Enable this option to update Sales Units in real time and appear in the meter section on the server financial report. The servers can declare the value of the meters at the start and end of their shift. Otherwise, Permanent Meters will not be functional.
The detailed meter report contains meters sold by 15 minutes intervals. Enable this option to have the report in 30 minutes intervals instead.
Enable this option to use the price encoded within the barcode instead of the price defined in the sales item setup.
The first digit of the barcode must be 2 and the first seven digits are tested to find the corresponding items. Digits 8 through 11 are used as the item price. See the UPC guideline # 11 for more details on barcodes.
Enable this option to manually enter the sales item cost for each item, in Point of Sale Control > Revenue Center > Items Setup... > [Select an item] > Configuration > [Select a configuration] > Price and Cost > Cost. Leave this options disabled to use the cost value calculated by the Inventory Management module.
NOTE: This option works only if the Inventory Management Module is available on your Maitre'D License.
Enable this option to request the daily deposit before starting the end of day. When the end of day is started, the user will automatically be prompted to enter a daily deposit amount. The amount entered will appear in the daybook reports with the daily balance.
Enable this option to force the entry of a PLU code link every time a new sales item is created.
Enable this option for businesses that operate 24 hours a day. This will allow the end of day to run with open checks or tables. Any open checks or tables are automatically transferred to the next fiscal day.
Enable this option to calculate inclusive taxes for the European, UK and Australian markets.
Enable this option to calculate the Value Added Tax on the invoice total instead of per item.
NOTE: The European Operation option also need to be enabled.
Enable this option to count the number of meals on the activity report. For more information on counting the Number of Meals, refer to the Items Setup Options. Disable this option to display the customer count on the activity report instead. (Servers enter the number of customers when they enter orders.)
Enable this option to have the Hostess function manage the sections of the restaurant, including table verification, floor plan, section assignment, smoking status, number of customers seated and seating availability. Otherwise, the Hostess function will work in the "Control Buffet" mode.
You can calculate Item/Division discounts with two inclusive taxes using the same method as in European Operation option. With this option enabled, Maitre'D extracts the inclusive taxes from the sales item price before the discount is calculated. With this option disabled, Maitre'D calculates the discount before extracting the inclusive taxes.
Enable this option to allow the use of Fast Cash buttons lower than the check total multiple times. Every time a Fast Cash button is touched, if the button is not enough to close the invoice, this amount will be cumulated with the next Fast Cash button. Once the total cumulated amount is enough to cover the check total, the payment will be accepted.
Activate this option to disable the Temporary Withdrawal option of all items for the next fiscal day so that they can be sold again from the External Order System (EOS) and the Points of Sales.
Activate this option to automatically close external (web) orders during the End-of-Day process. This will only affect orders which already have a payment applied. Unpaid orders will remain open.
Related Topics
Set the number of revenue centers that will be used. The default number is 4. The minimum is 1 and the maximum is 32. Examples of common revenue centers include "Dining Room", "Take Out", "Bar", "Delivery", etc. Revenue centers are sometimes referred to as "profit centers".
NOTE: For changes to the number of revenue centers to take effect, workstation data ned to be re-created. (Server Control > Workstation > All Workstation Data)
Select a multiple of 4 modes up to a maximum of 32. Modes can be used in many different ways. Typically, modes represent price points for sales items.
This field refers to the number of tables, and the actual table numbers, used in the Maitre'D POS system. A maximum of 9,999 tables is available. If you intend to create sections, and assign numbers in each section, you could set up 500 tables and use 101, 102, 103 ... for section 1 and 201, 202, 203 ... for section 2. Order numbers begin with the next number after the number programmed here. (e.g. # of tables = 500 order # begin at 501).
From the drop-down list, select a 0% tax that will be assigned to non-taxable divisions. This entry will also be used to replace the usual taxes on a check, for tax exempt customers.
NOTE: To use this feature, also enable the Non Taxable option in Point of Sale Control > Employees > Configuration > [Select a Config] > Invoice.
This field cannot be modified. On a new installation or following a sales deletion, this value will be set to 100000. This value will increase by 1 every time a check is printed. In normal use, this field tells you what is the last check number that was printed by Maitre'D and gives a rough idea of how many checks were printed since the first day the system was used.
