter the seller profile ID supplied by the Frequent Diner provider.
Profile ID
Enter the profile ID supplied by the Frequent Diner provider.
Select USD for United States Dollars, or CAD for Canadian Dollars, according to your configuration on the Frequent Diner provider's server.
NOTE: You can still accept Frequent Diner cards from the United States or Canada.
Enter the slice of points used as the base for the calculation of money available as credits on purchases.
Enter the amount of money to be made available as credit on purchases for each slice of points entered in the Redeem field above.
Enable the Log Level type you want to use for operations trace.
Use this button to open and view log.
Select the protocol to be used to communicate with the Hotel Property Management System.
This field applies to the NCR 2170®, NCR 2760®, Micros 4700® and Mariott® interface.
The format of this field, for NCR 2170® and NCR 2760®, is: XXXXYYYYZZAAAA where:
XXXX = System Identification
YYYY = Store Identification
ZZ = Hotel Identification
The format of this field for Micros 4700® is : XXX where ;
XXX = Payment number
The format of this field for Marriott® is : TTTTHHH where ;
TTTT = Tender key (numerical)
HH = Host number (numerical) [optional]
If the host number is not supplied in this field, then it will have to be prepended to the room number entered at the workstation.
Ex: Room number ? HHRRR where;
HH = Host number, must be two digits
RRR = Room or account, can be any number or digit
The format of this field, for IGS®, is : ABC where ;
A = Supervisor ID, 8 characters max
B = Access key for transaction # 20, 4 characters max.
C = Access key for transaction # 23, 4 characters max.
Commas are used for separators.
Name position
This field is used only with the NCR 2170® and NCR 2760® protocol. The name position is the position of the name inside the message field returned by the hotel system. These interfaces use the name in the posting transaction and need to extract the information from the inquiry message. If you do not have access to the information, you can try the values 1,2,... until the posting succeeds.
Framing character
This field is used only with the NCR 2170® and NCR 2760® protocol. The framing character is the first character of a valid transaction. It is used to identify the start of a transaction. You must enter it's value in hexadecimal. It's usual value is 0F.
First revenue center
Enter the number of the first revenue center to be used.
The format of this field, for IGS®, is : ABC where ;
A = Comp item ID code, 8 characters max
B = Comp type (PNTS or CVAL)
C = Workstation ID, 4 characters max.
Commas are used for separators.
Select the communication port used to send the transactions to the front desk system. If you are not using the Hotel Front Desk Interface but the Room Charge module, you can select here the shared printer where you want the transactions to be print.
Baud Rate, Data bits, Stop Bits, Parity
For establishing proper communication using RS232 the computer needs to know the Baud Rate (speed), Data Bits, Stop Bits, and Parity. The most common values are:
Baud Rate = 9600
Data Bits = 8
Stop Bits = 1
Parity = None
NOTE: Please refer to your Property Management System specifications to provide the proper parameters.
This is the delay in seconds the Maitre'D system will wait to get a response from the Hotel Property Management System. A good default value is 10 seconds.
Wait Answer
This option forbids other workstations from communicating with the host computer while it is waiting for an answer from the Hotel Property Management System. Otherwise, the workstations can operate while waiting for an answer from the Hotel Property Management System.
This option applies only to HMS-RMS, Holidex and Hotelsoft protocol. If set, a confirmation will be sent to the hotel interface to confirm the reception of the transaction.
IP Address
Enter the TCP/IP address of the Micros® server.
IP Port
Enter the TCP/IP port number you are allowed to connect through on the Micros® server.
Post other payments
Select this option to allow posting of other payment media to the hotel system. This process is executed during the End of Day operation. Any payment media that has room charge identification will be sent to the hotel system using this Identification as a room number.
Skip Guest Query
Select this option to disable the customer inquiry when posting another media to the Micros interface using the Guest Selection option, since it is not a room.
Real time posting
Maitre'D supports real time media type posting to Micros 4700 interface. Post Other Payments must be enabled. Then in POS Control under each media type in the identification field define the room number where this media type will be posted.
