Labor by Employee Code
TEFRA by Employee Code
TFRA by Employee Name
TEFRA by Department
TEFRA Summary
Combined Report for Payroll Data Entry
Punches by Employee Code
Punches by Employee Name
Punches Summary
Employee by Code
Empmloyee by Name
Employee Availability
Employee Tasks List by Code
Employee Tasks List by Name
Employee per Taks
Labor cost
Tips Declaration
Tips Transfer
Time Card by Employee Code
Time Card by Employee Name
Time Card by Date
Schedule with Salary
Schedule per Tasks
Schedule per Tasks with Salary
Schedule per Days
Schedule per Days with Salary
Employee's Weekly Work Schedule
Weekly Summary
Weekly Summary with Salary
Weekly Detail by Employee Code
Weekly Deail by Employee Name
Weekly Detail by Employe Name with Salary
Labor by Employee Name
Labor Department Summary
Labor Task Summary
Coffee Break by Employee Code
Coffee Break by Employee Name
Employee with Tips Performance
I9 Form
W-4 Form
TEFRA by Employee Code
TEFRA by Employee Name
TEFRA by Department
TEFRA Summary
Combined Report for Payroll Data Entry Report Center
Punches by Employee Code
Punches by Employee Name
Punches Summary
Employee by Code
Employee by Name
Employee By Avlibility
Employee Tasks List by Code
Employee Task List by Name
Employee per Tasks
Labor Cost
Tips Declaration
Tips Transfer
Time Card by Employee Code
Time Card by Employee Name
Time Card by Date
Schedule with Salary
Schedule per Tasks
Schedule per Tasks with Salary
Schedule per Days
Schedule per Days with Salary
Employee's Weekly Work Schedule
Employee's Weekly Work Schedule with Salary fara
Weekly Summary
Weekly Sammary with Salary
Weekly Detail by Employee Code
Weekly Detail by Employee Name
Weekly Detail by Employee Code with Salary
Weekly Detail by Employee Name with Salary
Labor by Employee Code
Labor by Employee Name
Page 30
Maitre'D TEFRA by employee name report gives information regarding the credit card sales, credit card tips, other net sales and other tips for each employee. This report is used to ensure that employees are claiming the tips required by the law. This report is sorted by employee name from the POS Control module and is available for a specific date or date range. Take note Maitre'D do not report employee under training.
NOTE: TEFRA stands for Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act. From the report filter window, select the date or date range to be included in the report.
Employee name from the POS Control module proceeded by the employee server code
Credit card net sales:
Total net sales charge to credit cards
Credit card tip:
Total tip charge to credit cards
Other net sales:
Total of all net sales excluding the credit card net sales.
Other tips:
Employee cash tip declaration
Total non-TEFRA:
Total of all net sales not belonging to Revenue Center(s) (revenue centers) with the option "sales included in TEFRA" enabled.
Total TEFRA:
Total of all net sales from Revenue Center(s) (revenue centers) with the option "sales included in TEFRA" enabled.
Total tips:
Total of credit card tip and other tips
Minimum declaration:
Minimum tip declaration according to the "tip declaration rate" set up in the employee file under the Time & Attendance module.
The difference between the minimum declaration and total tips.
Maitre'D punches by employee code report gives information on all the punches that were done for specific period of time. This report is sorted by employee code from the POS Control module. This report shows detailed information such as the regular hours, overtime, and double hours worked for each employee. You also get information on their hourly rate and paid salary. From the report filter window, select the date or date range and the employee(s) to be included in the report.
Each Time & Attendance employee shows up followed its time & attendance employee code and its POS Control server code if any. #: Task # from Time & Attendance module
Task description set up under your Time & Attendance module
Clock in date
Time in:
Clock in time used for Maitre'D reports. The time is affected by your round up setup programmed under your Time & Attendance options and is also affected by an adjustment made by an authorized employee.
The employee actual clock in time
Time out:
Clock out time used for Maitre'D reports. The time is affected by your round up setup programmed under your Time & Attendance options and is also affected by an adjustment made by an authorized employee.