Select the main language to be used at the point of sale workstations. This will be the default language that is used on the POS screens before the employee logs in. For this language to also be used after the employee logs in, enable the Main Language option from Point of Sale Control > Employees > Employees > [Select employee] > POS Operation > Option.
Select an alternate language to be used by employees after they logon to the POS workstation.
For the second language to also be used after the employee logs in, disable the Main Language option from Point of Sale Control > Employees > Employees > [Select employee] > POS Operation > Option.
Related Topics
Accessing Options for the Point of Sale Control Module
POS Control - Configuration
POS Control Configuration - Option
POS Control Configuration - POS
POS Control - Check
POS Control - Printing
POS Control - Security
POS Control - Gratuity Distribution
POS Control - Home Page
Follow these steps to access the Point of Sale Control module options:
Logon to the Maitre’D Back-Office with appropriate credentials. (Distributor or System Owner)
Start the Point of Sale Control module.
Click on the View menu and select the Options... option.
The Point of Sale Control module's options window opens on the Configuration branch.
Proceed to the following topic(s) for detailed information on each option.
Related Topics
Enable this option so that the Print Check screen on the touchscreen workstation includes an option allowing servers to print the totals by customer.
Enable this option to print taxes on the receipt.
Enable this option so that payment receipts do not contain any amounts pertaining to the total due or payment media used. Otherwise, the normal receipt is printed with the amount of the guest check.
Enable this option to print the invoice number in a bar code format. The check can be recognized using a bar code scanner at the terminal.
NOTE: Make sure that the printer can print bar codes by configuring appropriate settings under Point of Sale Control > Workstation > Printer Type > Setup.
Enable this option to force the printout of a receipt every time a discount is applied to a check.
Enable this option to show the total of the inclusive taxes above the check total.
NOTE: This is printed only if the taxes do not have the Separate Printout option enabled in Point of Sale Control > Payments > Taxes > Options.
Enable this option to spell out the total amount on every invoice, as required in Mexico.
NOTE: You also need to set the Language field to Second Language and the Second Language field to Espanol in Point of Sale Control > View > Options > Configuration.
Enable this option to print main priced items separately from included components and regular sales items on the guest's check when Special Menu Settings are validated.
NOTE: The Use Special Menu option must also be enabled in Point of Sale Control > Employees > Configuration > Order > Special Menu. Also, Combos are not compatible with this option.
Enable this option to reprint a fully detailed duplicate of a closed check with the settlement information when touching the Print button on the Close screen, instead of only a receipt with the total and settlement.
Enable this option to prevent guest checks from printing.
NOTE: This option cannot be used in jurisdictions where any form of Sales Recording Module or fiscal printer is required. Please check with local fiscal authorities before using this option.
Related Topics
Enable this option to use redirection table to direct the printing route of various logical printer per mode.
Enable this option to use automatic redirection table by revenue center instead of mode.
Enable this option to print the courses on separated chits on the shared printers. Disable it to print them on the same chit.
Enable this option to use a slightly different looking check printout.
Enable this option to remove any extraneous line feeds on checks and reduce the amount of paper used.
Enable this option to eliminate the printing of previously ordered items in the kitchen when reopening a closed check.
NOTE: Both the Void Item and Cancel/Re-Open Check options must be enabled in Point of Sale Control > Employees > Configuration > Invoice > Cancellation.
Enable this option to get the same check settlement information on checks and receipts generated by a Bartender as on those generated with the Fast-Food and Order functions, with the mandatory amount tender on a running bill opened with a customer name.
NOTE: If the Print button is used, the check prints normally and does not reprint when applying payment.
Enable this option to print the control items indented under the included sales items on the kitchen coupon when Special Menu Settings are validated.
NOTE: The Alternate Printout option above must also be enabled, as well as the Use Special Menu option in Point of Sale Control > Employees > Configuration > Order > Special Menu.
Enable this option to allow modifiers attached to a main item to control how the item is printed on kitchen printers. For example, a revenue item could be configured not to print on any kitchen printers. However, if a modifier is ordered with that item and that the modifier is set to print to the kitchen, the main item would then be printed at the same printer as its modifier.
NOTE: Items that are affected by modifier exception printing will be printed separately, even if compilation is in use.
Enable this option to ensure that revenue items ordered as modifiers are properly placed under the main item that called them on the kitchen chit.