Guest selection, Folio selection
Depending on the protocol that you are using, you have to check/uncheck this option, if the Guest Selection and Folio Selection are available to be used when closing a Room Charge transaction. Here is a list of the options available:
Protocol Guest Folio
Gammix OFF OFF
Quantel ON ON
Holidex ON OFF
HotelSoft ON OFF
NCR 2170 OFF OFF (See note)
NOTE: NCR 2170
Use the following format to enter the room number : A57-MA-1 ; where A57 is the room, MA are the first two letters of the name of the client and 1 is the Folio if required. A period added at the end will override the credit limit.
Use Mode as Sub-Revenue Center
Enable this option to include the mode number in the "Serving Period/Cashier/Shift number" data block of the packet that is sent to the Micros® 4700 interface when posting the transaction.
Workstation Number
Enable this option to use the workstation number, instead of the revenue center number.
Detailed Sales
Enable this option to separate the sale amount by division category for the Micros® protocol. If this option is disabled, all sales are sent in the first sale field and the other fields will contain zeros.
NOTE: The Micros® protocol only allows for four (4) division categories.
Prorated Operation:
Enable this option to send only the proportionate amounts in the division categories sales and taxes fields of a room when sending the Detailed Sales through the Micros® interface towards a Property Management Systems, and splitting the check between different rooms, or between other payment types, according to the percentage of the total actually assigned to this room.
NOTE: The Detailed Sales option above must also be enabled.
Compatibility Mode
Enable this option so that the Micros® PMS interface can support postings that do not always respond to a post transaction with the required 18 characters packet but with only 17.
Send Value Added Tax
Send the Value Added Tax for all 4 totals to the Micros® server.
Use Default
If you select this option, the Maitre'D default home page for the Server Control module will be used.
Enter the URL of your head-office's intranet or your complete URL on the Maitre'D Databoard server that will be used instead of the default local home page for the System Configuration module.
Maitre'D Databoard Identification
User name
Enter the user name to access the Maitre'D Databoard server
Enter the password to access the Maitre'D Databoard server.
Confirm Password
Confirm the password to access the Maitre'D Databoard server.
Enable the Gift Certificate provider that is interfacing with Maitre'D.
Merchant number
Enter the merchant number provided by the Gift Certificate Company.
Split Tender Transaction
Enable this option to accept partial payment from a gift certificate card whose available amount is lower then the invoice's total. In such a case, the card is emptied, and the remaining amount must be closed with another payment type.
NOTE: Check with your service provider to ensure that this feature is supported.
Print Receipt on Purchase
Enable this option to force the printing of a regular receipt when purchasing a gift card through the employee's special menu.
NOTE: This option has no effect when selling a gift card at the end of a regular sale transaction.
Time Out
Delay in second before Maitre'D will assume that the provider does not respond. This setting will depend on the type of connection you have (Dialup, Intranet).
Retry Delay
Delay in second used by the POS workstation to poll the Back-Office application and check if there is an answer back from the provider. If you set this delay too short, you will generate a lot of traffic on the network.
IP Address
Enter the TCP/IP address or server name of gift certificate provider's server.
Enter the TCP/IP port number you are allowed to connect through on the gift certificate provider's server.
Enter the store password to access the Gift Certificate server.
Enter the domain supplied by the Gift Certificate provider.
Seller Profile ID
Enter the seller profile ID supplied by the Gift Certificate provider.
Profile ID
Enter the profile ID supplied by the Gift Certificate provider.
Select USD for United States Dollars, or CAD for Canadian Dollars, according to your configuration on the gift certificate provider's server.
NOTE: You can still accept Gift Certificate cards from the United States or Canada.
Keep Trans.
Enter the number of days to keep gift certificate transactions in the archive file.
Manager Password
Enable this option to force the use of a manager password to perform gift certificate functions on the workstation, such as registration, activation, increment and cancellation.
Use Registration Function
Enable this option to allow the use of the register function on the workstation.