The employee actual clock out time
Regular hours worked by the employee
Overtime hours worked by the employee
Double hours worked by the employee
Tot Hrs:
Total hours worked by the employee. Hours + Overtime hours + Double hours
Regular employee task rate
Salary paid to the employee.
(Reg. Hour x Rate) + (Overtime Hours x Overtime Rate) + Double Hours x Double Rate)
Adjust. Reason:
Reason for doing an employee clock in or clock out adjustment
Maitre'D punches by employee name report gives information on all the punches that were done for specific period of time. This report is sorted by employee name from the POS Control module. This report shows detailed information such as the regular hours, overtime, and double hours worked for each employee. You also get information on their hourly rate and paid salary. From the report filter window, select the date or date range and the employee(s) to be included in the report.
Each Time & Attendance employee shows up followed its time & attendance employee code and its POS Control server code if any. #: Task # from Time & Attendance module
Task description set up under your Time & Attendance module
Clock in date
Time in:
Clock in time used for Maitre'D reports. The time is affected by your round up setup programmed under your Time & Attendance options and is also affected by an adjustment made by an authorized employee.
The employee actual clock in time
Time out:
Clock out time used for Maitre'D reports. The time is affected by your round up setup programmed under your Time & Attendance options and is also affected by an adjustment made by an authorized employee.
The employee actual clock out time
Regular hours worked by the employee
Overtime hours worked by the employee
Double hours worked by the employee
Tot Hrs:
Total hours worked by the employee. Hours + Overtime hours + Double hours
Regular employee task rate
Salary paid to the employee.
(Reg. Hour x Rate) + (Overtime Hours x Overtime Rate) + Double Hours x Double Rate)
Adjust. Reason:
Reason for doing an employee clock in or clock out adjustment
Maitre'D TEFRA summary report gives information regarding the credit card sales, credit card tips, other net sales and other tips for each employee. This report is used to ensure that employees are claiming the tips required by the law. This report is sorted by server code from the POS Control module. From the report filter window, select the dates and employees to be included in the report NOTE: Maitre'D does not report employee under training. TEFRA stands for Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act. The following is a sample of the TEFRA summary report
Employee Time & Attendance code.
Employee server code from the POS Control module.
Employee name from the POS Control module.
Gross sales:
Total of all net sales.
Credit card net sales:
Total of all net sales charged to credit cards.
Credit card tip:
Total tip charge to credit cards.
Other net sales:
Total of all net sales not charged to credit cards.
Other tips:
Employee cash tip declaration.
Total non-TEFRA:
Total of all net sales from Revenue Center(s) with the option "Sales included in TEFRA" disabled.
Total TEFRA:
Total of all net sales from Revenue Center(s) with the option "Sales included in TEFRA" enabled.
Total tips:
Total of credit card tip and other tips.
Minimum declaration:
Minimum tip declaration according to the "tip declaration rate" set up in the employee file under the Time & Attendance module.
The difference between the minimum declaration and total tips.
Maitre'D TEFRA by department report gives information regarding the credit card sales, credit card tips, other net sales and other tips for each employee, as well as a total by department and for the whole restaurant. This report is used to ensure that employees are claiming the tips required by the law. This report is sorted by server code from the POS Control module. From the report filter window, select the dates, departments, tasks and employees to be included in the report. NOTE: Maitre'D does not report employee under training. TEFRA stands for Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act. The following is a sample of the TEFRA by Department report
Employee Time & Attendance code.
Employee server code from the POS Control module.
Employee name from the POS Control module.
Gross sales:
Total of all net sales.
Credit card net sales:
Total of all net sales charged to credit cards.
Credit card tip:
Total tip charge to credit cards.
Other net sales:
Total of all net sales not charged to credit cards.
Other tips:
Employee cash tip declaration.
Total non-TEFRA:
Total of all net sales from Revenue Center(s) with the option "Sales included in TEFRA" disabled.
Total TEFRA:
Total of all net sales from Revenue Center(s) with the option "Sales included in TEFRA" enabled.
Total tips:
Total of credit card tip and other tips.