NOTE: This option is especially useful when working with combo meals, where revenue items are treated as modifiers under the main combo item.
Enable this option to ensure that revenue items prints to all printers configured for that item, even if ordered as a modifier.
NOTE: This option is especially useful when working with combo meals, where revenue items are treated as modifiers under the main combo item.
These options apply to print jobs coming from mobile devices such as Adroid or iOS tablets.
Select the workstation that is responsible for handling print jobs send by mobile devices.
Set the polling interval (in seconds) at which the workstation will check for print jobs from mobile devices.
These settings apply to systems using the EFSTA Fiscal Register to record sales data and print fiscal signatures on receipts.
NOTE: Set the proper Sales Recording Module in System Configuration > View > Options > Devices.
Type the TCP port number used by the EFR server. The default value is 5618. However, please verify the actual setting in your EFR server installation to be sure to use the correct value.
Enable this option to print a QR code containing the fiscal data on the receipt.
NOTE: To print QR Codes, an ESC/POS Compatible printer must be used. The printer also needs to support QR Codes specifically. Older printer models, such as the Epson TM-T88III does not support QR Codes. QR Codes are supported by the TM-T88IV or later models.
ESC/POS codes also need to be configured in Point of Sale Control > Workstation > Printer Type... > [your printer] > QR Code.
Related Topics
Enable this option to use the built-in default local home page for the Point of Sale Control module.
The Use Default option needs to be disabled for this field to become accessible. Enter the URL of the webpage that will be used to replace the default local home page for the Point of Sale Control module.
Enter the user name to access the Maitre'D Databoard server.
Enter the password to access the Maitre'D Databoard server.
Confirm Password
Confirm the password to access the Maitre'D Databoard server.
Related Topics
Enable this option to display the Update button on the main screen of the workstation. This button allows to update the workstation after changes to the system from the Back-Office have been made. The Update button allows to update without having to open or access a guest check.
Enable this option to display the items separately. This option is useful if you setup an automatic item discount of type two for one or many for one. These discounts work only if the quantity stays at one. Leave it disabled to allow the items to have a modifiable quantity.
Enable this option to allow the use of the plus (+) and multiply (*) buttons on the media amount entry screen to use multiple instances of the same media type. For example, if you have 2 gift certificates of different amounts, you can use the plus button to add them together and enter a total amount of gift certificates, instead of manually adding 2 amounts before entering their total at the workstation.
NOTE: This feature also allows the use of the plus (+) button on the Promotion Amount screen to add multiple instances of the same discount.
Enable this option for the system to prompt you with a confirmation message ("yes" or "no") when you manually attempt to release a table.
Enable this option to quickly choose an employee from a list displayed on the workstation instead of entering the employee number every time.
NOTE: If the employee list is not displayed, press the ENTER button on the server number screen.
Enable this option in markets where low-denomination coins were removed from circulation, like Canada and Australia. With this option enabled, cash transactions are rounded to the nearest multiple of $0.05. The rounding is displayed on the Amount Received and Change screens, and printed on the Check and Receipt. Transactions made with payment cards, gift cards or other methods of payment are unaffected.
Enable this option to enable the replacement of the Tare option by the Volume Modifier option for liquor control when setting an item's function as Price Rolled Up.
Enable this option not to prompt for modifiers again when upsizing a main item with modifiers.
NOTE: If these modifiers are setup with their own upsizes, they will be used. If not, they will remain the same.
Enable this option to force item with the Open Price option to be ordered at their default price point without displaying the numeric keypad. This allows third-party interfaces to change prices for those items in the back-office without affecting items that have previously been ordered on checks or bar tabs that are still open.
Enable this option to sort the list of discounts alphabetically on the point of sale. If this option is left disabled, the discounts will be sorted by their internal ID number.
Enable this option to use the high-definition, HTML-Based user interface for point of sale workstations. Disable this option to keep using the legacy user interface.
NOTE: The Advanced POS UI requires more resources than the Legacy POS UI. Use of the Advanced POS UI is recommended with high-end POS hardware.
Enter the number of seconds after the end of the transaction before the line display shows the promotion lines setup in Point of Sale Control > Revenue Center > Options > Messages.
Enter the number of seconds after the request for an external custom Crystal Report on the workstation before displaying a Timeout During Report Generation prompt.
