From PayFacto, you need to buy the Accounts Receivable module.
Sequence of events in Accounts Receivable module Accounts Receivables/Files/Clients (see Files section) Server Control/View/Options – Receivable branch P.O.S. Control/Employees/Configuration – Payment branch Create A/R cards.
Here you need to set the Server Control module to know that the Accounts Receivable module is managed from Maitre'D. In the Server Control module, select View/Options - Receivable branch.
Enable Local from the drop down list because the Account Receivable module makes you manage the Receivable from Maitre'D
Print Balance
Enable this option if you want to print the actual balance of the customer on the sale's receipt.
Print tip and total
Enable this option to print the tip and total lines on the receivable customer's check.
Display Balance
Enable this option to display the Accounts Receivable Balance under the account's number and name when accessing an Account through the Receivable button on the workstation's Server Number screen.
You have to allow access to the Receivable media type for each employee configuration of every employee allowed to close a guest check as a receivable from P.O.S Control/Employee/Configuration, and touch the Payment branch. From the media type menu, select the "RECEIVABLE" media Type. This media type is a reserved media type that you will find as the 49th record of the media type database. You must use this record for receivable.
NOTE: You don't have to set the Account Receivable \ View \ Options screens. This configuration is needed only when you wish to use this module as in interface to other accounting packages.
This option lets you choose whether you want to see toolbar (all the icons at the top of your screens) or not. This selection toggles from enable and disable. When there is a check mark besides the option, the option is enabled and you will see the toolbar.
This option let you choose whether you want to see status bar (the line located at the bottom of your screen) or not. This selection toggles from enable and disable. When there is a check mark besides the option, the option is enabled and you will see the status bar.
Enable from the drop-down menu, your main bank account. When you do a Daily Deposit, the Deposit amount will be entered into this account.
Delivery Charge
Enable from the drop-down menu the account the delivery charge will be entered into.
Excluded Service
Enable from the drop-down menu the account the excluded service will be entered into.
Account Payable
Enable from the drop-down menu the first Account Payable account number.
Enable from the drop-down menu the first Asset account number.
Enable from the drop-down menu the first Liability account number.
Owner Capital
Enable from the drop-down menu the first Owner Capital account number.
Enable from the drop-down menu the first Earning account number.
Enable from the drop-down menu the first Expense account number.
Accounting Interface
Enable from the drop-down menu, the appropriate accounting interface according to your accounting system. If your accounting system does not show on the list, select the ASCII interface.
When you make a daily deposit, the system will create an export file. Enter in this field where you want this file to be store on your drive (for example: C:\DEPOSIT).
Company File
Use the folder icon to point to the file QuickBooks uses to store the data.
NOTE: This file must use the .qbw extension
Source code
Enter here the source code needed for the accounting software. This field is used only with ACCPAC accounting interface.
Last Date
This is the last date that the daily deposit was done. When you are setting the Accounting interface module for the first time, enter the previous date from when you will start to do Daily Deposit.
Deposit Number
This is the number of the last daily deposit sent to the accounting software. Enter 0 when you are setting the Accounting Interface module for the first time.
The Customers option from the File menu allows to add, modify or remove members from the Accounts Receivable database.
This key allows to modify information on Accounts Receivable customer's record. Select the record to modify and click on the MODIFY key. The Accounts Receivable customer's record will display and you will be allowed to change any field.
This key allows to add a new customer record to the A/R database. When you click this button, a blank account record will display asking to enter the basic information for that customer.
This key allows to delete a customer record from the Accounts Receivable database. Select the record to delete and click on the REMOVE key. A warning message will prompt you for a confirmation to delete that record. Click on OK to delete this record.
Enter the Accounts Receivable customer code that will be used at the workstation when closing a check. This code can be alphanumeric.
Enter the customer full name.
Address 1, 2, and 3
Enter the complete customer address in the three available lines.
Postal Code
Enter the zip code for the address.
If this Accounts Receivable is a company, you can enter a reference name.
Enter the phone number of the customer.
Enable this option to make this account unavailable on the workstation and statements instead of deleting it.
% To Account
When you swipe an Account receivable card, enter the % of the check amount that will be applied to this account. The remaining amount must be close using another media type. Set this field to 0.00 to disable the function.
Auto discount
Select the discount you want to apply automatically to this customer.
NOTE: For the automatic discount to work only with A/R customer cards, disable this discount in P.O.S. Control / Employees / Configuration / Discount and enable the Discount on Card Only option in P.O.S. Control / Employees / Configuration / Invoice / Payment.