Use Increment Function
Enable this option to allow the use of the increment function on the workstation.
Cancel Issue
Enable this option to accept negative amount activation as a cancellation of the card with the Mercury Pay interface.
No Provider Selection
Enable this option to always use the remote provider for gift certificates. Otherwise, you will have to select between local or remote provider for each gift certificate transaction at the workstation.
Multiple Activation
Enable this option to allow for multiple Gift Card activations before asking for the payment type, to be able to use the same Credit Card, for example.
Don't Send Terminal ID
Enable this option to remove the Workstation Number from the XML file sent to the provider.
NOTE: This option is available only if the Provider is set to EFT Gift Cert.
Enable here the path of the folder that the Gift Certificate provider communication engine will monitor. Use the folder icon to browse to your shared directory.
Enable the Log Level type you want to use for operations trace
Use the View/Log button to open and view log.
The Maitre’D External Discount Manager Interface allows restaurants to apply discounts on guest checks which are managed by a third-party software, application or website. This also allows for specific promotion codes to be used and validated by the third-party. Loyalty cards can also be used to determine availability and eligibility for discounts.
Before using the Discount Manager, an account needs to be setup with a supported External Discount Management System (EDMS) provider.
Select your provider amongst the available choices.
Merchant Number
Type in the merchant number provided by your EDMS provider.
Type in the URL, web address or IP address used to communicate with your EDMS provider.
Time Out
Enter the time out value, in seconds. Recommended value is 5 seconds. Please contact your EDMS provider to see if they have different recommendations.
Retry Delay
Enter the Retry Delay value, in seconds. Recommended value is 5 seconds. Please contact your EDMS provider to see if they have different recommendations.
User Name
Type in the user name provided by your EDMS provider.
Type in the password provided by your EDMS provider.
Click this button to test your communication settings. A success message will be displayed if the connection is successful.
Promotion Type
From this drop-down list, select the type of promotion that will be accepted at the POS workstations:
External promotions will not be accepted at the POS workstations.
Promotion Code
The POS Workstation will only accept external discounts based on promotion codes. Promotion codes can be keyed in, swiped or scanned.
Loyalty Card
The POS Workstation will only accept discounts tied to a loyalty (Frequent Diner) card. The card can be keyed in, swiped or scanned.
Prompt for type
The POS workstation will ask every time whether a promotion code or loyalty card should be used. This option allows for both promotion types to be used on the same system.
Send Invoice Detail
On Query
Select this option to have Maitre’D send the invoice detail to the external provider at the same time as the Discount Manager database is queried.
On Commit
Select this option to have Maitre’D send the invoice detail to the external provider as the discount is applied.
Linked Customer
Enable this option to have Maitre’D send the invoice detail to the EDMS provider even if no discount was applied, as long as the customer folio was entered.
Unlinked Customer
Enable this option to have Maitre’D send the invoice detail to the EDMS provider even if no folio was entered for the customer.
Enable the Log Level type you want to use for operations trace
Use the View/Log button to open and view log.
The Bar Branch Option allows to manage the Bar interface Configuration.
Select the bar interface connected to the system.
Enhanced Communication
Enable this option to improve the performance of the communication between Maitre'D and Berg devices when used with North American Protocol.
Enhanced Protocol
Enable this option to support sequentially numbered packets from the Azbar bar device, as supported by azbar protocol version 3.70D.
North American Protocol
This option is useful if your electronic bar device is an Azbar or a Berg. Select it if your system uses the North American Protocol, in which drinks can only be served after they have been ordered.
Cumulate per Workstation
Enable this to cumulate transaction by workstation instead of by bar operator. When used, if the manager ask for a bar interface report, the information is consolidated by workstation.
Manual Section Assignment
Enable this option to allow manually reassigning bar sections to workstations from the Bar interface menu at the workstation.
Default Sections on EOD
Enable this option to force manually assigned sections to be reset to their default values during the End of Day process.
Cumulate per Revenue Center
Enable this option so that poured items are cumulated in the bar section defined in the revenue center which the item was ordered from.