Enter the number of days that will be available for the service speed report, in the report center. Valid values are between 30 and 365, inclusively.
Related Topics
Enable this option to allow the use of pre-programmed card for employees. The Maitre'D will look for the password associated with that card instead of the server number and password. Make sure that you are using a card with a password that is not currently used by another valid server because the system will use the first employee that is using this password in the employee database.
Enable this option enable the Manager Takeover functionality. This gives the managers the possibility to momentarily take over a table already accessed by another employee without having to exit from the table and re-enter it.
Security Level
Enable this option to use up to 6 security levels. "6" is the highest and "1" is the lowest. These security levels control entry to the system's employee files.
NOTE: You can configure an individual's security level in the Security field in Time & Attendance > File > Employee.
Server Assignment
Enable this option to assign servers to a specific Point of Sales. If you assign an employee to a workstation, he will only be able to work from that Point of Sales. The employees that are not assigned will be able to use all workstations. The selected Point of Sales an employee is allowed to work on is saved in the Workstation field of Point of Sale Control / Employees / Employees... / POS Operation.
NOTE: For a Manager or Head Server to use this feature from the workstation, enable both the Manager Functions option in Point of Sale Control > Employee > Configuration > Functions as well as the Assign Waiter option in Point of Sale Control > Employees > Configuration > Functions > Setup.
Use Security Algorithm
Enable this option to print on every guest's check a Security Algorithm number required for fiscal verification.
NOTE: This option is to be used only in Belgium.
Force Employee Card Swipe
Enable this option to force employees to use their magnetic cards, and disable their passwords.
NOTE: It is not possible to use magnetic cards for employees and biometrics devices on the same system. Also, this option disables the Change Password function on the workstation.
Generate Text File
Click this button to create a security file in Belgium.
NOTE: This button is available only if the Use Security Algorithm is enabled. You can specify a location to save this file in the Security Files Path line of System Configuration > View > Options > Directories. This button is not used in El Salvador.
Enable this option to force employees to use the biometrics device, and disable their passwords.
Biometric T&A Punch Only
Enable this option to force employees to use the biometrics device when they punch in, and disable the server's passwords, even if the employee record is linked to a server number and that server number does not need the biometrics device to order.
Biometric as Validation Device
Enable this option to use the biometrics device only to validate an employee's identity instead of a password. The employee will still have to enter his server number on the workstation to identify himself, but when the password is required, he will touch the biometrics device instead of entering his password. The same will apply when punching in or out with the Time & Attendance module.
Display Acquired Fingerprint
Enable this option to show on screen the real fingerprint scanned instead of a default generic image during the biometrics capture.
NOTE: This option is only available with the Authentec Biometrics Reader device.
Enter the inactivity delay, in minutes, before the workstation will exit any table screen a server has left open for a long period of time, and comes back to the server Login screen. If there are items selected but yet to be ordered, or if the screen is currently displaying the hostess' floor plan, the workstation will not go back to the Login screen. Setting this field to 0 will disable this feature.
NOTE: This field can be superseded by the Inactivity Override and Inactivity Seconds fields of Point of Sale Control > Employees > Configuration > General, but this Inactivity Minutes field must be different than Zero (0) for these two other fields to take effect.
Drawer Warning
Enter the inactivity delay, in second, before the workstation will start beeping if the cash drawer is left open for a long period of time. Setting this field to 0 will disable this feature.
Related Topics
Enable this option to print the percentages of tips owed to other employees on the server's reading.
Enter the percentage used to calculate the amount owed to the buss people. This percentage is applied on the Net Sales.
Enter the percentage used to calculate the amount owed to the employees seating guests. This percentage is applied on the Net Sales.
Enter the percentage used to calculate the amount owed to other employees in the same section. This percentage is applied on sales transferred from any other employee.
Enter the percentage used to calculate the amount owed to Bartenders. This percentage is applied on divisions where the Gratuity Distribution option is enabled.
NOTE: To use a division in this calculation, enable the Gratuity Distribution option in Point of Sale Control > Revenue Center > Division > Option.
Select the type of sales figures to use as a base for the calculation of the gratuity distribution.
Select Net Sales if the gratuity distribution should be calculated based on the sales without taxes.
Select Gross Sales if the gratuity distribution should be calculated based on the sales including taxes.
Related Topics