Minimum declaration:
Minimum tip declaration according to the "tip declaration rate" set up in the employee file under the Time & Attendance module.
The difference between the minimum declaration and total tips.
Maitre'D TEFRA by employee code report gives information regarding the credit card sales, credit card tips, other net sales and other tips for each employee. This report is used to ensure that employees are claiming the tips required by the law. This report is sorted by server code from the POS Control module and is available for a specific date or date range. Take note Maitre'D do not report employee under training.
NOTE: TEFRA stands for Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act. From the report filter window, select the date or date range to be included in the report.
Employee name from the POS Control module proceeded by the employee server code
Credit card net sales:
Total net sales charge to credit cards
Credit card tip:
Total tip charge to credit cards
Other net sales:
Total of all net sales excluding the credit card net sales.
Other tips:
Employee cash tip declaration
Total non-TEFRA:
Total of all net sales not belonging to Revenue Center(s) (revenue centers) with the option "sales included in TEFRA" enabled.
Total TEFRA:
Total of all net sales from Revenue Center(s) (revenue centers) with the option "sales included in TEFRA" enabled.
Total tips:
Total of credit card tip and other tips
Minimum declaration:
Minimum tip declaration according to the "tip declaration rate" set up in the employee file under the Time & Attendance module.
The difference between the minimum declaration and total tips.
Maitre'D employee availability report shows availability for all T&A employee for both shift. This report shows the number of hours employees have already worked if they have punched in and punched out for the time period shown on the report From the report filter window, select the employee(s) and task(s) to be included in the report.
Employee name:
T&A employee name
T&A employee telephone number
M T W T F S S:
M= Monday, T= Tuesday, W= Wednesday, T= Thursday, F= Friday, S= Saturday and S= Sunday. For both shift, ٱ= employee not available and ■ = employee is available
Regular hours worked by the employee
Overtime hours worked by the employee
Double hours worked by the employee
Maitre'D employee by code report gives you a list of all Time & Attendance employees. It provides you with the employee telephone number and address and a list of all their tasks. This report is sorted by employee code. From the report filter window, select the employee(s) to be included in the report.
T&A employee code
Employee name:
T&A employee name
T&A employee complete address
Phone number:
T&A employee telephone number
List the employee's tasks
Maitre'D combined report for payroll data entry combines the information you get from the time card report and the TEFRA report. This report is used to see in one glance all the data needed for payroll data entry. From the report filter window, select the dates, departments, tasks and employees to be included in the report. NOTE: Maitre'D does not report employee under training. TEFRA stands for Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act. The following is a sample of the combined report for payroll data entry
Employee server code from the POS Control module.
Employee Time & Attendance code.
Employee name from the POS Control module.
Task description.
Clock in date.
Time in:
Clock in time. The time is affected by your round up setup programmed under your Time & Attendance options and is also affected by an adjustment made by an authorized employee.
Time out:
Clock out time. The time is affected by your round up setup programmed under your Time & Attendance options and is also affected by an adjustment made by an authorized employee.
Total Hours:
Total hours worked for that day.
Credit card gross sales:
Total of all gross sales charged to credit cards.
Credit card tip:
Total tips charge to credit cards.
Other gross sales:
Total of all gross sales not charged to credit cards.
Other tips:
Employee cash tip declaration.
Total Gross sales:
Total of all gross sales.
Total tips:
Total of credit card tip and other tips.
Maitre'D weekly detail by employee name with salary shows information on each employee time sheet with a summary of worked hours and payable salary for a specific week or date range. This report is sorted by T&A employee name. From the report filter window, select the appropriate week or custom date, the employee(s) to be included in the report.
For each T&A employee you get the following information:
Employee's task
Worked date
Time In:
Clock in time. The time is affected by your round up setup programmed under your Time & Attendance options and is also affected by an adjustment made by an authorized employee.
Time out:
Clock out time. The time is affected by your round up setup programmed under your Time & Attendance options and is also affected by an adjustment made by an authorized employee.