NOTE: Sections for each revenue center are defined in Point of Sale Control / Revenue Center / Options / [Revenue Center] / Configuration / Option / Electronic Bar Interface.
Order by Section
Enable this option to cumulate orders from different workstations in the same section to a unique dispenser. To use this option with the Berg interface, you must also select the Cumulate per Workstation option. Then, within the Devices Branch of every workstation in the same section other then the workstation where the bar dispenser is physically connected and defined, you must assign the same section as the bar dispenser workstation, setting the port line to Null.
This Berg interface option allows to include recipes for cocktails.
This option is useful if Electronic bar is XML Export (Scanabar). Select here the path of the folder that the Bar Interface provider communication engine will monitor. Use the folder icon to browse to your preferred directory.
The Backup Server will add more security to your network by including full redundancy of the Maitre'D Back-Office software on any POS terminal in your network. Another computer on the network could also be setup to act as a Backup Server. If for any reason the Main Back-Office Server goes down and is no longer available to manage your network, from one key stroke your designated Backup Server will take over and in a matter of seconds will become a fully operational Back-Office for the rest of your workstations.
NOTE: The Emergency Backup and Auxiliary Terminal Back-Office are options of the Main Server's License and you need to have that main server loaded before you can install these. They read their module access information from the main server.
Server Name
Server name column displays the computer name.
Workstation Number
This column displays the workstation number assign to the backup server terminal. The regular Back-Office PC will be defined as Main server.
This column displays the status of every server that is part of the Emergency network. Follow is the different status a server could have:
Current Server: Computer currently used as the Back-Office PC
Down: When the computer is not visible from the network.
Backup mode: Computer set as Emergency server waiting to be turned into current server if something happens to the current server.
Auxiliary Back-Office: PC that can be use to access the Current Back-Office PC for Revenue center and reporting maintenance.
NOTE: The Emergency Backup server can run without the main server for a grace period of only 7 days. Warning messages are displayed if the Backup server does not have access to the Main Server's shared folder to alert employees of the problem. These messages are displayed in the general message area of the workstations, in a red window when a manager accesses a workstation, as well as on all Backup's Back-Office modules windows.
Share Name
The name of sharing directory that will appear on the network.
Log Level
Select the level of logging. (None, Standard or Detail).
Click on this button to display information concerning Backup server's activities recorded in a log file using a text editor.
Use User name Activation
Enable this option to use an access level defined in the Maitre'D Back-Office to start the Emergency Backup procedure, instead of the legacy date sensitive password.
Access Level
Select from the drop-down list the Back-Office user that will be allowed to start the Emergency Backup procedure.
NOTE: A Keyboard button is available to display Windows On-Screen Keyboard in case there is no hardware keyboard attached to the Emergency Backup PC.
You can use the floor management interface to send table information in XML format and update a third-party table management application data in real-time.
Select Generic XML to send table status data to a 3rd party application in XML format, or GuestBridge to send the table status data to a GuestBridge server.
Type in the path used for exporting the table status data in XML format. Use the folder icon to browse to your shared directory.
Type in the internet address used by the Table Management interface to connect to the table management service provider.
Store Account
Type in the Store Account number provided by Restaurant Diary.
NOTE: This field is only available if the Restaurant Diary interface is selected.
User Name
Type in the User Name provided by Restaurant Diary.
NOTE: This field is only available if the Restaurant Diary interface is selected.
Type in the Password provided
NOTE: This field is only available if the Restaurant Diary interface is selected.
Authentication Service
Type in the internet address of the Restaurant Diary authentication service.
NOTE: This field is only available if the Restaurant Diary interface is selected.
Type in the password to be used by the Restaurant Diary authentication service.
NOTE: This field is only available if the Restaurant Diary interface is selected.
Time Out
Enter the time out delay, in seconds, to be used by the Restaurant Diary interface. The default value is 10 seconds.