Revenue Center
Select the revenue center to switch to when this customer's account is used on a fast-food transaction, thus applying special member's only prices.
NOTE: You must also enable the Change Revenue Center option and set the Revenue Center Switch to Anytime in P.O.S. Control / Employees / Configuration / Order / Command. You can also enable the Discount on Card Only option in P.O.S. Control / Employees / Invoice / Payment to limit this special to card bearing members only.
Credit Limit
Enter the customer credit limit. This limit will be verified when you make a charge for that customer.
Amount Due,Total Amount,Available Credit
NOTE: You will not be able to edit the "Amount Due, Total Amount and Available Credit" fields. These fields are updated every time an A/R transaction is made for that record.
Frequent Diner
If this customer is a member of your Frequent Diner database, select his record from the drop-down list.
NOTE: If Custom Cards are used for Frequent Diner cards and Account Receivables cards, the custom card definition has to be setup in the A/R media type # 49 only, and the Frequent Diner numbers have to include all digits of the cards, even if some leading characters are the same on all cards. The employee have to touch the Frequent Diner button and only then swipe the card.
The Finalize Statement option allows to remove all previously printed transactions from future statements. Type "YES" to confirm the operation. All these transactions will be part of the previous balance amount on the customer statement. This operation only apply to the transactions printed from the Report Center Module, they will still be accessible from the Account Receivable Module according to the No. of Days to keep trans. hist.field
The Accounts Receivable \ Tools \ Credit Cards option allows to create A/R Credit Cards for A/R customers. With this feature, a server can swipe a customer A/R Credit Card at the media type screen and Maitre'D will recognize from this card the A/R account of your customer. To create A/R Credit Card, you need to have a card creator device connected to your Maitre'D server. To install a card creator, please refer to the System Configuration module manual. Enable this option
Enable from the drop-down menu the A/R customer that you are creating a credit card for and click on the OK key to activate the card creator device connected to your Maitre'D server.
The Accounts Receivable module allows to manage your customers' accounts. This module allows to close a customer check in a customer receivable account. In order to access this module, click on the Accounts Receivable icon on the screen of the Back-Office or of the module you are in.
After selecting the Accounts Receivable option, the Accounts Receivable menu displays.
This option allows to see specific guest checks that have been close as a receivable. When you select that option,
Enable from the drop-down menu the A/R customer for whom you wish to view a specific check and click on the OK key to access that record.
Date column displays transaction date.
Reference column displays Invoice number of the transaction.
Sales column displays transaction total sales + taxes.
Tips column displays gratuity applies on the transaction.
Tax column displays total tax amount apply on the transaction.
Total column displays transaction total sales + taxes + gratuity.
This key allows to view on screen and print a specific receivable check from this customer. Select the transaction to view and click on the PRINT key. The transaction detail will display on the screen allowing to print it.
This option allows to manually enter transactions on an account. There are three types of transaction that can be entered: check, credit or charge.
Select from the drop-down menu the A/R customer that you are entering transactions for and click on the OK button to access that record.
This button allows to add a new transaction entry to this customer record. When you select this button, you will be prompt asking to edit every field for the new entry.
Enter the date of the entry.
Enter the amount of the entry.
Enter in this field any references for the entry such as check number, mini-descriptions like adjustment or error.
Enable from the drop-down menu, the type of entry. There are three different types: Charge, Check or credit.
This button allows you to modify information on the transaction entry. Select the entry that you want to edit and click on the MODIFY button. The transaction entry will be displayed and you will be allowed to change any field.
This button allows to delete a transaction entry from the customer record. Select the entry to remove and click on the DELETE button. A warning message will prompt you for a confirmation to delete that entry. Click on OK to remove this entry.
Software Requirement
Enable this option to export the transactions that were settled with accounts receivable.
The resulting TRANSAC.ASC file is a comma delimited ASCII file where each line represents one record. This file is appended and will contain all Account Receivable transactions currently in the system. Here is an example of one record and the structure of the file:
Restaurant Number (System Configuration \ View \ Option, Extended Code field)
Receivable Account Customer Code from BTREE
Transaction Date (yyyymmdd)
Transaction Total Amount
Transaction Charge Amount
Transaction Discount Amount
Invoice Number
Transaction Type
The Log option allows to start and view operations traces about Account Receivable Module.
Log Level
Three different Log level are available, Standard, Detail and Debug. This option is for trouble shooting purpose and should be use only with the supervision of your Maitre'D reseller.
Use the View Key to access to log file .