Reg. Hours:
Regular worked hours
Over Hours:
Overtime worked hours
Double Hours:
Double time worked hours
Employee rate for each employee punch
Payable salary for each employee punch.
Take note a total payable salary is also shown for all employees.
Maitre'D employee by name report gives you a list of all Time & Attendance employees. It provides you with the employee telephone number and address and a list of all their tasks. This report is sorted by employee name. From the report filter window, select the employee(s) to be included in the report.
T&A employee code
Employee name:
T&A employee name
T&A employee complete address
Phone number:
T&A employee telephone number
List the employee's tasks
Maitre'D punches summary report gives information on all the punches that were done for a specific period of time. This report is sorted by employee name. This report shows detailed information such as the real date and time the punches were recorder at, as well as the date and time that was used for payroll calculation. If there is a difference between these columns, the adjustment reason also appears. From the report filter window, select the dates and employees to be included in the report.
Time & Attendance employee name.> Time In:
Time Real:
The employee actual clock in date and time
Time used:
Clock in date and time used for Maitre'D reports. This time is affected by your round up setup programmed under your Time & Attendance options and is also affected by an adjustment made by an authorized employee.
Reason for employee clock in adjustment
>Time Out:
Time Real:
The employee actual clock out date and time
Time used:
Clock out date and time used for Maitre'D reports. This time is affected by your round up setup programmed under your Time & Attendance options and is also affected by an adjustment made by an authorized employee.
Reason for employee clock out adjustment
Maitre'D employee task list by code report gives you a list of T&A employee(s) with each employee's task(s) and task rate. This report is sorted by the T&A employee code. From the report filter window, select the employee(s) and task(s) to be included in the report.
T&A employee code
Employee name:
T&A employee name
Employee task
Task rate
Maitre'D labor cost report shows information such as labor hours, wages, fringe benefits, other paid of total labor and dollars to the total number of customers served. This report is available for a specific date or date range. From the report filter window, select date or date range to be included in the report.
Task description
Reg. Hours:
Regular worked hours
Over. Hours:
Overtime worked hours
Double Hours:
Double time worked hours
Payable salary
Fringe Benefits:
Payable fringe benefits
Total payable $ amount. Salary + Fringe benefits
Maitre'D employee task list by name report gives you a list of T&A employee(s) with each employee's task(s) and task rate. This report is sorted by the T&A employee name. From the report filter window, select the employee(s) and task(s) to be included in the report.
T&A employee code
Employee name:
T&A employee name
Employee task
Task rate
Maitre'D time card by employee code report shows information regarding the clocking time of the employees along with their tasks and other pays, and the POS supervisor number that made any editing along with any reasons. A legend is shown at the end of the report to help you retrieve an adjustment reason or other code. This report is sorted by T&A employee code. From the report filter window, select date or date range and employee(s) to be included in the report.
Server number from POS Control module
T&A employee code
T&A employee name
Task description
Clock in date
Time in:
Clock in time. The time is affected by your round up setup programmed under your Time & Attendance options and is also affected by an adjustment made by an authorized employee.
Time out:
Clock out time. The time is affected by your round up setup programmed under your Time & Attendance options and is also affected by an adjustment made by an authorized employee.
Tot Hrs:
Total hours worked for that day
Other paid:
Other $ amount paid
POS server code who made the clock in or cock out adjustment
Other code:
Reason code for other paid, refer to the legend for a description
Reason code for adjustment made to the employee; refer to the legend for a description
Maitre'D tip transfer report shows tip transfer between POS control employee.
From the report filter window, select date or date range to be included in the report.
The following is a sample of the tip transfer report:
Maitre'D tip declaration report shows employee's sales, the actual employee tip declaration, tip transfers and the rate the tip declaration represents. To work with this report you need to enable the enhance tip declaration under your T&A options. It gives you a list of all the employee tip declaration done daily and then it summarizes the information. It also provides you with a receipt of tip declaration that can be signed by each employee. From the report filter window, select date or date range and employee(s) to be included in the report.
Date of the actual tip declaration done by the employee
Tippable Sales Column-A:
Total of sales where cash tips have been paid.
