If you are not able to close a check from the workstation, you can try the Check Closing option.
Check Number
You must enter the 6 digits number of the invoice
If the check had already been pre-authorized with a credit card, it will be closed in that media type. Otherwise, it will be closed to Cash.
NOTE: This option is a utility that is used in special cases only. This is not the normal method to close a check.
The Day Rebuilder option allows to cancel the day and re-enter every transaction one by one to recreate the day. Use only this option when you have problems with the Back-Office. If this option is needed, call Maitre'D support.
First Backup,Second Backup
The Back-Office keeps two copies of all transactions in MEMOIRE.DAT files. The first backup is located in the REBUILD directory and the second backup is located in the BACKUP directory. Select first non-corrupted backup file.
The Cut Memory File option reconstructs the day to find any errors in case of Back-Office problems. The Back-Office uses the memory file to find errors. The memory file is a log of all transactions that occurred during the day at the workstations. If the Back-Office finds an error, this option stops the memory file just prior to when the error occurred. Then the Back-Office allows reconstruction of the day up to the point where the error occurred. Enter in the Stop position field the position in the history file from where you want to rebuild the data.
NOTE: only perform this function under the supervision of a PayFacto Software Support Specialist.
Memory File Size
This field displays the total size of the memoire file.
Position of the Previous Error
This field displays the position number of the last error log during the memoire file reconstruction.
Reconstruction up to the Error
This field displays the percentage of valid data up to the last error.
Stop Position
Enter here the position number to which you want to reconstruct the day.
The Rebuild day backup option recreates the (Current day backup) directory from the program backup directory. The REBUILD directory has all information the Back-Office needs to rebuild the day. This option is used only if the contents of the REBUILD directory are corrupted. The backup directory is a copy of data from the last End of Day.
The Void Table option allows to erase an entire table. The Back-Office erases all data related to this table. This option is not available for closed guest checks or released tables. The void displays in the Daily Sales Report.
Table Number
Enter the table number to erase.
If you are voiding a table 0, enter the workstation number.
The Memoire Files Analysis option enables Payfacto programmers to locate any errors in case of Back-Office problems. This function is not meant to be used by end-users, and should only be performed under the supervision of a PayFacto Software Support Specialist.
Enable this field to select the MEMOIRE.DAT file from the DATA directory.
Enable this field to select the MEMOIRE.DAT file from the REBUILD directory.
Select this option to export the selected MEMOIRE.DAT file to a TXT file. The file generated is named MEMOIRE.TXT.
Enable this option to display the selected MEMOIRE.DAT file on the screen to be subsequently printed.
Enable this option to analyze the MEMOIRE.DAT file from current day.
Previous Days
Enable this option to analyze the MEMOIRE.DAT file from one of the last 31 days.
Date Selection
Enter here the month's day number of for which you want to analyze the MEMOIRE.DAT file.
The control file is a file that is updated in real time to assure the integrity of all files managed by the file server. There are only two cases when you will need to make a Control Update:
When restoring a new database into an existing system.
If you restore data files from another system, the control file from the source system will never be the same as the control file from the target system. You can perform a control update without any worries.
After a Day Rebuilder
If for any reasons you experience problems with the file server (hard disk failure, electricity, …), you might need to run the Day Rebuilder program to recreate all transactions that were done for the current day. If the program failed to recreate all transactions, the system will not restart and you will get a control file error.
If the system shows you that the check number from the CONTROL file on the left is LOWER then the system's ACTUAL last check number on the right, you can perform a control update without any worries either.
WARNING: If the system shows you that the check number from the CONTROL file on the left is HIGHER then the system's ACTUAL last check number on the right, and you perform a control update at that point, you will loose the last checks that were done. Before going ahead, you should try to run the Day Rebuilder option using the second backup. The control update can only be performed using the Distributor password. Once you perform a control update, there is no turning back. Be careful when using this option and if there is any doubt, call the Maitre'D support team.
The Z number is the number of times that the End of day was run on the file server.