Maitre'D dispatch report provides you weekly pertinent information about your delivery operations such as delivery time, in store time, waiting time for drivers without orders. From the report filter window, select the appropriate week to be included in the report. You have the option to select the current week or the previous week.
Delivery orders:
Amount of delivery order
Delivery time:
Time between the dispatch action and the closing of the delivery order. You get the quantity for each time period and the percentage it represents.
In store time:
Time between the order is taken and the time it is dispatched. You get the quantity for each time period and the percentage it represents.
Summary includes only the closed orders. You get the quantity for each time period and the percentage it represents.
Order per dispatch:
Number of orders per dispatch and the percentage it represents on total dispatched orders.
Average In store driver wait:
Naverage time (in minutes) the driver wait in the restaurant.
Average Order/Driver hour:
Average # of delivery order per hour
Average In store time:
Average time in minutes for order preparation
Average Drive time/dispatch:
Average drive time for each delivery per dispatch action.
Average order/Dispatch:
Average quantity of delivery order per delivery dispatch action
Average Order/Driver:
Average quantity of delivery order per delivery driver
Average dispatch/driver:
Average dispatch action per driver
Average Amount/Order:
Average $ amount per delivery order
Average Amount/Dispatch:
Average $ amount per delivery dispatch action
Average Discount/order:
Average discounted $ amount per delivery order
Average Discount/Dispatch:
Average discounted $ amount per delivery dispatch action
Maitre'D's delivery invoice detail search report shows you the actual detailed delivery invoice according to your specifications. It helps to retrieve and reprint specified invoices. From the report filter window, select the date and time range, amounts, invoices, tables, employees, items, promotions, Revenue Centers, modes and customers to be included in the report. The following is a sample of the delivery invoice detail search report:
It reports the invoice in the same layout format it was printed out at the workstation. In addition, it also reports the time the item was ordered.
Maitre'D mailing labels report uses powerful filters to generate specific list of customer mailing labels. From the report filter window, select the dates, customers, amounts, order count, invoices, employees, items, promotions, media, Revenue Centers, and modes to be included in the report. The following is a sample of the mailing labels report:
The template is based on30 1" x 2-5/8" labels per sheet.
With Avery, at the time of writing (March 2003), available Product numbers were; White: 6460 (25 sheets), 5810 (40 sheets), 5160 (100 sheets) and 5960 (250 sheets).
Maitre'D pre-order report provides a list of all pre-orders given to you several days in advance. This report will show pre-order for a specific day or a range of dates. From the report filter window, select the date range to be included in the report.
Maitre'D customer report provides you with a list of all delivery customers. It gives the customer's telephone number and address, the date of the customer's first order, the date of the last customer's order, how many orders and the $ value since the customer's first order and if any credit is available in the customer's account.
Maitre'D delay report provides you information based on the waiting time. The waiting time is the time between the customer calls and the time the customer receives the order. This report is available if you are using the "Delivery Driver" and "Historical" options from the Delivery module. The customers are sorted in an alphabetical order. From the report filter window, select the appropriate starting delay time and date range to be included in the report.
Customer's telephone number
Delivery customer name
Delivery customer address
Delivery order date
Delivery time
Delivery check's total
Waiting time
Check number
Delivery driver name from POS Control
Maitre'D mailing labels report uses powerful filters to generate specific list of customer mailing labels. From the report filter window, select the date, customers and employees to be included in the report. The following is a sample of the delivery credit transfer report:
Number of server who took the delivery order.
Server's Name:
Name of server who took the delivery order.
Customer's Name:
Name of customer who made a complaint or received a discount credit on a delivery order.
Phone number of customer who made a complaint or received a discount credit on a delivery order.
Added Credit:
Amount added as available credit for the customer who made a complaint.
Applied Credit:
Amount subtracted as a discount for the customer when he made a delivery order.
Actual Credit:
Available credit for the customer who made a complaint.
Cumulative Credit:
Cumulative amounts added as available credit for the customer who made complaints.
Maitre'D's delivery invoice summary report shows you a summary of the delivery invoice according to your specifications. From the report filter window, select the date and time range, amounts, invoices, tables, employees, items, promotions, medias, Revenue Centers, modes and customers to be included in the report. The following is a sample of the delivery invoice summary search report:
In this report, the information for each check is displayed on two lines. The first line provides you with:
Check number.
Date the check was printed.
Time the check was printed.
Table number.
# Cust.:
Number of customers on the check.
Total of the check, including taxes, discounts and service charge.
Total of the taxes applied on the check.
Total of the discounts applied on the check.
Service charge applied on the check.
Media type used to settle the check.
Amount applied to the media type.
The second line provides you with:
(State or province) and ZIP or postal code.
Customer street address.