Declared Tips Column-B:
Tip declared by the employee
Other Tips Column-C:
Tips received for other tasks then server (Doorman, Busboy, etc…)
Received Tips Column-D:
Tip received from another employee
Remitted Tips Column-E:
Tip transferred to another employee
Total Tips Column-F:
Declared Tips plus Other Tips plus Received Tips minus Remitted Tips. (B+C+D-E)
Rate declared:
Effective rate of Total Tips (F) according to Tippable Sales (A)
Maitre'D employee per task report gives you a list of T&A employee(s) schedule sorted by task and day. From the report filter window, select the current week schedule or the next week schedule and the employee(s) to be included in the report. The following is a sample of the employee per task report:
The T&A employee name and clock in and clock out time scheduled shows up on the left side of the screen. You can also view a graphic of it on the right side of the screen.
Maitre'D time card by date report shows information regarding the clocking time of the employees along with their tasks and other pays, and the POS supervisor number that made any editing along with any reasons. A legend is shown at the end of the report to help you retrieve an adjustment reason or other code. This report is sorted by T&A clock in date. From the report filter window, select date or date range and employee(s) to be included in the report.
Server number from POS Control module
T&A employee code
T&A employee name
Task description
Clock in date
Time in
Clock in time. The time is affected by your round up setup programmed under your Time & Attendance options and is also affected by an adjustment made by an authorized employee.
Time out:
Clock out time. The time is affected by your round up setup programmed under your Time & Attendance options and is also affected by an adjustment made by an authorized employee.
Tot Hrs:
Total hours worked for that day
Other paid:
Other $ amount paid
POS server code who made the clock in or cock out adjustment
Other code:
reason code for other paid, refer to the legend for a description
reason code for adjustment made to the employee; refer to the legend for a description
Maitre'D schedule per task with salary report shows information on the scheduled hours for each T&A department with the employee name, assigned hours and payable salaries for the current week or the next week. It gives you each employee's schedule with his or her payable salary sorted by task From the report filter window, select the current week or next week and the employee(s) to be included in the report.
Take note the first sections have a break down by department and the next sections have a break down by employee name.
T&A employee name
Reg. Hours:
Regular hours scheduled
Over Hours:
Overtime hours scheduled
Double Hours:
Double time hours scheduled
Task description
Scheduled date
Time in:
Clock in time scheduled
Time out:
Clock out time scheduled
Employee rate for each employee punch
Payable salary for each employee punch, for each daily task followed by a grand total for the task.
Maitre'D time card by employee name report shows information regarding the clocking time of the employees along with their tasks and other pays, and the POS supervisor number that made any editing along with any reasons. A legend is shown at the end of the report to help you retrieve an adjustment reason or other code. This report is sorted by T&A employee name. From the report filter window, select date or date range and employee(s) to be included in the report.
Server number from POS Control module
T&A employee code
T&A employee name
Task description
Clock in date
Time in:
Clock in time. The time is affected by your round up setup programmed under your Time & Attendance options and is also affected by an adjustment made by an authorized employee.
Time out:
Clock out time. The time is affected by your round up setup programmed under your Time & Attendance options and is also affected by an adjustment made by an authorized employee.
Tot Hrs:
Total hours worked for that day
Other paid:
Other $ amount paid
POS server code who made the clock in or cock out adjustment
Other code:
Reason code for other paid, refer to the legend for a description
Reason code for adjustment made to the employee; refer to the legend for a description
Maitre'D schedule per task report shows information on the scheduled hours for each T&A department with the employee name and assigned hours for the current week or the next week. It gives you each employee's schedule sorted by task. From the report filter window, select the current week or next week and the employee(s) to be included in the report.
Maitre'D schedule report shows information on the scheduled hours for each T&A department with the employee name and assigned hours for the current week or the next week. It details each employee's schedule with the assigned task and hours. From the report filter window, select the current week or next week and the employee(s) to be included in the report.
Take note the first sections have a break down by department and the next sections have a break down by employee name.