Retry Delay
Enter the retry delay, in seconds, to be used by the Restaurant Diary interface. The default value is 1 second.
Use Booking List
Enable this option to replace the Hostess' waiting list by the booking list imported by the Table Management Interface.
External Symbol
Select the symbol used by the GuestBridge server for each stage of the meal.
NOTE: You can not use the same character symbol in different external symbol fields.
Enable the Log Level type you want to use for operations trace.
Use this button to open and view log.
LAN Type
Choose a network type from the list.
Enter the TCP/IP port number of your computer (default value is 1001).
TCP/IP Server
Enter the TCP/IP server address of your computer. It will be 4 numbers between 0 and 255 separated by dots (enter to have Maitre'D use the current IP address assign to this computer).
Use Local Workstation
Enable this option to use a local workstation, this workstation will be the last.
Local Workstation Fast Exit
Enable this option to allow the use of the fast exit code from the local workstation application. (999).
NOTE: If you disable this option, allow managers to exit from the local workstation application by enabling the Can Exit POS option in Point of Sale Control / Employee / Configuration / Order / Command.
Can Close Server
Enable this option to allow to close your Maitre'D server.
Always Put Workstation on Foreground
Enable this option if you want your workstation to always stay on top (Workstation on Back-Office version).
Use Inactivity Timeout
Enable this option so that if a module is left open for 30 minutes without any activity, all modules will be closed and the Back-Office application will come back to the Login screen.
NOTE: This option is required for PCI-DSS Compliance on systems using the Electronic Funds Transfer module.
Use Username Login
Enable this option to force Back-Office users to logon using a user name and a password.
NOTE: This option is required for PCI-DSS Compliance on systems using the Electronic Funds Transfer module.
Use Reward Coupons
Enable this option to allow the use of coupons from Point of Sale Control / Frequent Diner / Reward Coupons.
Use Messages Center
Enable this option to allow the use of messages from Point of Sale Control / Employees / Messages Center.
Use Event Manager
Enable this option to allow the use of the Event Manager tool.
The Log Option allows to start and view operations trace about Maitre'D server application. This option is for troubleshooting purpose and should be use only with the supervisor of your Maitre'D reseller.
Enable this option to activate the serial log.
Enable this option to activate the Datapac log.
Enable this option to activate the network log.
Enable this option to activate the OPOS communication log.
Click the View button next to a log to display it.
The cocktail recipe option allows to create PLU recipes for cocktails.
NOTE 1: Before Cocktail recipes can be created, you need to create PLUs for each cocktail ingredient, with the Used for Bar Interface option enabled. PLUs are created and configured in Point of Sale Control / Revenue Center / PLU.
NOTE 2: For each cocktail, you also need to create a PLU with both Used for Bar Interface and Use PLU List options enabled. PLUs are created and configured in Point of Sale Control / Revenue Center / PLU.
PLU code from Point of Sale Control \ Revenue Center\ PLU. Only PLUs that have both the Used For Bar Interface and Use PluList options enabled in POS Control \ Revenue Center\ PLU will be available as cocktails.
PLU description from Point of Sale Control \ Revenue Center\ PLU.
Select an existing cocktail recipe and click the Modify button to change its properties.
Click the Add button to create a new cocktail recipe.
Select an existing recipe and click Remove to permanently delete it.
PLU code and description from Point of Sale Control \ Revenue Center\ PLU. Only PLUs that have both the Used For Bar Interface and Use PluList options enabled in POS Control \ Revenue Center\ PLU, will be available as cocktails.
PLU description from Point of Sale Control \ Revenue Center\ PLU.
This section displays all the ingredients that are part of the selected cocktail recipe.
PLU code from Point of Sale Control \ Revenue Center\ PLU. Only PLUs that have only the Used For Bar Interface option enabled in Point of Sale Control \ Revenue Center\ PLU will be available as recipe PLUs.
PLU description from Point of Sale Control \ Revenue Center\ Plu.
Select this button to add a PLU to the cocktail recipe.
Select this button to remove a PLU from the cocktail recipe.