T&A employee name
Reg. Hours:
Regular hours scheduled
Over Hours:
Overtime hours scheduled
Double Hours:
Double time hours scheduled
Task description
Scheduled date
Time in:
Clock in time scheduled
Time out:
Clock out time scheduled
Maitre'D employee's weekly work schedule report shows information on the scheduled hours for each employee, job code, scheduled time in/out and assigned hours for the current week or the next week. It gives you each employee's schedule divided by weekday. From the report filter window, select the current week or next week and the employees to be included in the report. The following is a sample of the Employee's Weekly Work Schedule report
Employee Name:
T&A employee name.
Job Code:
Task number.
Clock in time scheduled - Clock out time scheduled. Total scheduled hours for the day.
Total Hours:
Total scheduled hours for the week.
Maitre'D schedule per days report shows information on the scheduled hours for each T&A department with the employee name and assigned hours for the current week or the next week. It gives you each employee's schedule sorted date.
From the report filter window, select the current week or next week and the employee(s) to be included in the report.
Take note the first sections have a break down by department and the next sections have a break down by employee name.
T&A employee name
Reg. Hours:
Regular hours scheduled
Over Hours:
Overtime hours scheduled
Double Hours:
Double time hours scheduled
Task description
Scheduled date
Time in:
Clock in time scheduled
Time out:
Clock out time scheduled
Maitre'D weekly summary report shows information on worked hours for each T&A department for a specific week or date range. It details each employee name with its worked hours for each T&A department. From the report filter window, select the appropriate week or custom date, the employee(s) and T&A department to be included in the report.
For each T&A department, you will find the following information:
T&A employee name
Reg. Hours:
Regular worked hours
Over Hours:
Overtime hours
Double Hours:
Double time hours
Total hours:
Total worked hours
Maitre'D weekly detail by employee code shows information on each employee time sheet with a summary of worked hours for a specific week or date range. This report is sorted by T&A employee code. From the report filter window, select the appropriate week or custom date, the employee(s) to be included in the report.
For each T&A employee you get the following information:
Employee's task
Worked date
Time In:
Clock in time. The time is affected by your round up setup programmed under your Time & Attendance options and is also affected by an adjustment made by an authorized employee.
Time out:
Clock out time. The time is affected by your round up setup programmed under your Time & Attendance options and is also affected by an adjustment made by an authorized employee.
Reg. Hours:
Regular worked hours
Over Hours:
Overtime worked hours
Double Hours:
Double time worked hours
Total hours:
Total worked hours
Maitre'D schedule per days with salary report shows information on the scheduled hours for each T&A department with the employee name, assigned hours and payable salaries for the current week or the next week. It gives you each employee's schedule with his or her payable salary sorted by date. From the report filter window, select the current week or next week and the employee(s) to be included in the report.
Take note the first sections have the T&A department name as a header and the next sections have the day as a header.
T&A employee name
Reg. Hours:
Regular hours scheduled
Over Hours:
Overtime hours scheduled
Double Hours:
Double time hours scheduled
Task description
Scheduled date
Time in:
Clock in time scheduled
Time out:
Clock out time scheduled
Employee rate for each employee punch
Payable salary for each employee punch, for each daily task followed by a grand total for the day.
Maitre'D employee's weekly work schedule with salary report shows information on the scheduled hours for each employee, job code, scheduled time in/out, assigned hours and gross pay for the current week or the next week. It gives you each employee's schedule divided by weekday with their gross pay. From the report filter window, select the current week or next week and the employees to be included in the report. The following is a sample of the Employee's Weekly Work Schedule with Salary report
Employee Name:
T&A employee name.
Job Code:
Task number.
Clock in time scheduled - Clock out time scheduled. Total scheduled hours for the day.
Total Hours:
Total scheduled hours for the week.
Gross Pay:
Payable salary.
Maitre'D labor by employee code report shows detailed information such as the regular hours, overtime, and double hours of the employees and the payable salary related to it. This report is sorted by T&A employee code.
From the report filter window, select the appropriate week or custom date to be included in the report.
Each Time & Attendance employee shows up followed its time & attendance employee code and its POS Control server code if any.
Clock in date
Employee's clock in task
Employee's task rate
T&A department the task belongs to
Reg. Hours:
Regular worked hours
$ Reg.:
Payable salary for regular worked hours according to the employee's task rate
Over Hours:
Overtime worked hours
$ Over:
Payable salary for overtime worked hours according to the employee's task rate and overtime calculation setup
Double Hours:
Double time worked hours
$ Double:
Payable salary for double time worked hours according to the employee's task rate and overtime calculation setup
Other paid:
Other $ amount paid
Other code:
Reason code for other paid
Employee tip declaration
Maitre'D weekly detail by employee code with salary shows information on each employee time sheet with a summary of worked hours and payable salary for a specific week or date range. This report is sorted by T&A employee code. From the report filter window, select the appropriate week or custom date, the employee(s) to be included in the report.
For each T&A employee you get the following information:
Employee's task
Worked date
Time In:
Clock in time. The time is affected by your round up setup programmed under your Time & Attendance options and is also affected by an adjustment made by an authorized employee.
Time out:
Clock out time. The time is affected by your round up setup programmed under your Time & Attendance options and is also affected by an adjustment made by an authorized employee.
Reg. Hours:
Regular worked hours
Over Hours:
Overtime worked hours
Double Hours:
Double time worked hours
Employee rate for each employee punch
Payable salary for each employee punch.
Take note a total payable salary is also shown for all employees.
Maitre'D weekly summary with salary report shows information on worked hours for each T&A department for a specific week or date range. It details each employee name with its worked hours and payable salary for each T&A department. From the report filter window, select the appropriate week or custom date, the employee(s) and T&A department to be included in the report.
For each T&A department, you will find the following information:
T&A employee name
Reg. Hours:
Regular worked hours
Over Hours:
Overtime hours
Double Hours:
Double time hours
Total hours:
Total worked hours
Payable salary
Maitre'D schedule with salary report shows information on the scheduled hours for each T&A department with the employee name, assigned hours and payable salaries for the current week or the next week. It details each employee's schedule with the assigned task, hours and payable salary From the report filter window, select the current week or next week and the employee(s) to be included in the report.
Take note the first sections have a break down by department and the next sections have a break down by employee name.
T&A employee name
Reg. Hours:
Regular hours scheduled
Over Hours:
Overtime hours scheduled
Double Hours:
Double time hours scheduled
Task description
Scheduled date
Time in:
Clock in time scheduled
Time out:
Clock out time scheduled
Employee rate for each employee punch
Payable salary for each employee punch. Take note a total payable salary is also shown for all employees.
Maitre'D weekly detail by employee name shows information on each employee time sheet with a summary of worked hours for a specific week or date range. This report is sorted by T&A employee name. From the report filter window, select the appropriate week or custom date, the employee(s) to be included in the report.
For each T&A employee you get the following information:
Employee's task
Worked date
Time In:
Clock in time. The time is affected by your round up setup programmed under your Time & Attendance options and is also affected by an adjustment made by an authorized employee.
Time out:
Clock out time. The time is affected by your round up setup programmed under your Time & Attendance options and is also affected by an adjustment made by an authorized employee.
Reg. Hours:
Regular worked hours
Over Hours:
Overtime worked hours
Double Hours:
Double time worked hours
Total hours:
Total worked hours
Maitre'D labor task summary report shows detailed information such as the regular hours, overtime, and double hours for each T&A task and its payable salary. From the report filter window, select the appropriate week or custom date to be included in the report.
For each T&A task, the following information shows up:
T&A task description
Reg. Hours:
Regular worked hours
$ Reg.:
Payable salary for regular worked hours according to the employees' task rate
Over Hours:
Overtime worked hours
$ Over.:
Payable salary for overtime worked hours according to the employees' task rate and overtime calculation setup
Double Hours:
Double time worked hours
$ Double:
Payable salary for double time worked hours according to the employees' task rate and overtime calculation setup
Other paid:
Other $ amount paid to all employees
Employees tip declaration
Maitre'D labor department summary report shows detailed information such as the regular hours, overtime, and double hours for each T&A department and its payable salary. From the report filter window, select the appropriate week or custom date to be included in the report.
For each T&A department, the following information shows up:
T&A department description
Reg. Hours:
Regular worked hours
$ Reg.:
Payable salary for regular worked hours according to the employees' task rate
Over Hours:
Overtime worked hours
$ Over.:
Payable salary for overtime worked hours according to the employees' task rate and overtime calculation setup
Double Hours:
Double time worked hours
$ Double:
Payable salary for double time worked hours according to the employees' task rate and overtime calculation setup
Other paid:
Other $ amount paid to all employees
Employees tip declaration
Maitre'D coffee break by employee code report shows each employee break and its length. The report lets you know if the employee is still in its coffee break and if not, the report shows a comment to let you know if it was shorter or longer than your T&A pre-defined coffee break time. The report is sorted by employee code. From the report filter window, select the appropriate week or custom date and employee(s) to be included in the report.
Coffee break start date and time
Coffee break end date and time
Coffee break length
A check mark in that field indicates the employee completed the break
Remark that lets you know if the break was shorter or longer than your T&A pre-defined coffee break time.
Maitre'D coffee break by employee name report shows each employee break and its length. The report lets you know if the employee is still in its coffee break and if not, the report shows a comment to let you know if it was shorter or longer than your T&A pre-defined coffee break time. The report is sorted by employee name.
From the report filter window, select the appropriate week or custom date and employee(s) to be included in the report.
Coffee break start date and time
Coffee break end date and time
Coffee break length
A check mark in that field indicates the employee completed the break
Remark that lets you know if the break was shorter or longer than your T&A pre-defined coffee break time.
Maitre'D employees with tips performances report shows information on the performance for employees with tips, for a week. From the report filter window, select the starting date, employees, Revenue Centers and modes to be included in the report. The following is a sample of the employees with tips performances report
Employee number in P.O.S Control.
Employee name in Time & Attendance.
Sales amount.
Clients served.
Meals served.
Hours worked
Salary rate:
(((Sales * Tip rate) * Benefit rate) / Hours worked) + (Hourly rate * Benefit rate) + Hourly rate
Tip set in employee's rate.
Benefit set in employee's rate.
Avr. Bill:
Average sales per meal served.
Checks per hour paid.
Sales per hour paid.
Salary %:
Salary paid divided by sales.
Salary ($):
Hours multiplied by salary rate.
Maitre'D labor by employee name report shows detailed information such as the regular hours, overtime, and double hours of the employees and the payable salary related to it. This report is sorted by T&A employee name. From the report filter window, select the appropriate week or custom date to be included in the report.
Each Time & Attendance employee shows up followed its time & attendance employee code and its POS Control server code if any.
Clock in date
Employee's clock in task
Employee's task rate
T&A department the task belongs to
Reg. Hours:
Regular worked hours
$ Reg.:
Payable salary for regular worked hours according to the employee's task rate
Over Hours:
Overtime worked hours
$ Over:
Payable salary for overtime worked hours according to the employee's task rate and overtime calculation setup
Double Hours:
Double time worked hours
$ Double:
Payable salary for double time worked hours according to the employee's task rate and overtime calculation setup
Other paid:
Other $ amount paid
Other code:
Reason code for other paid
Employee tip declaration
Maitre'D Activity report shows each
From the report filter window, select the appropriate day of the week, time period and time slice to be included in the report. Take note we only go back 7 days.
Beginning time your time slice
Ending time of your time slice
Net sales
Amount of customers
Labor hours:
Total labor hours worked by all employees that were clocked in for the time slice.
NOTE: The minutes are printed as percentage of an hour.
Payable salary for all employees that were clocked in for that time slice
Labor cost:
Salary divided by Sales multiply by 100
Average / Customer:
Average $ amount per customer seat. Sales divided Customers
Production ratio:
Sales divided by Labor Hours
Customers ratio:
Customers divided by Labor Hours
The following is a sample of the P13-P14 Form
The following is a sample of the I9 Form
The following is a sample of the W-4 Form